1983 Vol. 7, No. 5
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A large area plastic scintillation counter (80×10×1cm2) for TOF measurement has been made and the timing performance of this system has been measured. Various effects on the timing performance have been studied.
A large area plastic scintillation counter (80×10×1cm2) for TOF measurement has been made and the timing performance of this system has been measured. Various effects on the timing performance have been studied.
Fluorescence light transmission in scintillators is a very important problem and affects the characters of scintillation counter. Fluorescence light collection in a large area scintillator is discussed in detail. The formulas of fluorescence collection efficiency and the way which improves this collection efficiency are given.
Fluorescence light transmission in scintillators is a very important problem and affects the characters of scintillation counter. Fluorescence light collection in a large area scintillator is discussed in detail. The formulas of fluorescence collection efficiency and the way which improves this collection efficiency are given.
A subquark model is proposed. According to this model, stratons and leptons are consisted of rishons T and V, which are multiplets of group SUH(3)×SUC(3)×SUG(2)×SU(2)×U(1). Three generations of both stratons and leptons are obtained naturally. In this model, proton decay modes are μ-e+e+ or e-μ+μ+.
A subquark model is proposed. According to this model, stratons and leptons are consisted of rishons T and V, which are multiplets of group SUH(3)×SUC(3)×SUG(2)×SU(2)×U(1). Three generations of both stratons and leptons are obtained naturally. In this model, proton decay modes are μ-e+e+ or e-μ+μ+.
In this paper we construct a lattice formulation of the pure gauge fields on a coset space in the cases of a group G with non-trivial topological property and of a chiral group G, and present a local gauge invariant action of a quark system on a four-dimensional Euclidean space lattice, which has the continuum limit as usual. For non-chiral group with trivial topological property, it is shown that the coset pure gauge fields have no influence on the confinement properties of the confinement properties of the quark system by calculating lattice current-current propagator when the coset pure gauge fields remain manifest.
In this paper we construct a lattice formulation of the pure gauge fields on a coset space in the cases of a group G with non-trivial topological property and of a chiral group G, and present a local gauge invariant action of a quark system on a four-dimensional Euclidean space lattice, which has the continuum limit as usual. For non-chiral group with trivial topological property, it is shown that the coset pure gauge fields have no influence on the confinement properties of the confinement properties of the quark system by calculating lattice current-current propagator when the coset pure gauge fields remain manifest.
The geometric meaning of the Riccati equation related to the structure of space is discussed. It is shown that the Riccati equation satisfied by the stereographic projection is essentially the structure equation of space.
The geometric meaning of the Riccati equation related to the structure of space is discussed. It is shown that the Riccati equation satisfied by the stereographic projection is essentially the structure equation of space.
We discuss the magnetic moment of W± bosons in W-S model. First we assume that there is no spontaneous symmetry broking. starting from the formalism of path integrals and using the gauge invariance requirement, we obtain the Ward-Takahashi identities for the 3-line VIB proper vertex functions and prove that its tensor structure is the same form as that of bare vertex couplings, which indicated the W± bosons have neither anomalous magnetic moment nor electric quadrupole moment. For the realistic case of spontaneous symmetry breaking, we introduce in the Lagrangian an explicit symmetry breaking term. After discussing the problem of analytic continuation for mass of W± bosons, we prove that prove that the above mentioned conclusion is still valid here.
We discuss the magnetic moment of W± bosons in W-S model. First we assume that there is no spontaneous symmetry broking. starting from the formalism of path integrals and using the gauge invariance requirement, we obtain the Ward-Takahashi identities for the 3-line VIB proper vertex functions and prove that its tensor structure is the same form as that of bare vertex couplings, which indicated the W± bosons have neither anomalous magnetic moment nor electric quadrupole moment. For the realistic case of spontaneous symmetry breaking, we introduce in the Lagrangian an explicit symmetry breaking term. After discussing the problem of analytic continuation for mass of W± bosons, we prove that prove that the above mentioned conclusion is still valid here.
In this paper, the matrix elements of the nucleon-meson vertices due to one gluon exchange transition potential Vq→qqq are calculated by using the generator coordinate method. We obtain that the interaction forms of the vertices are the same as the nonrelativistic forms coming from the interactions of the nucleon field and the meson field; and the coupling constants are roughly consistent with the experimental data.
In this paper, the matrix elements of the nucleon-meson vertices due to one gluon exchange transition potential Vq→qqq are calculated by using the generator coordinate method. We obtain that the interaction forms of the vertices are the same as the nonrelativistic forms coming from the interactions of the nucleon field and the meson field; and the coupling constants are roughly consistent with the experimental data.
A space charge lens has been designed and tested which can be used to focus intense ion beams at several tens of keV. The experimental results obtained can be interpreted with a simplified physical model. The existence of a space charge field and its strong focusing properties are tested experimentally. And it is shown that the relaxation time for the formation of space charge field is much less than 10 μs under our experimental conditions, thus the lens can be used to focus pulsed beams with length of several hundereds of μs of longer.
A space charge lens has been designed and tested which can be used to focus intense ion beams at several tens of keV. The experimental results obtained can be interpreted with a simplified physical model. The existence of a space charge field and its strong focusing properties are tested experimentally. And it is shown that the relaxation time for the formation of space charge field is much less than 10 μs under our experimental conditions, thus the lens can be used to focus pulsed beams with length of several hundereds of μs of longer.
In this paper, the increase of beam projective emittance caused by the momentum dispersion in the transport systems is discussed, and the incrementary ratio is derived. If the bending plane is (XOZ), the incrementary ratio of the transversal emittance is

and the longitudinal one is

Here εx0 and εz0 are original emittances in the x-direction and z-direction respectively, (Δp/p)maxis beam momentum spread βxf, αxf, γxf being acceptance parameters of the system in x-direction for betatron oscillations, η and η' are dispersion function and its derivative.
In this paper, the increase of beam projective emittance caused by the momentum dispersion in the transport systems is discussed, and the incrementary ratio is derived. If the bending plane is (XOZ), the incrementary ratio of the transversal emittance is

and the longitudinal one is

Here εx0 and εz0 are original emittances in the x-direction and z-direction respectively, (Δp/p)maxis beam momentum spread βxf, αxf, γxf being acceptance parameters of the system in x-direction for betatron oscillations, η and η' are dispersion function and its derivative.
A method correlating the dynamical equations with the diffusion equations is developed in this paper to explain the dissipations and fluctuations of heavy ion collisions. Considering the degrees of freedom about the relative motion, rotation and asymmetric mass, the relation between the frictional and diffusion tensors is obtained.
Some imformations of deep inelastic collisions in three reaction systems are obtained by solving coupling equations numerically. The calculated results show that there are orbiting effects in the reaction systems of 86Kr(8.18MeV/A)+166Er and 84Kr(8.5MeV/A)+165Ho and there is strong focusing effect in the reaction system of 136Xe(8.31MeV/A)+209Bi. But the calculated results are in agreement with the experimental data only for larger partial waves. The nuclear force and diffusion coefficients must be studied further.
A method correlating the dynamical equations with the diffusion equations is developed in this paper to explain the dissipations and fluctuations of heavy ion collisions. Considering the degrees of freedom about the relative motion, rotation and asymmetric mass, the relation between the frictional and diffusion tensors is obtained.
Some imformations of deep inelastic collisions in three reaction systems are obtained by solving coupling equations numerically. The calculated results show that there are orbiting effects in the reaction systems of 86Kr(8.18MeV/A)+166Er and 84Kr(8.5MeV/A)+165Ho and there is strong focusing effect in the reaction system of 136Xe(8.31MeV/A)+209Bi. But the calculated results are in agreement with the experimental data only for larger partial waves. The nuclear force and diffusion coefficients must be studied further.
Adopting two sets of Λ-N effective interaction given in the paper (I)[1], we have calculated the binding energies of 1-p shell hypernuclei based on the Hartree-Fock method in the multi-center shell model[2]. The results show that the effective interaction we have introduced is reasonable. And the further evidence for charge-symmetry-breaking in Λ-N interaction can not be obtained from this kind of 1-p shell binding energy calculation.
Adopting two sets of Λ-N effective interaction given in the paper (I)[1], we have calculated the binding energies of 1-p shell hypernuclei based on the Hartree-Fock method in the multi-center shell model[2]. The results show that the effective interaction we have introduced is reasonable. And the further evidence for charge-symmetry-breaking in Λ-N interaction can not be obtained from this kind of 1-p shell binding energy calculation.
Deformation motion of the fission process is considered as a diffusion motion. The fission rate in the steady approximation is calculated from the Fokker-planck equation by means of a complex matrix continued fraction method. Numerical calculation is performed for fission of 236U and on the whole the results are reasonable.
Deformation motion of the fission process is considered as a diffusion motion. The fission rate in the steady approximation is calculated from the Fokker-planck equation by means of a complex matrix continued fraction method. Numerical calculation is performed for fission of 236U and on the whole the results are reasonable.
The real part and the imaginary part of the optical potential and their volume integrals per nucleon for 40Ca and 208Pb are calculated on the basis of the modified Skyrme-forces with the t3ρα term (α<1) which was developed recently. The calculated results and their comparison with the phenomenological optical potential and empirical values show that the nuclear force parameters of SKa and SKb are the best, SGI is the next and the others are rather bad.
The real part and the imaginary part of the optical potential and their volume integrals per nucleon for 40Ca and 208Pb are calculated on the basis of the modified Skyrme-forces with the t3ρα term (α<1) which was developed recently. The calculated results and their comparison with the phenomenological optical potential and empirical values show that the nuclear force parameters of SKa and SKb are the best, SGI is the next and the others are rather bad.
The on shell and the off shell formulisms of the gluon propagators in a system of confined quarks and gluons are discussed, and the components of sea quarks found in a proton are calculated on the basis of the static spherical cavity approximation of MIT bag model. It is shown that the off shell results are obviously smaller than those of the on shell approximation.
The on shell and the off shell formulisms of the gluon propagators in a system of confined quarks and gluons are discussed, and the components of sea quarks found in a proton are calculated on the basis of the static spherical cavity approximation of MIT bag model. It is shown that the off shell results are obviously smaller than those of the on shell approximation.
By using the method of etching tracks from the reverse side of a plastic SSNTD, the cellulose acetate SSNTD made in China can be used for α spectrometer. The energy resolution for α particles of 5.31—8.78MeV is in the region of 66—90keV. A formula to obtain the α particle ranges in cellulose acetate SSNTD is given. The α particle ranges in it have been measured and compared with the calculated ranges.
By using the method of etching tracks from the reverse side of a plastic SSNTD, the cellulose acetate SSNTD made in China can be used for α spectrometer. The energy resolution for α particles of 5.31—8.78MeV is in the region of 66—90keV. A formula to obtain the α particle ranges in cellulose acetate SSNTD is given. The α particle ranges in it have been measured and compared with the calculated ranges.
The isomeric abolute cross-section and cross-section ratio have been measured by the direct activation method for the 45Sc(n, 2n) 44m,gSc reaction and 86Sr(n, 2n) 85m,gSr reaction induced by 14.8+0.4 MeV neutrons. The experimental results are compared with the theoretical ones calculated by Huizenga-Vandenbosch theory and the spin cut-off parameter σ is determined.
The isomeric abolute cross-section and cross-section ratio have been measured by the direct activation method for the 45Sc(n, 2n) 44m,gSc reaction and 86Sr(n, 2n) 85m,gSr reaction induced by 14.8+0.4 MeV neutrons. The experimental results are compared with the theoretical ones calculated by Huizenga-Vandenbosch theory and the spin cut-off parameter σ is determined.
The self-quenching streamer gas discharge mode is discussed. In this article we report the results for self-quenching streamer mode in electronic and optical observations, its operating efficiency, transfer to limited Geiger discharge mode, the correlation with primary ionization and the pulse amplitude spectrum etc. are mentioned. The optical photographic observation gives us better understanding for this new gas discharge mode.
The self-quenching streamer gas discharge mode is discussed. In this article we report the results for self-quenching streamer mode in electronic and optical observations, its operating efficiency, transfer to limited Geiger discharge mode, the correlation with primary ionization and the pulse amplitude spectrum etc. are mentioned. The optical photographic observation gives us better understanding for this new gas discharge mode.
The etching behaviours of registering the a particles and the fission fragments tracks and the annealing effects on them were studied and compared in three types of polyearbonate Chao-yang No. 1, Legan and Makrofol-E, using NaOH, KOH amd KHC (a mined solution of KOH, H20 and C2HOH).
Our results reveal that the Chao-yang No. 1 has both advantages of Legan rind Mak-rofol-E and is a Chinese-made SSTD in high quality.
The etching behaviours of registering the a particles and the fission fragments tracks and the annealing effects on them were studied and compared in three types of polyearbonate Chao-yang No. 1, Legan and Makrofol-E, using NaOH, KOH amd KHC (a mined solution of KOH, H20 and C2HOH).
Our results reveal that the Chao-yang No. 1 has both advantages of Legan rind Mak-rofol-E and is a Chinese-made SSTD in high quality.
ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4
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- Nuclear physics
- Particle and nuclear astrophysics
- Cosmology
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