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  • Model for Glauber-type calculations of beam fragmentation at low energies
    2025, 49(5): 054106-054106-7. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/adb2fc
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    In this study, a Glauber-type model for describing nuclear fragmentation in light targets at energies below 100 $A\cdot$MeV is presented. It is developed based on the Glauber model within the nucleon transparent limit, in which the Lorentz-invariant phase space factor is introduced to account for energy and momentum conservation. Accordingly, the scope of the applicability of the model is discussed. The longitudinal momentum distributions of the most neutron-rich nuclei (10Be, 9Li, and 8He), which were produced in a few nucleon removal reactions during the 11B fragmentation of a Be target at beam energies of 10, 30, and 100 $A\cdot$MeV, are calculated. The results of the calculations are then compared to the predictions of statistical fragmentation models, such as the Goldhaber model. Using the new model, the asymmetric longitudinal momentum distributions at low energies are explained by the kinematical locus and geometry of the reaction.
  • Neutrino observables in gauged ${\boldsymbol U({\bf 1})_{\boldsymbol L_{\boldsymbol\alpha}- {\boldsymbol L}_{\boldsymbol\beta}} }$ models with two Higgs doublet and one singlet scalars
    2025, 49(5): 053003-053003-11. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/adabce
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    We discuss neutrino sector in models with two Higgs doublet and one singlet scalar fields under local $ U(1)_{L_\alpha- L_\beta} $ symmetry. A neutrino mass matrix is formulated for these models via a type-I seesaw mechanism by introducing right-handed neutrinos. The neutrino mass matrix has more degrees of freedom than minimal scenarios that have only one new scalar field, but its structure is still restricted by symmetry. Subsequently, we find that the sum of neutrino mass can be lower than that of minimal scenarios and easily satisfies observed constraints. In addition, we can fit neutrino data for $ U(1)_{L_e - L_{\mu(\tau)}} $ cases that are disfavored in minimal models. Furthermore, some correlations among sum of neutrino mass and CP violating phases are still observed, although we have more free parameters.
  • Effect of nucleus deformation on final-state flow harmonics
    2025, 49(5): 054110-054110-13. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/adb306
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    In this study, we explore the effect of the deformation of nuclei on collective flow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The parameter associated with the geometrical deformation in the Glauber model is tuned to reproduce the empirical multiplicity probability distributions correctly. Subsequently, the particle spectra and collective flows for Au+Au and U+U collisions are evaluated using a hybrid hydrodynamic code CHESS. We analyze the effects of the degrees of freedom associated with the initial conditions on the final-state flow harmonics by exploring the parameter space of U+U collisions. The connection between the deformation parameters, specifically $ \beta_2 $ and $ \beta_4 $, and the flow anisotropies is scrutinized. In particular, deviations in elliptic flow at $ p_{\mathrm{T}}\sim 2 $ GeV are observed at smaller values of $ \beta_2 $in Au+Au collisions. In contrast, for U+U collisions, the averaged overall flow harmonics are found to be less sensitive to geometrical parameters. Despite the difference in model specifications, our findings largely confirm those obtained in previous studies employing different approaches, which indicate that flow harmonics can be used as a sensible probe for initial geometry fluctuations and to discriminate between different theoretical models.
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ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4

Original research articles, Ietters and reviews Covering theory and experiments in the fieids of

  • Particle physics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Particle and nuclear astrophysics
  • Cosmology
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