1987 Vol. 11, No. 6
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By Using the advantage that, in e+e-→heavy quark jets, quarks excited by electromagnetic interaction and that by strong interaction can be distinguished from each other, the production rule for the later is investigated. It is found that the number of the quark produced satisfies a simple universal rule, and the resulted, i> multiplicity distribution and forward-backwark correlation etc are all in agreement with experiment. The comparison of with the data is presented.
By Using the advantage that, in e+e-→heavy quark jets, quarks excited by electromagnetic interaction and that by strong interaction can be distinguished from each other, the production rule for the later is investigated. It is found that the number of the quark produced satisfies a simple universal rule, and the resulted
Experimental distributions of the charged multiplicity in e+e- annihilation are analysed. It is pointed out that the distribution is likely to be a superposition of the distribution of the number of quark-antiquark pairs, which is possibly a poissonian, and the distribution resulting from the quark combination. Calculations have been done by using a quark combination rule which is successful in many other aspects. The result is in agreement with the data. A special disscussion about the light quark jet events is also made.
Experimental distributions of the charged multiplicity in e+e- annihilation are analysed. It is pointed out that the distribution is likely to be a superposition of the distribution of the number of quark-antiquark pairs, which is possibly a poissonian, and the distribution resulting from the quark combination. Calculations have been done by using a quark combination rule which is successful in many other aspects. The result is in agreement with the data. A special disscussion about the light quark jet events is also made.
The exact results for the topological susceptibility and the mean value of the topological charge density in 1+1D lattice gauge theory are obtained by means of the Hamiltonian method.
The exact results for the topological susceptibility and the mean value of the topological charge density in 1+1D lattice gauge theory are obtained by means of the Hamiltonian method.
The magnetic bottle confining and compression for particle and antiparticle beams are studied. If the magnetic bottle is an axial symmetric and have a center plane and the radial decrease of its field is suitable, the confining will be stable. As the bottle field increasing the particle and antiparticle beam can le pressed in a small space space to produce controlled annihilation.
The magnetic bottle confining and compression for particle and antiparticle beams are studied. If the magnetic bottle is an axial symmetric and have a center plane and the radial decrease of its field is suitable, the confining will be stable. As the bottle field increasing the particle and antiparticle beam can le pressed in a small space space to produce controlled annihilation.
From the SN1987A neutrino lurst data, an integrated neutrino spectrum is deduced, which can be fitted by an exponent function, with kT of about 4.2MeV, corresponding to a primal mass
10M⊙ of a supernova. If neutrino has a rest mass, the time order of reutrino emission is distinctively changed, from it we can primitively judge that the electron neutrino mass is less than 10eV.
From the SN1987A neutrino lurst data, an integrated neutrino spectrum is deduced, which can be fitted by an exponent function, with kT of about 4.2MeV, corresponding to a primal mass

ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4
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