1984 Vol. 8, No. 1
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The formulas of the radiative corrections to the deep inelastic polarized e-p scattering are derived. The formulas of the exact elastic tail and the inelastic peaking approximation are included.
Using the inverse Mellin transformation method, we get the analytic expression for non-singlet nucleon structure function from its moment to the next order effects. The comparison between theoretical prediction and experimental data is also discussed.
The negative metric theory for the massive vector meson field is studied. Comparisons with the conventional quantization method of massive vector meson field and with the negative metric theory of the electro-magnetic field are also discussed.
In this paper the lattice current-current propagator is calculated and the influence of coset pure gauge fields of an Abelian chiral group G=U1×U5 on confinement properties of a quark system is discussed by virtue of the Wilson's criterion of lattice gauge theory. When subgroup H is U1, the coset pure gauge fields only contribute a perimeter law factor to the current-current propagator which has no influence on confinement properties of the system. When subgroup H is U5, the coset pure gauge fields also have no influence on confinement properties of the system.
The instantonlike and meronlike vacuum solutions of conformally covariant nonlinear coupled scalar and spinor field equations are discussed.
In this paper we examine the electroweak interference effects related to the polarized photon structure functions making use of the results of the ref.[2]. The effects provide the probability of a further test of the G-W-S model and may lead to a deep understanding to the photon structure functions.
The pionic two body decay process of the proton is discussed in the SU(5) grand unification theory by using the field-current relation of the composite particle and the soft pion approximations. We connect the proton decay process with the J/ψ→pp decay amplitude and determine the wavefunction at the origin from the experimental value of the decay rate J/ψ→pp, hence we can obtain the value of the proton decay lifetime. In order to estimate the uncertainty of the proton decay lifetime due to the proton wavefunction at the origin, the lower bound of it is analysed by using an interesting model. If taking ΛMS=200 MeV, it will be a serious test for the minimal SU(5) grand unified gauge theory. It should be noted that this method which connect the proton decay process with other relavant processes will be very useful to determine the proton decay lifetime.
Following perturbative QCD theory, the two-jet and three-jet angular distributions in polarized e+e- annihilation is computed using the dimensional regularization scheme. The azimuthal inhomogeneity caused by the polarization is discussed. We also compute the exact formulae of dependence on ε´,δ to the second order and discuss the correction to G.Sterman and S.Weinberg's result.
2 Dimensional magnetic field expression of permanent magnet undulator with gradually varied magnetization is derived. Conditions for minimizing high order harmonics are given. Three different types of permanent magnet undulator —— the "gradually varied" type, mixed type and simple type ——are compared. Upon these comparisions we conclude that "gradually varied" type is superior to mixed type except for Δh/λ

The differential cross section of deuteron-deuteron elastic scattering at Pd=5.76 GeV/c is calculated based on the Glauber multiple scattering theory in nucleus-nucleus collision. The theoretical result is compared with the experimental data and the agreement is satisfactory. In addition, the influence of the input amplitude is discussed.
A modified Jancovici-Schiff substitution is constructed by reforming the second step used in the transformation of Janssen et al. according to the form of the original Jancovici-Schiff substitution. Based on this MJS substitution the boson descriptions can be used to find fermion state vectors of nuclei without the use of the physical subspace and of the quasi-gaussian approximation.
A realistic calculation of the inertia for 236U fisson based on the linear response theory is presented, in which the single particle states are provided by Nilsson model. The dependence of the nuclear inertia Mδiδi on the collective variables δ2, δ4 is studied at the range of certain nuclear temperature (0—1 MeV). The pairing effect and the shell effect on the nuclear inertia are discussed. The calculated results show a very prominent structure at level crossing points and when acrossing the critical temperature.
Using hybrid chiral bag model, one gets a model which can be used to calculate potential between two separate nucleons. It is shown that the obtained results, centre and tensor potential, are compatible with phenomenological potentials such as Hamada-Johnston potential and Reid potential. Whether the bag radius for a free nucleon is different from that of a nucleon in the nuclear matter is discussed.
The influence of limited nuclear size effect to "One, two, infinity" model for precompound reactions is discussed. The inclusive proton spectra in 58Ni, 90Zr, 27Al(p,p') reactions and the inclusive neutron spectra from 27Al(p,n) reaction at 90 MeV are calculated. The results are in a good agreement with the data.
The identity G(S,θ,π,0)=(-1)λ1-λ2G(S,θ,0,0) is proved thus the transition amplitude's formula ((33), H-B,see[1]) stands good under the nonforward angular scattering conditions. The equation (ε1-Δε1-h2k12/2mx)=(ε2-Δε2- h2k22/2mx) in Ref[1] may be questionable. The transfer amplitude's formula ((48), H-B) may be suitable only in post representation. The choice of different representations probablely influences the calculation results. The two symmetry properties of the transfer amplitude can simplify the numerical calculation.
In present paper, a non-classical method ("λ" method) of analyzing the two-component radioactive decay curve was developed. The use of the relationship between the apparent decay constant λ(t) and the time t in fitting is to be distinguished from the use of the relationship between the total activity A(t) and t in fitting by the classical method ("A" method). In "λ" method, there are three unknowns while in "A" method there are four, thus the former is simpler than the latter.
A quantum mechanical analog of the Vlasov equation is derived. If the residual nuclear field is taken as generalized Poisson equation, the dispersion relation is consistent with the classical dispersion relation in Ref.[1].
The possibility to use SQS counter as muon identifier is investigated. We measured the characteristics of gas discharge from proportional to SQS mode of the counter with square cross-section. Even with thin sense wire of 24.5μm diameter, SQS mode has been observed. The time distribution of the multipulse and the influence of gas composition on the multipulse is also investigated.
A new cylindrical light guide coupling the photomultiplier to a thin scintillator is described. Its hight collection efficiency is similar to that of the 'twisted trip' guide. The new light guide is simpler, cheaper and more compact.
The expressions of ED multiplication factor and optimum coupling coefficient of the energy storage cavity are derived for the travelling wave electron linear accelerator of the constant impedance structure.
ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4
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