For the sake of simplicity, we consider the spherically symmetric spacetimes, whose metric possess the form
$ {\rm d}s^2=-h(r){\rm d}t^2+\frac{{\rm d}r^2}{f(r)}+r^2\left({\rm d}\theta^2+\sin^2\theta {\rm d}\varphi^2\right) . $
(1) For the Schwarzschild black hole, we have
$ f(r)=h(r)=1-\frac{2M_S}{r} , $
(2) where
$ M_S $ and$ r_p=2M_S $ are the mass and horizon of the black hole, respectively. The tortoise coordinate$r_*= \int {\rm d}r/ \sqrt{fh}$ reads$ r_*=r+r_S\log\left(\dfrac{r}{r_S}-1\right) $ .For the stars with uniform density
$ \rho=\dfrac{3M_S}{4\pi r_b^3} $ , where$ r_b $ is the radial coordinate of the star's surface, the metricis idential to Eq. (2) for the outside region$ r \ge r_b $ . On the inside of the star ($ r<r_b $ ) [58],$ \begin{aligned}[b] f(r)=&1-\frac{2M(r)}{r} ,\\ h(r)=&\frac{1}{4}\left(3\sqrt{1-\frac{2M(r)}{r}}-\sqrt{1-\frac{2M(r)r^2}{r_b^3}}\right)^2 ,\\ M(r)=&\int^r_04\pi r'^2 \rho {\rm d}r'=M_S\frac{r^3}{r_b^3} ,\\ p(r)=&-\rho\left(\frac{\sqrt{1-\dfrac{2M(r)}{r}}-\sqrt{1-\dfrac{2M(r)r^2}{r_b^3}}}{3\sqrt{1-\dfrac{2M(r)}{r}}-\sqrt{1-\dfrac{2M(r)r^2}{r_b^3}}}\right) . \end{aligned} $
(3) For the tortoise coordinate, the constant of integration is chosen so that
$ r_*(r=0)=0 $ .Using the method of seperation of variables, the axial gravitational perturbations are governed by [59]
$ \begin{aligned}[b] &\frac{\partial^2\Psi}{\partial r^2}-\frac{\partial^2\Psi}{\partial t^2}-V(r)\Psi=0 ,\\ &V_\text{star}(r)=\frac{h}{r^3}\left(L(L+1)r+4\pi(\rho-p)r^3-6M\right) ,\\ &V_\text{BH}(r)=\frac{h}{r^3}\left(L(L+1)r-6M_S\right) . \end{aligned} $
(4) At spatial infinity, the boundary condition dictates that waveform Ψ is a symptotic outgoing wave. For black holes, Ψ must be an asymptotic ingoing wave at the horizon. For stars, the wave function must be regular at the center of the star, and the junction conditions at the star's surface reads
$ \begin{aligned}[b] \Psi_\text{inside}(r_b)=&\Psi_\text{outside}(r_b) ,\\ \partial_r\Psi_\text{inside}(r_b)=&\partial_r\Psi_\text{outside}(r_b) ,\\ \text{or}\; \; \; \; \partial_{r_*}\Psi_\text{inside}(r_b)=&\partial_{r_*}\Psi_\text{outside}(r_b) , \end{aligned} $
(5) if the effective potential is not divergent at the surface.
In the proposed scheme, as shown in the left plots of Figs. 1 and 2, the initial conditions are given at the spatial surface
$ t=0 $ , namely,$ \Psi(t=0) $ and$ \partial_t\Psi(t=0) $ . Subsequently, the spacetime coordinates in$ r_* $ and t are discretized, and the partial derivatives are approximated by first-order finite differences. Specifically,$t_i=t_0+{\rm i}\Delta t$ ,$ r_{*j}=r_{*0}+ j\Delta r_* $ ,$ \Psi^i_j=\Psi(t=t_i,r_*=r_{*j}) $ , and$V_j=V (r_*=r_{*j})$ ; the master equation (Eq. (4)) becomesFigure 1. (color online) Grid layouts of two FDM implementations in the case of a black hole. The left plot corresponds to the proposed scheme in
$ (r_*, t) $ coordinates, and the right plot is that in the conventional$ (u, v) $ coordinates. The black points are the grids to which the initial conditions are assigned, and one uses the iteration process to evaluate the red points, as described in the text.Figure 2. (color online) The same as Fig. 1 but for the case of a star. Here, the light blue points correspond to the star's surface
$ r=r_b $ , which should be evaluated according to the iteration process is described in the text.$ \begin{aligned}[b] \Psi^{i+1}_j=&-\Psi^{i-1}_j+\frac{\Delta t^2}{\Delta r_*^2}\left(\Psi^i_{j-1}+\Psi^{i-1}_j\right) \\ &+\left(2-2\frac{\Delta t^2}{\Delta r_*^2}-\Delta t^2V_j\right)\Psi^i_j . \end{aligned} $
(6) For the stars, the junction condition in Eq. (5) reads
$ \frac{\Psi^i_{j_b}-\Psi^i_{j_b-1}}{\Delta r_*}=\frac{\Psi^i_{j_b+1}-\Psi^i_{j_b}}{\Delta r_*} , $
$ \Psi^i_{j_b-1}=\Psi_\text{inside}(r_*=r_{*0}+(j_b-1)\Delta r_*) $ ,$ \Psi^i_{j_b+1}= \Psi_\text{outside}(r_*=r_{*0}+(j_b+1)\Delta r_*) $ , and$ \Psi^i_{j_b}=\Psi_\text{inside}(r_*=r_{*0}+ j_b\Delta r_*)=\Psi_\text{outside}(r_*=r_{*0}+j_b\Delta r_*) $ , so that$ \Psi^i_{j_b}=\frac{1}{2}\left(\Psi^i_{j_b+1}+\Psi^i_{j_b-1}\right) , $
(7) where subscript b indicates that the grid is on the star's surface.
The temporal evolution is performed by iterating from both boundaries toward the center. Usually, Eq. (6) is utilized to determine the grid values for the next time step, except for those on the star's surface where the iteration formula would involve grids on both sides of the surface. For the latter case, Eq. (7) is considered instead to determine the value of the wave function on the surface; then, the calculation is resumed with Eq. (6). To avoid the von Neumann instability [51, 52], we choose
$ \dfrac{\Delta t^2}{\Delta r_*^2}+ \dfrac{\Delta t^2}{4}V_\text{max}<1 $ .Alternatively, one can explore the problem in the Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates
$ u=t-r_*, v=t+r_* $ . The grid distributions are illustrated on the right of Figs. 1 and 2. Although the discretization of the master equation is carried out in a different coordinate system, as discussed below, it is noted that the essential difference from the conventional approach resides in the boundary conditions. Specifically, in the case of the black hole metric, the free boundary condition is adopted instead of assigning to the line$ v=0 $ . In terms of the Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates, the master equation (Eq. (4)) can be rewritten as$ \frac{\partial^2\Psi}{\partial u\partial v}+\frac{1}{4}V(r)\Psi=0 . $
(8) Similarly, one denotes
$v_i=v_0+{\rm i}\Delta v$ ,$u_j=u_0+{\rm i}\Delta u$ ,$ \Psi^i_j=\Psi(v_i, u_j) $ , and$ V^i_j=V(v_i,u_j) $ ; therefore, the discritized equation is found to be$ \Psi^{i+1}_{j+1}=-\Psi^i_j+\left(1-\frac{\Delta^2}{8}V^i_j\right)\left(\Psi^{i}_{j+1}+\Psi^{i+1}_{j}\right) , $
(9) where
$ \Delta v=\Delta u=\Delta $ is considered. The iteration can be carried out as the value of a grid point is determined by three grid points to the immediate west, south, and south-west of the grid in question.In the case of a star, again, the above procedure breaks when the iteration involves grids on both sides of the star's surface, which is a straight line of 45°. Regarding the relation
$ \partial_{r_*}=\dfrac{\partial u}{\partial{r_*}}\partial_u+\dfrac{\partial v}{\partial{r_*}}\partial_v $ , the junction condition can be rewritten as$ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} \partial_u\Psi_\text{inside}-\partial_v\Psi_\text{inside}=\partial_u\Psi_\text{outside}-\partial_v\Psi_\text{outside} , \end{array} $
and therefore, its form using finite difference reads
$ \begin{aligned}[b] &\frac{\Psi^{i_b}_{j_b}-\Psi^{i_b}_{j_b-1}}{\Delta}-\frac{\Psi^{i_b+1}_{j_b}-\Psi^{i_b}_{j_b}}{\Delta} \\ =&\frac{\Psi^{i_b}_{j_b+1}-\Psi^{i_b}_{j_b}}{\Delta}-\frac{\Psi^{i_b}_{j_b}-\Psi^{i_b-1}_{j_b}}{\Delta} ,\\ &\text{or}\; \; \; \Psi^{i_b}_{j_b+1}+\Psi^{i_b+1}_{j_b}-4\Psi^{i_b}_{j_b}=-\Psi^{i_b}_{j_b-1}-\Psi^{i_b-1}_{j_b} , \end{aligned} $
(10) where
$ \Psi^{i_b}_{j_b}=\Psi(v_{i_b},u_{j_b}) $ is the grid on the star's surface with radial coordinate$ r_b $ . It is readily confirmed that$ \Psi^{i_b}_{j_b-1} $ and$ \Psi^{i_b+1}_{j_b} $ are localed on the inside of the star, and$ \Psi^{i_b}_{j_b+1} $ and$ \Psi^{i_b-1}_{j_b} $ are localed on the outside. However, the above iteration relation involves unkown grid points$ \Psi^{i_b+1}_{j_b} $ and$ \Psi^{i_b}_{j_b+1} $ . This can be solved by substituting Eq. (9) for those points, namely,$ \begin{aligned}[b] \Psi^{i_b}_{j_b+1}=&\Psi^{i_b-1}_{j_b}+\Psi^{i_b}_{j_b}-\Psi^{i_b-1}_{j_b}-\frac{\Delta^2}{4}V^{i_b}_{j_b+1}\Psi^{i_b-1}_{j_b} ,\\ \Psi^{i_b+1}_{j_b}=&\Psi^{i_b}_{j_b}+\Psi^{i_b+1}_{j_b-1}-\Psi^{i_b}_{j_b-1}-\frac{\Delta^2}{4}V^{i_b+1}_{j_b}\Psi^{i_b}_{j_b-1} ,\\ \end{aligned} $
(11) into Eq. (10), and the desired relation is obtained:
$ \begin{aligned}[b] \Psi^{i_b}_{j_b}=&\frac{1}{2}\left[\Psi^{i_b-1}_{j_b+1}+\Psi^{i_b+1}_{j_b-1}\right. \\ &\left.-\frac{\Delta^2}{4}\left(V^{i_b}_{j_b+1}\Psi^{i_b-1}_{j_b}+V^{i_b+1}_{j_b}\Psi^{i_b}_{j_b-1}\right)\right] . \end{aligned} $
(12) We choose
$ \left|1-\dfrac{\Delta^2}{16}V_\text{max}\right|<1 $ to avoid the von Neumann instability.
Echoes of axial gravitational perturbations in stars of uniform density
- Received Date: 2023-03-28
- Available Online: 2023-08-15
Abstract: This study investigates the echoes in axial gravitational perturbations in compact objects. Accordingly, we propose an alternative scheme of the finite difference method implemented in two coordinate systems, where the initial conditions are placed on the axis of the tortoise coordinate with appropriate boundary conditions that fully respect the causality. The scheme is then employed to study the temporal profiles of the quasinormal oscillations in the Schwarzschild black hole and uniform-density stars. When presented as a two-dimensional evolution profile, the resulting ringdown waveforms in the black hole metric are split into reflected and transmitted waves as the initial perturbations evolve and collide with the peak of the effective potential. Meanwhile, for compact stars, quasinormal oscillations might be characterized by echoes. Consistent with the causality arguments, the phenomenon is produced by the gravitational waves bouncing between the divergent potential at the star's center and the peak of the effective potential. The implications of the present study are also discussed herein.