Detection efficiency evaluation for a large area neutron sensitive microchannel plate detector

  • In this paper, the detection efficiency of a large area neutron sensitive microchannel plate detector has been evaluated. A 6LiF/ZnS scintillator detector 65 mm in diameter and 0.32 mm in thickness, with product code, EJ426HD2, produced by Eljen Technology, was employed as the benchmark detector. The TOF spectra of these two detectors were simultaneously measured and the energy spectra were then deduced to calculate the detection efficiency curve of the nMCP detector. Tests show the detection efficiency@25.3 meV thermal neutrons is 34% for this nMCP detector.
    • 28.20.Pr(Neutron imaging; neutron tomography)
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Get Citation
Yi-ming Wang, Yang Tian, Yi-gang Yang, Ren Liu, Jing-sheng Pan, Xue-wu Wang and Zhi Zhang. Detection efficiency evaluation for a large area neutron sensitive microchannel plate detector[J]. Chinese Physics C, 2016, 40(9): 096004. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/40/9/096004
Yi-ming Wang, Yang Tian, Yi-gang Yang, Ren Liu, Jing-sheng Pan, Xue-wu Wang and Zhi Zhang. Detection efficiency evaluation for a large area neutron sensitive microchannel plate detector[J]. Chinese Physics C, 2016, 40(9): 096004.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/40/9/096004 shu
Received: 2015-12-07

    Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11375095, 11175098)

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Detection efficiency evaluation for a large area neutron sensitive microchannel plate detector

    Corresponding author: Yi-gang Yang,
Fund Project:  Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11375095, 11175098)

Abstract: In this paper, the detection efficiency of a large area neutron sensitive microchannel plate detector has been evaluated. A 6LiF/ZnS scintillator detector 65 mm in diameter and 0.32 mm in thickness, with product code, EJ426HD2, produced by Eljen Technology, was employed as the benchmark detector. The TOF spectra of these two detectors were simultaneously measured and the energy spectra were then deduced to calculate the detection efficiency curve of the nMCP detector. Tests show the detection efficiency@25.3 meV thermal neutrons is 34% for this nMCP detector.


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