1982 Vol. 6, No. 3
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In this paper, the recording energy range and efficiency of cellulose acetate trackdetector (made by Shanghai Film Works) to proton and deuteron registration were de-termined, and the upper limit of recording energy to α-particle registration was dete-rmined too The highest energies of α-particle, proton and deuteron registrated are11.7, 0.8 and 1.35 MeV respectively. At a certain removed layer thickness range, theefficiencies of vertical incident protons with energy 400--900 keV and deuterons withenergy 450--1350 keV registrated are all 100%. The model of restricted energy lossproposed by Benton was tested for the sensitive cellulose acetate track detector usingprotons, deuterons and alpha particles. It is shown that. the model may be applied tolight particle registrations. For these light particle registrations by the detector, thereis a functional relation between the etching rate ratios and ranges, thetefore, it maybe used to identify light particles.
In this paper, the recording energy range and efficiency of cellulose acetate trackdetector (made by Shanghai Film Works) to proton and deuteron registration were de-termined, and the upper limit of recording energy to α-particle registration was dete-rmined too The highest energies of α-particle, proton and deuteron registrated are11.7, 0.8 and 1.35 MeV respectively. At a certain removed layer thickness range, theefficiencies of vertical incident protons with energy 400--900 keV and deuterons withenergy 450--1350 keV registrated are all 100%. The model of restricted energy lossproposed by Benton was tested for the sensitive cellulose acetate track detector usingprotons, deuterons and alpha particles. It is shown that. the model may be applied tolight particle registrations. For these light particle registrations by the detector, thereis a functional relation between the etching rate ratios and ranges, thetefore, it maybe used to identify light particles.
We have reported a method of monitoring the concentration of organic vapour inMSC by chromatography. Using standard samples of liquid, the standard curves ofsamples-chromatogram peaks are established. Then the chromatogram peak height inthe worked gas of MSC are measured, and the concentration of organic vapour isobtained by means of comparison with the standard curves. The measurements showthat using a simple gas mixing system a very high stablity of the concentration of themixture gas in MSC may be obtained.
We have reported a method of monitoring the concentration of organic vapour inMSC by chromatography. Using standard samples of liquid, the standard curves ofsamples-chromatogram peaks are established. Then the chromatogram peak height inthe worked gas of MSC are measured, and the concentration of organic vapour isobtained by means of comparison with the standard curves. The measurements showthat using a simple gas mixing system a very high stablity of the concentration of themixture gas in MSC may be obtained.
Massive heutrino and neutrino mixing are assumed. We get an equation of themixing angles and the neutrino mass ratios by horizontal symmetry. The conerete values of mixing angles are calculated. They are not contradictory with experiments. Inorder to explain μ → eγ process, exchange of neutrino with mass of GeV order isassumed. This neutrino is probably just the neutrino of fourth generation.
Massive heutrino and neutrino mixing are assumed. We get an equation of themixing angles and the neutrino mass ratios by horizontal symmetry. The conerete values of mixing angles are calculated. They are not contradictory with experiments. Inorder to explain μ → eγ process, exchange of neutrino with mass of GeV order isassumed. This neutrino is probably just the neutrino of fourth generation.
By means of the theory of symmetric group, the expression of normal units of nparticles in j-j coupling, l-s coupling and higher symmetry partition, is obtained.
By means of the theory of symmetric group, the expression of normal units of nparticles in j-j coupling, l-s coupling and higher symmetry partition, is obtained.
We study the influence. of the spin terms and off shell correction of π-N amplitudeπ-nucleus double charge exchange reaction. It is showed that both greatly reduce thecross sections and improve the theoretical result to fit the experimental data better.Spin effect is importance in the (3,3) resonance energy region, but it is less importantin the higher energy.
We study the influence. of the spin terms and off shell correction of π-N amplitudeπ-nucleus double charge exchange reaction. It is showed that both greatly reduce thecross sections and improve the theoretical result to fit the experimental data better.Spin effect is importance in the (3,3) resonance energy region, but it is less importantin the higher energy.
Using SU(3)×SU(3) symmetry the bag model with pion cloued suggested in re-cent years is generalized to the bag model containing K, η, η′meson cloud. The massspectra of hadrons are calculated and the origin of pion cloud is discussed.
Using SU(3)×SU(3) symmetry the bag model with pion cloued suggested in re-cent years is generalized to the bag model containing K, η, η′meson cloud. The massspectra of hadrons are calculated and the origin of pion cloud is discussed.
Basing on the Lorentz covariance and SO (4, 2) symmetry of Dirac theory, anobvious covariant theory of spinor gauge field is obtained by expanding the Lorentztransformation to general coordinate tranformation and making the SO (4, 2) to belocalized. We have proved that, by the gauge independence, the symmetrygroup is reduced to the localized rotation of Lorentz group in Riemann space automa-tically. So our theory is the natural generalization of Dirac theory in curved space.We have also proved that, the spinor gauge field can not appear in flat space, thenthe existence of spinor gauge field is closely related to the curvature. The differencesbetween our theory and Utiyama and Kibble theories are also discussed, and it is poin-ted out that the so-called scalar property of Dirac wave function in general relativity isa misunderstanding caused by the unobvious covariance of those theories, even inthose theories We can not distinguish what is the genuine gauge. field and what is theeffect of the structure of space. In obvious covariant theory this paradox disappears.
Basing on the Lorentz covariance and SO (4, 2) symmetry of Dirac theory, anobvious covariant theory of spinor gauge field is obtained by expanding the Lorentztransformation to general coordinate tranformation and making the SO (4, 2) to belocalized. We have proved that, by the gauge independence, the symmetrygroup is reduced to the localized rotation of Lorentz group in Riemann space automa-tically. So our theory is the natural generalization of Dirac theory in curved space.We have also proved that, the spinor gauge field can not appear in flat space, thenthe existence of spinor gauge field is closely related to the curvature. The differencesbetween our theory and Utiyama and Kibble theories are also discussed, and it is poin-ted out that the so-called scalar property of Dirac wave function in general relativity isa misunderstanding caused by the unobvious covariance of those theories, even inthose theories We can not distinguish what is the genuine gauge. field and what is theeffect of the structure of space. In obvious covariant theory this paradox disappears.
In this paper we have proved that the wave functions for bosons and fermionscan be classified by either of the following two Lie superalgebra chains U(2l+1/2j+1)
SO(3), U(2l+1/2j+1)
SO(3) The wave functions for bosons and fermions classified by the Lie superalgebra chain U(2l+1/2j+1)
SO(3), are calculated also.
In this paper we have proved that the wave functions for bosons and fermionscan be classified by either of the following two Lie superalgebra chains U(2l+1/2j+1)

In this paper. we have used the Eikonal wave functionφE(r)=(2π)-3/2 exp(ik.r)X(r)whereexp{-i/hv∫-∞zV(x,y,z,')dz'}and V=nk/m to investigate the quasifree scattering 6Li (p, pd)α with Ep=156 MeV,590MeV and 670 MeV. In V(x, y, z), the nuclear interaction and the Coulomb inte-raction are included. For the case of 156 MeV, the nuclear potential is taken to be the Woods-Saxon type.The result is shown in fig. 1. This result is compared with those obtained by themethod of partial waves. For the cases of 590MeV and 670MeV, a new method is used to describe thenuclear potential, and the results are showh in fig. 3 and fig. 4, respectively.
In this paper. we have used the Eikonal wave functionφE(r)=(2π)-3/2 exp(ik.r)X(r)whereexp{-i/hv∫-∞zV(x,y,z,')dz'}and V=nk/m to investigate the quasifree scattering 6Li (p, pd)α with Ep=156 MeV,590MeV and 670 MeV. In V(x, y, z), the nuclear interaction and the Coulomb inte-raction are included. For the case of 156 MeV, the nuclear potential is taken to be the Woods-Saxon type.The result is shown in fig. 1. This result is compared with those obtained by themethod of partial waves. For the cases of 590MeV and 670MeV, a new method is used to describe thenuclear potential, and the results are showh in fig. 3 and fig. 4, respectively.
An extension of И. Я. Померанчук theorem for incident unpolarized particles andanti-particles at a fixed target to the case of polarized particles and anti-particles isdiscussed and a series of symmetry relations between the total cross sections of polariz-ed particles and anti-particles are obtained.
An extension of И. Я. Померанчук theorem for incident unpolarized particles andanti-particles at a fixed target to the case of polarized particles and anti-particles isdiscussed and a series of symmetry relations between the total cross sections of polariz-ed particles and anti-particles are obtained.
In this letter, we propose a Higgs mechanism which is different from the usualone at the first step of spontaneous symmetry breaking. Using this new Higgs mechanismwe discuss an SU(9) model which can accommodate three generations of light fer-mions and sustains the asymptotic freedom of SU(3)c.
In this letter, we propose a Higgs mechanism which is different from the usualone at the first step of spontaneous symmetry breaking. Using this new Higgs mechanismwe discuss an SU(9) model which can accommodate three generations of light fer-mions and sustains the asymptotic freedom of SU(3)c.
Based on a transport equation of the Fokker-Planck type the correlations in theangular-momentum distributions of binary fragments in deeply inelastic heavy-ion col-lisions are investigated. A strong anticorrelation is found due to the centrifugal part ofthe driving potential. The correlation angle increases towards mass symmetry andreaches 45° for symmetric fragmentation.
Based on a transport equation of the Fokker-Planck type the correlations in theangular-momentum distributions of binary fragments in deeply inelastic heavy-ion col-lisions are investigated. A strong anticorrelation is found due to the centrifugal part ofthe driving potential. The correlation angle increases towards mass symmetry andreaches 45° for symmetric fragmentation.
A model Hamiltonian of interacting Boson-Fermion system is given and this modelHamiltonian is solved with siniority v≤2. The calculation shows that the back-ben-ding phenomana can be well discribed.
A model Hamiltonian of interacting Boson-Fermion system is given and this modelHamiltonian is solved with siniority v≤2. The calculation shows that the back-ben-ding phenomana can be well discribed.
Angular distribution for the elastic and some inelstic scattering of α particle on24Mg isotope between 12°and 178°in steps of 2°(Lab) have been measured at 18.1MeV α bombarding energy. α+24Mg elastic scattering angular distribution at back-ward angles displays more pronounced oscillation and a strong overall rise of crosssection. The calculation by the standard optical model together with compound nuclearscattering (via H-F) cannot predict this anomalous enhancement. The calculation byuse of an L-dependent imaginary potential optical model is in good agreement withthe experimental data. The fits of L-dependent optical model to the experimentalangular distributions of other energies are also discussed.
Angular distribution for the elastic and some inelstic scattering of α particle on24Mg isotope between 12°and 178°in steps of 2°(Lab) have been measured at 18.1MeV α bombarding energy. α+24Mg elastic scattering angular distribution at back-ward angles displays more pronounced oscillation and a strong overall rise of crosssection. The calculation by the standard optical model together with compound nuclearscattering (via H-F) cannot predict this anomalous enhancement. The calculation byuse of an L-dependent imaginary potential optical model is in good agreement withthe experimental data. The fits of L-dependent optical model to the experimentalangular distributions of other energies are also discussed.
Independent yields of 82Br, 96Nb, 112Ag, 130I,132I, 134I, 134mCs, 135mCs, 136Cs and upper limitof independent yield for 140La in the fission of 232Th induced by neutrons of 14 MeVwere determined with nuclear chemistry techniques. The correlation of the fractionalindependent yields in the high yield mass chains with a Gaussian curve of charge dis-tribution has been investigated using various mass formulae and charge distributionhypotheses. The results indicate that the hrpothesis of minimum potential energy witha shell-effected mass equation gives the best fit to the data. The width parameter Cof the charge distribution is found to be 0.80. The large deviations of 32Br and 112Ag from the Gaussian curve seem to show that the low yield in very asymmetric fissioncan be attributed to a narrower width of charge distribution, whereas the high yield insymmetric fission may correlate with a wider width. The trends have been explainedqualitatively in terms of a liquid drop model. There is no evidence for 40-proton subshell effect on the fission yield.
Independent yields of 82Br, 96Nb, 112Ag, 130I,132I, 134I, 134mCs, 135mCs, 136Cs and upper limitof independent yield for 140La in the fission of 232Th induced by neutrons of 14 MeVwere determined with nuclear chemistry techniques. The correlation of the fractionalindependent yields in the high yield mass chains with a Gaussian curve of charge dis-tribution has been investigated using various mass formulae and charge distributionhypotheses. The results indicate that the hrpothesis of minimum potential energy witha shell-effected mass equation gives the best fit to the data. The width parameter Cof the charge distribution is found to be 0.80. The large deviations of 32Br and 112Ag from the Gaussian curve seem to show that the low yield in very asymmetric fissioncan be attributed to a narrower width of charge distribution, whereas the high yield insymmetric fission may correlate with a wider width. The trends have been explainedqualitatively in terms of a liquid drop model. There is no evidence for 40-proton subshell effect on the fission yield.
The isomeric absolute cross-section have been measured for the reaction 133Cs (n,c) 134 Cs at 14.8 MeV neutron energy.The results are:σn,γ134mCs=1.76±0.14mb;σn,γ134gCs=5.17±0.41mb;σn,γ134+gCs=6.93±0.55mb.The isomeric cross-section ratio is σ134mCs/σ134gCs=0.34±0.03 The experimental results are in agreement with the values given by S.M. Qaim andcompared with the theoretical results calculated by Huizenga-Vandenbosch theory.From this, the spin cut-off paramenter σ and the number of γ-Cascades have been de-termined.
The isomeric absolute cross-section have been measured for the reaction 133Cs (n,c) 134 Cs at 14.8 MeV neutron energy.The results are:σn,γ134mCs=1.76±0.14mb;σn,γ134gCs=5.17±0.41mb;σn,γ134+gCs=6.93±0.55mb.The isomeric cross-section ratio is σ134mCs/σ134gCs=0.34±0.03 The experimental results are in agreement with the values given by S.M. Qaim andcompared with the theoretical results calculated by Huizenga-Vandenbosch theory.From this, the spin cut-off paramenter σ and the number of γ-Cascades have been de-termined.
In this paper, it is pointed out that in the phase adjusted focusing laser accelerator,particles are accelerated by "slow wave" (synchronizing with the accelerated particles)but not "fast wave". (waves whose phase velocity is faster than the speed of light).Some measures should be taken so as to get stability in both longitudinal and transversemotion.
In this paper, it is pointed out that in the phase adjusted focusing laser accelerator,particles are accelerated by "slow wave" (synchronizing with the accelerated particles)but not "fast wave". (waves whose phase velocity is faster than the speed of light).Some measures should be taken so as to get stability in both longitudinal and transversemotion.
The B (M1) value of the l-forbidden M1 transition of 40Ca ±1 nuclei were calculatedwith the effective g-factors in 40Ca region. The results give a explanation of strong l-forbidden M1 transitions of 39K, 41K. A qualitative explanation for the reason of largedifference of B(M1) value of l-forbidden M1 transition between 39K, 41K and 39Ca, 41Cais given also.
The B (M1) value of the l-forbidden M1 transition of 40Ca ±1 nuclei were calculatedwith the effective g-factors in 40Ca region. The results give a explanation of strong l-forbidden M1 transitions of 39K, 41K. A qualitative explanation for the reason of largedifference of B(M1) value of l-forbidden M1 transition between 39K, 41K and 39Ca, 41Cais given also.
ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4
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