Back-n neutrons are emitted directly from the spallation target. They are only slightly moderated by the cooling water passing through tungsten target slices and thus form a typical white neutron beam with a very wide energy spectrum spanning from meV to a few hundreds of MeV, with a peak at approximately 1 MeV. The pulse repetition rate of 25 Hz and a good time structure for the proton pulses make the neutron time structure suitable for employment of the time-of-flight method to determine the energy of the neutron. To avoid the overlapping between consecutive pulses from very low energy neutrons, a Cadmium foil of 1 mm in thickness can be placed in the beamline to absorb the neutrons with energy lower than 0.3 eV. Two endstations (ES#1 and ES#2) were designed to host different spectrometers to meet the requirements for different experiments, with a flight distance from the spallation target of approximately 55 and 76 m, respectively, as shown in Fig. 1. A combination of the neutron shutter and two collimators located along the beamline with different apertures provides different beam spot sizes with a good uniformity at the sample positions of the two endstations. Among them, the spot sizes of ϕ30 mm and ϕ60 mm at ES#2 were particularly designed for nuclear data measurements. The measurements on the beam characteristics confirm the design and simulation results [8]. The measured neutron energy spectra are shown in Fig. 2 [9-10], and the neutron fluxes at different flight distances and with different spot sizes are listed in Table 1. Figure 3 shows the time resolutions with different accelerator operation modes [2]. With a sophisticated shielding design [11], both the neutron and gamma backgrounds are controlled at a low level to meet the experiment requirements for precise nuclear data measurements. However, some experiments show that the scattered neutrons and gammas from experimental samples and even from the vacuum window foils represent the key interferences.
Figure 2. (color online) Measured neutron energy spectrum at 55 m from spallation target (spot size: ϕ50 mm, proton beam power: 100 kW), using a fission ionization chamber (235/238U) and a Li-Si detector (6Li).
Shutter /mm Coll#1 /mm Coll#2 /mm ES#1 spot /mm ES#1 flux /(n/cm2/s) ES#2 spot /mm ES#2 flux /(n/cm2/s) Φ3 Φ15 Φ40 Φ15 1.3E5 Φ20 4.6E4 Φ12 Φ15 Φ40 Φ20 1.6E6 Φ30 6.1E5 Φ50 Φ50 Φ58 Φ50 1.6E7 Φ60 6.9E6 78×62 76×76 90×90 75×50 1.8E7 90×90 8.6E6 Table 1. Different sets of beam spots, collimator apertures, and neutron fluxes at Back-n with a proton beam power at 100 kW. Apart from the first set that provides neutrons at very low flux, all other aperture sets were optimized according to the definition of beam spot sizes at ES#2.
The Back-n facility has been employed in neutron-induced nuclear data measurements since May 2018, and more than forty nuclides concerning different types of cross-sections have been measured. Although most of the measurement data are still under analysis, the overall performance of the neutron beamline and the experimental spectrometers has been remarkable. The already published results have gained international recognition, especially those about the standard cross-sections, e.g., 6Li(n, t), 10B(n, α), H(n, el), and 238U(n, f)/235U(n, f). Table 2 summarizes all experiments concerning nuclear data measurements in the period.
Nucleus Reaction Spectrometer Endstation Comment Nucleus Reaction Spectrometer Endstation Comment 197Au (n, γ) C6D6/GTAF-II ES#2 Ref. [16] 239Pu (n, f) FIXM ES#2 169Tm (n , γ) C6D6/GTAF-II ES#2 232Th (n-p) (n, f)+(n, p) FIXM+LPDA ES#1+2 57Fe (n, γ) C6D6 ES#2 6Li (n, lcp) LPDA ES#1 Ref. [36] natSe (n, γ) C6D6 ES#2 10B (n, lcp) LPDA ES#1 Ref. [37] 89Y (n, γ) C6D6 ES#2 1H (n, lcp) LPDA ES#1 Ref. [38] natEr/162Er (n, γ) C6D6 ES#2 2H (n, lcp) LPDA ES#1 232Th (n, γ) C6D6 ES#2 63Ni (n, lcp) LPDA ES#1 238U (n, γ) C6D6/GTAF-II ES#2 17O (n, lcp) SiC array ES#1 93Nb (n, γ) C6D6 ES#2 12C (n, lcp) TPC proto ES#1 natLu (n, γ) C6D6 ES#2 14N (n, lcp) TPC proto ES#1 63,65Cu (n, γ) C6D6 ES#2 56Fe (n, n'γ) multi-unit HPGe ES#2 Ref. [39] natSm (n, γ) C6D6 ES#2 16O (n, γ) multi-unit HPGe ES#2 151,153,155Eu (n, γ) C6D6 ES#2 natMo (n, n'γ) multi-unit HPGe ES#2 12C (n, tot) NTOX ES#1+2 Ref. [32] natRu (n, n'γ) multi-unit HPGe ES#2 27Al (n, tot) NTOX ES#1+2 Ref. [33] 175Lu (n, 2n) multi-unit HPGe ES#2 9Be (n, tot) NTOX ES#1+2 natTi (n, n'γ) multi-unit HPGe ES#2 7Li (n, tot) NTOX ES#1+2 209Bi (n, n'γ) multi-unit HPGe ES#2 235U (n, f) FIXM ES#2 Refs. [26, 27] 90,91,92,94Zr (n, γ) multi-unit HPGe ES#2 238U (n, f) FIXM ES#2 Ref. [27] 54Cr (n, γ) LaBr3 ES#2 236U (n, f) FIXM ES#2 Ref. [28] 154Sm (n, γ) LaBr3 ES#2 232Th (n, f) FIXM ES#2 Table 2. Nuclear data measurement experiments conducted at Back-n.
To make full use of the high intensity of the neutron beam at Back-n, appropriate experimental methods must be developed. This is particularly important for the treatment of background, mostly coming together with the beam and strongly dependent on the experimental setup. The prompt γ-rays (or γ flash) and delayed γ-rays contained in the neutron beam pose critical problems to the experiments involving γ-ray measurement. Both the background suppression methods and data analysis methods are being studied.
The planned spectrometers for nuclear data measurements, such as the 4π coverage HPGe detector array, multi-functional TPC, and neutron detector array for measuring prompt fission neutron spectrum, are important to exploit the potential of the Back-n beam, which is the development goal of the facility in the future.