The calculations are performed within the Skyrme HF and pn-RPA approaches; the detailed formulas for the theoretical models and matrix elements can be found in Refs. [50–53]. Here, we only give some information related to the subject of this paper. The operators of SD transitions are defined as
(1) where the isospin operators t are expressed as
t3=tz andt±=tx±ity ,σm is the spin operator,ri is the radial dependence of the SD operators, andY1μ is the spherical harmonics function. The sum onimμ is for all the nucleons and all the magnetic quantum numbers. For the λ-pole SD operators, we haveˆSλ±=∑iti±ri[σ×Y1(ˆri)]λ,
(2) which have three components
λπ=0−,1−,2− with the summation running over all nuclei i. The model-independent sum rule for the SD operator is derived asΔS=S−−S+=∑λ(Sλ−−Sλ+)=∑λ(2λ+1)4π(N⟨r2⟩n−Z⟨r2⟩p)=94π(N⟨r2⟩n−Z⟨r2⟩p),
(3) It can be seen from Eq. (3) that the SD sum rule is directly related to the mean-square radii of the neutrons and the protons with the weights of neutron and proton numbers, which are denoted as
⟨r2⟩n and⟨r2⟩p , respectively. As we know that the root-mean-square (rms) charge radius of a nucleus can be measured experimentally at high precision, the rms proton radius√⟨r2⟩p can be obtained from the charge radius after correcting from the proton form factor. Thus, the rms neutron radius√⟨r2⟩n or the neutron skin thicknessΔrnp=√⟨r2⟩n−√⟨r2⟩p can be derived from Eq. (3) if the sum rule value is fixed experimentally. -
The ground state properties of
90 Zr are obtained using the Skyrme HF approach; a family of Skyrme interactions named SAMi-J is adopted in the calculations, where J = 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, which means the interactions have different symmetry energies and slope parameters at the saturation density, leading to different isovector properties of finite nuclei. The calculated rms radii of neutrons, protons, charge, and neutron skin thickness are listed inTable 1. Among the various radii, the rms charge radius can be determined accurately for many nuclei using electron scattering experiments. From Table 1, one can see that the calculated proton rms radii or charge radii are not affected very much from the adopted interactions; the experimental charge rms radius of90 Zr is approximately 4.269 fm [54], and the data can be well described by the present calculations. After considering the effect of the finite size of the protons [55], one can obtain the proton rms radius of90 Zr, which is approximately 4.209 fm. The calculated rms neutron radii and neutron skin thickness depend on the effective interactions, which increase gradually as shown inTable 1.SAMi-27 SAMi-29 SAMi-31 SAMi-33 SAMi-35 rn 4.266 4.292 4.314 4.330 4.339 rp 4.214 4.209 4.204 4.197 4.191 rc 4.288 4.284 4.278 4.272 4.266 rn−rp 0.052 0.082 0.111 0.133 0.148 S−−S+ 136.9 146.5 155.4 162.1 166.5 Table 1. Various radii of
90 Zr and neutron skin thickness calculated in Skyrme HF with SAMi-J effective interactions. The charge exchange SD sum ruleS−−S+ values calculated by the pn-RPA with SAMi-J effective interactions are also shown. The units for the radii and the SD sum rule are fm and fm2 , respectively.Next, we investigate the SD
± strengths calculated by the self-consistent pn-RPA [52, 53, 56, 57] to examine the theoretical model. The charge exchange SD± strengths are calculated with the SAMi-J interactions. The SD± total strengths andλπ=0−, 1−, 2− components obtained with the SAMi-29 interactions are shown in Fig. 1 (a) and (b). The dashed-dotted-dotted, short-dashed, and short-dashed-dotted lines show the SD strengths of theλπ=0−, 1−, 2− components, respectively, while the solid curves show the sum of the three multipoles. The experimental data from Refs. [42, 43] are also plotted in the figure. In Fig. 1 (a), the total experimental SD− strength can be described well by the theoretical model; the main peak of the data appears at Ex≃ 26.0 MeV, while the theoretical model predicts that the SD− strength splits into two peaks: the pygmy one is located at Ex≃ 22.4 MeV, and the stronger one is at Ex≃ 28.0 MeV, which is very close to the experimental excitation energy. It can be seen clearly from Fig. 1 (a) that the pygmy total theoretical SD− strength is formed mainly from theλπ=1−, 2− components, while theλπ=0−, 1−, 2− components contribute to the main peak at Ex≃ 28.0 MeV. From Fig. 1 (b), it is shown that the experimental SD+ strength is very fragmented in the whole energy region, while the SD+ strength is recognized experimentally at energy below 23.0 MeV in Refs. [43, 47]. The total theoretical result shows two peaks at Ex≃ 5.7 MeV and Ex≃ 12.2 MeV. Theλπ=0−, 1−, 2− components contribute to both peaks, but the contributions are mainly from theλπ=1−, 2− components.When we obtain the total SD
± strength distribution for each effective interaction, the integrated SD± strength can be obtained by the following formula:S±=∫S(SD±,E)dE.
(4) Since the experimental multipole decomposition (MD) analysis of the SD
− (SD+ ) channel becomes unstable when the excitation energy is over 40 MeV (23 MeV), as in Ref. [47], we integrate the SD− strength up to an excitation energy of 40 MeV and the SD+ strength up to 23 MeV. Consequently, we obtain the sum rule valueS_–S_+ . The calculated values are listed in Table 1 for each adopted interaction. As discussed previously, the calculated proton rms radius of^{90} Zr is almost constant for all effective interactions; we choose the experimental data 4.209 fm in the next investigation. Following the assumption, the model-independent sum rule of Eq. (3) is a linear function of the mean-square radii of the neutrons, which is well verified in Fig. 2, where the calculated sum rule values show a linear increase as the calculated mean-square radii of the neutrons increase. In Fig. 2, the red solid line shows the result of linear fitting; the gray short-dashed lines represent the experimental data. Its upper and lower limits are depicted by the shaded box, which reads asS_--S_+ = 147\pm 13 fm^2 . It is clear that we can constrain the mean-square radii of the neutrons in the region of 18.147 to 18.697 fm^2 as shown in the area marked by the box; we can then deduce the neutron skin thickness, which is approximately\Delta r_{np}=0.083 \pm 0.032 fm. The obtained neutron skin thickness is slightly larger than the values in Refs. [47, 48]. In previous investigations, the authors used several independent effective interactions in the calculations. Although the interactions have different behaviors of symmetry energy, the results may be affected by other factors, for example the incompressibility of nuclear matter. The interactions used in the present study are fitted in the same ansatz except for the different symmetry energies at the saturation density. The antiprotonic atoms experiment shows that the neutron skin thickness of^{90} Zr is approximately\Delta r_{np}= 0.09\pm 0.02\;\mathrm{fm} in Ref. [58]; our result for\Delta r_{np} is very close to the data.Figure 2. (color online) Calculated
S_--S_+ values as a function of mean-square radii of the neutrons. The results are calculated with SAMi-J interactions and denoted as blue symbols.The neutron skin thickness is sensitive to the density dependence of the symmetry energy [59]; it is seen that the connection between
\Delta r_{np} and the slope parameter L of the nuclear symmetry energy is approximately linear. Using the relationship between the nuclear symmetry energy J (its slope parameter L) and the neutron skin thickness\Delta r_{np} extracted presently, we can further place restrictions on J (L). As seen in Fig. 3, the correlation between J and\Delta r_{np} is shown in the upper panel of the figure, while the lower panel presents the connection between L and\Delta r_{np} ; the gray short-dashed lines together with shaded boxes represent the constrained neutron skin thickness of^{90} Zr. The fitting lines are shown as well. Many studies have discussed this kind of linear relationship, and it is also shown clearly in Fig. 3. The weighted average of J in Fig. 3 (a) is given asJ = 29.2 \pm 2.6\; \mathrm{MeV} . Compared with the symmetry energies obtained from other studies, the value of J in the present work is slightly smaller, but generally it still matches with other values.Figure 3. (color online) Correlations between the neutron skin thicknesses
\Delta r_{np} of^{90} Zr and symmetry energies as well as the slope parameters given by SAMi-J interactions in this work.Finally, we discuss the slope parameter L. It can be found in Fig. 3 (b) that the correlation between L and
\Delta r_{np} is approximately linear. We also constrain the value of L by the present\Delta r_{np} of^{90} Zr, so the slope parameter L is given asL = 53.3 \pm 28.2\; \mathrm{MeV} . The L value is comparable with the results from other methods in the literature. The recent PREX-II experiment, measuring the parity violating asymmetry A_{PV} in^{208} Pb, results in a neutron skin thickness of^{208} Pb as\Delta r_{np}^{208}=0.283\pm0.071 \;\mathrm{fm} [22]. The experimental data of PREX-II favor a stiff symmetry energy; the symmetry energy and the slope parameter can be constrained asJ=38.1 \pm 4.1 \;\mathrm{MeV} andL=106 \pm 37 MeV [60], which systematically overestimate the current accepted limitsJ=31.7 \pm 3.2\; \mathrm{MeV} andL=58.7 \pm 28.1 MeV [30, 61, 62]. Our results are consistent with the current accepted values.
Neutron skin thickness of 90Zr and symmetry energy constrained by charge exchange spin-dipole excitations
- Received Date: 2022-09-28
- Available Online: 2023-02-15
Abstract: The charge exchange spin-dipole (SD) excitations of