1985 Vol. 9, No. 2
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The quark-quark scattering mechanism has been shown as one of the sources of cluster phenomena observed in the emulsion chamber experiments. In order to study the influence of gluon radiation on cluster formation, the physical processes involving gluons are included by an approximate Q2 dependence. The calculation method is described and the results of Monte-Carlo simulation are given.
The quark-quark scattering mechanism has been shown as one of the sources of cluster phenomena observed in the emulsion chamber experiments. In order to study the influence of gluon radiation on cluster formation, the physical processes involving gluons are included by an approximate Q2 dependence. The calculation method is described and the results of Monte-Carlo simulation are given.
Under the condition of the primary cosmic ray incidence with different composition, the multi-μ phenomena are simulated by the scaling model of the hadronic interactions included by the mechanism of jet production with large transverse momentum The results show that the primary heavy heavy nuclei contribute significantly to the large μ-multiplicity events observed at deep underground. But even the heavy nucleus dominant primary model is used, the multi-μ event rate simulated is still lower than the experimental data and it suggests the existence of other multi-μ sources. The lateral distribution of multi-μ events is in accordance with experiments.
Under the condition of the primary cosmic ray incidence with different composition, the multi-μ phenomena are simulated by the scaling model of the hadronic interactions included by the mechanism of jet production with large transverse momentum The results show that the primary heavy heavy nuclei contribute significantly to the large μ-multiplicity events observed at deep underground. But even the heavy nucleus dominant primary model is used, the multi-μ event rate simulated is still lower than the experimental data and it suggests the existence of other multi-μ sources. The lateral distribution of multi-μ events is in accordance with experiments.
In this paper we describe some properties of a planar drift chamber without field shaping electrodes. The detection efficiency, the relation between drift time and drift distance and charge spectra at different positions have been measured.
In this paper we describe some properties of a planar drift chamber without field shaping electrodes. The detection efficiency, the relation between drift time and drift distance and charge spectra at different positions have been measured.
A time of flight (TOF) system which consists of two large plastic scintillation counters is described. Cosmic-ray Muon with β>0.98 was used for the measurement of this system with On-line microcomputer at the flight distance 200 cm. The time of flight t=6.791±0.644ns is obtained.
A time of flight (TOF) system which consists of two large plastic scintillation counters is described. Cosmic-ray Muon with β>0.98 was used for the measurement of this system with On-line microcomputer at the flight distance 200 cm. The time of flight t=6.791±0.644ns is obtained.
The spin (6) limit of Interacting Boson-Fermion Model Ⅱ is further discussed on the basis of the representation theory of Lie group. We generalize the Young-tableau methods for Kronecker products of group representations and discuss in detail spinor symmetry of the IBFM Ⅱ characterized by the group chain
We derive the reduction formulas in this group chain from our generalized Young-tableau methods. The wave functions of IBFM Ⅱ are elassified by this group chain. Some energy spectra are also calculated.
The spin (6) limit of Interacting Boson-Fermion Model Ⅱ is further discussed on the basis of the representation theory of Lie group. We generalize the Young-tableau methods for Kronecker products of group representations and discuss in detail spinor symmetry of the IBFM Ⅱ characterized by the group chain

We derive the reduction formulas in this group chain from our generalized Young-tableau methods. The wave functions of IBFM Ⅱ are elassified by this group chain. Some energy spectra are also calculated.
A scalar coupling model of SU(2) Higgs and fermion is considered. The main results are: (1) Treating the Julia-Zee dyon as external potential, the equation system of the radial wave functions of the fermions is obtained. (2) The asymptotic solutions at the infinity and the origin are presented. (3) The necessary conditions of the fermion's bound states are qualitatively discussed which shows that for the monopole case when the scalar coupling approaches zero the fermion's bound states do not exist, but for the dyon case when the scalar coupling approaches zero the existence of the bound state is possible.
A scalar coupling model of SU(2) Higgs and fermion is considered. The main results are: (1) Treating the Julia-Zee dyon as external potential, the equation system of the radial wave functions of the fermions is obtained. (2) The asymptotic solutions at the infinity and the origin are presented. (3) The necessary conditions of the fermion's bound states are qualitatively discussed which shows that for the monopole case when the scalar coupling approaches zero the fermion's bound states do not exist, but for the dyon case when the scalar coupling approaches zero the existence of the bound state is possible.
When constraints of a system form a function group, the path integral quantum amplitude can exactly be beduced without adding the restrictions {χi,χj}=0 which are imposed on the gauge conditions or the "weak" concept. It can be shown that the contraints produced by symmetry just form a function group. Most of the interesting systems in physics are such symmetrical systems.
When constraints of a system form a function group, the path integral quantum amplitude can exactly be beduced without adding the restrictions {χi,χj}=0 which are imposed on the gauge conditions or the "weak" concept. It can be shown that the contraints produced by symmetry just form a function group. Most of the interesting systems in physics are such symmetrical systems.
The locally gauge invariant mean field approach is generalized from Abelian gauge groups to non-Abelian gauge groups. The SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs field coupling system is analyzed.
The locally gauge invariant mean field approach is generalized from Abelian gauge groups to non-Abelian gauge groups. The SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs field coupling system is analyzed.
The matrix elements of the nucleon-meson vertices and isobar-meson vertices due to one gluon exchange transition potential are calculated by using the generator coordinate method. The coupling constants of the vertices are in good agreement with the experimental data and the form factors of the vertices are much like the Gaussian functions.
The matrix elements of the nucleon-meson vertices and isobar-meson vertices due to one gluon exchange transition potential are calculated by using the generator coordinate method. The coupling constants of the vertices are in good agreement with the experimental data and the form factors of the vertices are much like the Gaussian functions.
The beam matching calculations in transverse motion for the 10MeV Beijing Proton Linac are described. The calculated results were used for the quadrupole currents when the Linac was operated. By trimming the quadrupole currents around their calculated values, a 63.6% beam transmission of the thank was obtained with a single buncher. The calculated results of beam matching given in this paper have been proved to be very useful for the Linac operation.
The beam matching calculations in transverse motion for the 10MeV Beijing Proton Linac are described. The calculated results were used for the quadrupole currents when the Linac was operated. By trimming the quadrupole currents around their calculated values, a 63.6% beam transmission of the thank was obtained with a single buncher. The calculated results of beam matching given in this paper have been proved to be very useful for the Linac operation.
Triple differential cross sections for p and α particles in fission induced by 720MeV 12C on 232Th are presented. The experimental results comfirm that p and α particles are emitted prior to fission, while the low energy components of p and α-spectra are attributed to quasi-thermal evaporation of targetlike residues. p and α-spectra are fitted with moving source model. α-spectra are well reproduced with coalescence model.
Triple differential cross sections for p and α particles in fission induced by 720MeV 12C on 232Th are presented. The experimental results comfirm that p and α particles are emitted prior to fission, while the low energy components of p and α-spectra are attributed to quasi-thermal evaporation of targetlike residues. p and α-spectra are fitted with moving source model. α-spectra are well reproduced with coalescence model.
Average γ-multiplicity <Mγ > of the cascade γ-rays from the residual nuclei corr esponding to α and 8Be direct emission in 12C+124Sn system has been measured by means of α-γ coincidence technique. The most possible initial orbital angular momentum obtained from <Mγ > are 35.5(h) and 39(h) for the capture of 8Be and α by target nucleus respectively. These values are around the critical angular momentum lcr=36.7(h) for complete fusion. This indicates that the massive transfer reactions in this system with spherical target nucleus are also the peripheral collisions, not center collisions.
Average γ-multiplicity <M
The variation of nuclear moment of inertia in the ground band with the nuclear angular momentum of rotational angular frequency is analyzed on the basis of our expression for the ground rotational band. The close connection between our expression and the VMI model is established.
The variation of nuclear moment of inertia in the ground band with the nuclear angular momentum of rotational angular frequency is analyzed on the basis of our expression for the ground rotational band. The close connection between our expression and the VMI model is established.
The complex off-shell single-particle potential in N=Z symmetric nuclear matter is computed with Skyrme interactions. The imaginary parts of the polarization and correlation contributions are calculated analytically and the real parts of them are obtained by means of dispersion relation. The energy dependence of the effective mass is also studied.l
The complex off-shell single-particle potential in N=Z symmetric nuclear matter is computed with Skyrme interactions. The imaginary parts of the polarization and correlation contributions are calculated analytically and the real parts of them are obtained by means of dispersion relation. The energy dependence of the effective mass is also studied.l
In this paper, the E2 operator in the scheme of U(15) model is studied by means of varying the parameters in the E2 operator itself. If is shown that, compared with the U(6) model, the U(15) model has some advantages in explaining the flexibility of the ratio of the E2 transition probabilitys between different bands, the behavior of B(E2) at high-spin states and transitions between high bands.
In this paper, the E2 operator in the scheme of U(15) model is studied by means of varying the parameters in the E2 operator itself. If is shown that, compared with the U(6) model, the U(15) model has some advantages in explaining the flexibility of the ratio of the E2 transition probabilitys between different bands, the behavior of B(E2) at high-spin states and transitions between high bands.
In the previous paper of the authors, it has been concluded that 6Li has obvious d+α cluster structure and the exchange effect connecting with α cluster may be neglected. In the present work, using the above results, the d+6Li elastic scattering phase shifts and differential scattering cross sections are calculated. The calculated results are considerably consistent with that from the exact RGM calculations. These results show that the exchange effect connecting with α cluster in the d+6Li system may also be neglected.
In the previous paper of the authors, it has been concluded that 6Li has obvious d+α cluster structure and the exchange effect connecting with α cluster may be neglected. In the present work, using the above results, the d+6Li elastic scattering phase shifts and differential scattering cross sections are calculated. The calculated results are considerably consistent with that from the exact RGM calculations. These results show that the exchange effect connecting with α cluster in the d+6Li system may also be neglected.
Vacuum solutions of conformally covariant equation for symmetric tensor field are discussed.
Vacuum solutions of conformally covariant equation for symmetric tensor field are discussed.
The anomalous high transverse momentum observed in 800 MeV/nucleon 12C+12C collisions is analysed. It is pointed out that this phenomenon can be naturally interpreted as evidence for the existence of multi-quark systems in nuclei. The results of preliminary calculation based on this picture fit the experimental data quite well. The reby the conclusiondrawn from the EMC effect in lepton deep inelastic scattering is further verified.
The anomalous high transverse momentum observed in 800 MeV/nucleon 12C+12C collisions is analysed. It is pointed out that this phenomenon can be naturally interpreted as evidence for the existence of multi-quark systems in nuclei. The results of preliminary calculation based on this picture fit the experimental data quite well. The reby the conclusiondrawn from the EMC effect in lepton deep inelastic scattering is further verified.
An estimation of the contribution from the vector meson intermediate state to the width of the radiative decay of a heavy vector meson into Higgs particle is given. Undersome approximation, it exhibits a value four times larger than that obtained fy using free quark picture. We also discuss the implication of this result for interpreting ξ(2.2) as Higgs scalar.
An estimation of the contribution from the vector meson intermediate state to the width of the radiative decay of a heavy vector meson into Higgs particle is given. Undersome approximation, it exhibits a value four times larger than that obtained fy using free quark picture. We also discuss the implication of this result for interpreting ξ(2.2) as Higgs scalar.
General expression for gauge covariant anomalous current is obtained from the difference of left handed and right handed Abelian anomaly in 2n+2 dimensions by the method of Weil homomorphism. The general form of symmetric and asymmetric anomalies. gauge invariant Wess-Zumino effective action and anomaly free condition in 2n dimensions are summarized in one closed formula, showing the deep connections among all these topological properties of gauge fields and pseudascalar Goldstone fields in 2n and 2n+é dimensions.
General expression for gauge covariant anomalous current is obtained from the difference of left handed and right handed Abelian anomaly in 2n+2 dimensions by the method of Weil homomorphism. The general form of symmetric and asymmetric anomalies. gauge invariant Wess-Zumino effective action and anomaly free condition in 2n dimensions are summarized in one closed formula, showing the deep connections among all these topological properties of gauge fields and pseudascalar Goldstone fields in 2n and 2n+é dimensions.
ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4
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- Nuclear physics
- Particle and nuclear astrophysics
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