1980 Vol. 4, No. 4
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At an altitude of 3220 metres above sea level in Yunan, the muon intensity above2.0 GeV/c was measured at large zenith angles (78.4-90°) by a G-M hodoscope. Atmean zenith angle 86.2°, the measured result was (9.2±1.0)·10-5cm-2·sr-1·s-1. By a magnetic cloud chamber, the muon spectrum at same zenith angles was mea-sured in the momentum region 2-51 GeV/c.
At an altitude of 3220 metres above sea level in Yunan, the muon intensity above2.0 GeV/c was measured at large zenith angles (78.4-90°) by a G-M hodoscope. Atmean zenith angle 86.2°, the measured result was (9.2±1.0)·10-5cm-2·sr-1·s-1. By a magnetic cloud chamber, the muon spectrum at same zenith angles was mea-sured in the momentum region 2-51 GeV/c.
An experiment, using a large magnetic cloud chamber to search for new Particlesin horizontal cosmic rays is described. The result is: the flux of particles with unitcharge, β<0.7, m>1 GeV/c2 or the flux of relativistic fractional charge particiles isless than 3×10-8cm-2sr-1sec-1.
An experiment, using a large magnetic cloud chamber to search for new Particlesin horizontal cosmic rays is described. The result is: the flux of particles with unitcharge, β<0.7, m>1 GeV/c2 or the flux of relativistic fractional charge particiles isless than 3×10-8cm-2sr-1sec-1.
By using the distribution functions[1] of the valence stratons with definite helicities,the differential cross sections and asymmetries of the deep inelastic scattering processesof neutrinos or antineutrinos on polarized nucleons are computed.
By using the distribution functions[1] of the valence stratons with definite helicities,the differential cross sections and asymmetries of the deep inelastic scattering processesof neutrinos or antineutrinos on polarized nucleons are computed.
With a representation of the rotation group induced by the anti-commutative, self-inverse matrices the transformations named by Foldy-Wouthuysen, Cini-Taschek,Chakrabarti and the others are treated from a unified viewpoint. A new transforma-tion is found. Some applications of this method in the eigenvalue problems are demon-strated.
With a representation of the rotation group induced by the anti-commutative, self-inverse matrices the transformations named by Foldy-Wouthuysen, Cini-Taschek,Chakrabarti and the others are treated from a unified viewpoint. A new transforma-tion is found. Some applications of this method in the eigenvalue problems are demon-strated.
The probability interpretation of the bound state meson wave functions is discussed by taking the O- meson wave function solved for the nearly flat bottom potential asan example. On the one hand, given a probability amplitude sense to the three dimen-sional wave function of the meson in the configuration space obtained under the equaltime limit of the four dimensional covariant wave functional solved from the B-S equal-tion, the averaged radius<r2 > of the meson can be calculated. On the other hand, theelectromagnetic average radius <r2 > is evaluated from the slope at the origin of thespace-like electromagnetic form factor of the meson calculated directly from the fourdimensional B-S wave function. The two averaged values are compared and turn outto be in good coincidence (except for the case of scalar coupling, in which the differenceis about 30%). This shows that though the four dimensional B-S wave function doesnot possess a definite sense of probability amplitude, nevertheless, it might be plausibleto give such a sense to the three dimensional configuration space wave function of themeson obtained from the four dimensional one under the equal time limit.
The probability interpretation of the bound state meson wave functions is discussed by taking the O- meson wave function solved for the nearly flat bottom potential asan example. On the one hand, given a probability amplitude sense to the three dimen-sional wave function of the meson in the configuration space obtained under the equaltime limit of the four dimensional covariant wave functional solved from the B-S equal-tion, the averaged radius<r
A model is proposed in which a meson considered as a collective vibrational stateconsisting of various quark-antiquark pairs. Whereas the quarks are quasi particlesundergone a superconductivity phase transition, there is a characteristic softeningphenomenon in the meson spectrum near the critical point of phase transition. Afterdiscussing the meson states with isospin I=0 (spin S=0,1) and I=1,(S=0) re-specticely, it is argued that phase transition occured all of them.
A model is proposed in which a meson considered as a collective vibrational stateconsisting of various quark-antiquark pairs. Whereas the quarks are quasi particlesundergone a superconductivity phase transition, there is a characteristic softeningphenomenon in the meson spectrum near the critical point of phase transition. Afterdiscussing the meson states with isospin I=0 (spin S=0,1) and I=1,(S=0) re-specticely, it is argued that phase transition occured all of them.
In this paper, we assume that proton, neutron and Λ hyperon are the basic particleswhich belong to the fundamental triplet of the group SU3. Thus baryonium are to beclassified in the representations of SU3. Besides, the "original" mass difference be-tween Λ hyperon and nucleon exhibits the violation of unitary symmetry which causesthe splittings of energy levels and leads to the formations of the "unitary symmetricalenergy band". The analysis in this paper of the energy levels of B-B systems shows theexistence of the energy band. Furthermore, we find that the theoretical values obtainedare consistent with the experimental ones quite well.
In this paper, we assume that proton, neutron and Λ hyperon are the basic particleswhich belong to the fundamental triplet of the group SU3. Thus baryonium are to beclassified in the representations of SU3. Besides, the "original" mass difference be-tween Λ hyperon and nucleon exhibits the violation of unitary symmetry which causesthe splittings of energy levels and leads to the formations of the "unitary symmetricalenergy band". The analysis in this paper of the energy levels of B-B systems shows theexistence of the energy band. Furthermore, we find that the theoretical values obtainedare consistent with the experimental ones quite well.
A model of horizontal gauge is given, where s1≈√2 md/ms and s2≈s3≈ms2/√2 mb2 is the main decay mode of the quark b.
A model of horizontal gauge is given, where s1≈√2 md/ms and s2≈s3≈ms2/√2 mb2 is the main decay mode of the quark b.
At the time of discussing the stationary soliton solutions of a real spin-less field inone spatial dimension, we notice that there exists another kind of strict solutions inscalar field theory. The field's total energy, momentum and angular momentum forit all vanish, hence it means vacuum which, being named as "τ vacuum", representsthe zero-point vibration. Moreover if the cononical momentum's being zero π=0 or φ's being real is demanded, then the τvacuum automatically gives the ordinaryvacuum solutions which indicate that the symmetries are spontaneously broken. Inthis article, the first-order quantum-like correction for the φ4 theory, Sine-Gordantheory and the L rank potntial are discussed respectively. Although this kind ofvacuum solutions is an imaginary one, it is important for studying the vacuum'smechanism, for upon transforming it into the Euclidean space, it belomes the ordinarysoliton solution.
At the time of discussing the stationary soliton solutions of a real spin-less field inone spatial dimension, we notice that there exists another kind of strict solutions inscalar field theory. The field's total energy, momentum and angular momentum forit all vanish, hence it means vacuum which, being named as "τ vacuum", representsthe zero-point vibration. Moreover if the cononical momentum's being zero π=0 or φ's being real is demanded, then the τvacuum automatically gives the ordinaryvacuum solutions which indicate that the symmetries are spontaneously broken. Inthis article, the first-order quantum-like correction for the φ4 theory, Sine-Gordantheory and the L rank potntial are discussed respectively. Although this kind ofvacuum solutions is an imaginary one, it is important for studying the vacuum'smechanism, for upon transforming it into the Euclidean space, it belomes the ordinarysoliton solution.
Based on the quark model of multiple production, starting from the N (Q) rela-tion obtained by the author in [1], a systematic method of calculating the absoluteyield of secondary hadrons is given. After an analysis of the few data about the production of L=1 mesons, it is found that if the production of L=1 mesons has the same SU (6) broken symmetry as that of L=0 mesons the ratio of their yield would be 1:3.The yeild of hadrons so calculated are in agreement with the experimental data. Thecurrent problem of η/ω, η'/ω anomaly is also solved as a by-product.
Based on the quark model of multiple production, starting from the N (Q) rela-tion obtained by the author in [1], a systematic method of calculating the absoluteyield of secondary hadrons is given. After an analysis of the few data about the production of L=1 mesons, it is found that if the production of L=1 mesons has the same SU (6) broken symmetry as that of L=0 mesons the ratio of their yield would be 1:3.The yeild of hadrons so calculated are in agreement with the experimental data. Thecurrent problem of η/ω, η'/ω anomaly is also solved as a by-product.
With the help of the commutation relations of the creation and annihilation opera-tors, the wave functions for the nuclear quadruple oscillations are discussed. An ex-plicit expression for the phonon wave functions constructed according to the groupchain U5
SU2×SU2' and some of their important relations are given. Theunitary transformation loefficiens from the basis mentioned above to the one construe-ted according to the group chain U5
R3 are also discussed. A formula for thetransformation coefficients is given. In this paper, a general formula of the multiplicity factor for given angular mo-mentum quantum number I and seniority number P is derived and a table of the P andI values for P≤30 is given.
With the help of the commutation relations of the creation and annihilation opera-tors, the wave functions for the nuclear quadruple oscillations are discussed. An ex-plicit expression for the phonon wave functions constructed according to the groupchain U5

Swelling treatment can increase the chemical activity of cellulose and its deriva-tives in heterogenous reactions. Hence we consider it possible to activate cellulose acetatesolid state track detector by swelling After testing nine sorts of cellulose acetate de-tector materials, we found that swelling with water could effectively increase theirsensitivity, So that they could record a particles more than 5 MeV in energy. We alsofound that cellulose nitrate had a similar sensitization effect.
Swelling treatment can increase the chemical activity of cellulose and its deriva-tives in heterogenous reactions. Hence we consider it possible to activate cellulose acetatesolid state track detector by swelling After testing nine sorts of cellulose acetate de-tector materials, we found that swelling with water could effectively increase theirsensitivity, So that they could record a particles more than 5 MeV in energy. We alsofound that cellulose nitrate had a similar sensitization effect.
The advantages and the defects of the two methods for treating pairing correla-tion are discussed. Assuming that the spacing of the single-particle levels near theFermi surface is uniform, the influences of the pairing correlation on the bindingenergies, the energy spectra, two-particle transfer cross sections and the branchingratios are analysed. The importance of Pauli principle manifests itself clearly.
The advantages and the defects of the two methods for treating pairing correla-tion are discussed. Assuming that the spacing of the single-particle levels near theFermi surface is uniform, the influences of the pairing correlation on the bindingenergies, the energy spectra, two-particle transfer cross sections and the branchingratios are analysed. The importance of Pauli principle manifests itself clearly.
It is well known that corresponding to the discrete (d) and continuous (c) energyspectra of the nuclei (N+1) and (N-1), the Lehmann representation of the singleparticle (sp) Green function Gαβ(ω) may be separated into two parts: Gαβ(ω)=Gαβd(ω)+Gαβc(ω). Although Gαβd(ω) is a meromorphic function, Gαβc(ω) contains branch cuts. In ourprevious discussion of the non-hermitian sp potential uαβ=Mαβ(εβ) defined in termsof the mass operator Mαβ(ω), we have only considered Gαβd(ω) explicitly. This corres-ponds to a truncation approximation. In this paper, the consequences due to Gαβc(ω) are further investigated. It is shown that besides a few new conclusions, all the resultsobtained previously remain true.
It is well known that corresponding to the discrete (d) and continuous (c) energyspectra of the nuclei (N+1) and (N-1), the Lehmann representation of the singleparticle (sp) Green function Gαβ(ω) may be separated into two parts: Gαβ(ω)=Gαβd(ω)+Gαβc(ω). Although Gαβd(ω) is a meromorphic function, Gαβc(ω) contains branch cuts. In ourprevious discussion of the non-hermitian sp potential uαβ=Mαβ(εβ) defined in termsof the mass operator Mαβ(ω), we have only considered Gαβd(ω) explicitly. This corres-ponds to a truncation approximation. In this paper, the consequences due to Gαβc(ω) are further investigated. It is shown that besides a few new conclusions, all the resultsobtained previously remain true.

The isotopic distribution for DIR yields has been obtained for very asymmetricsystem 40Ar(E1ab=263MeV) + 238U. The fragment identification was done by the com-bination of two independent time of flight and two ΔE-E measurements. A simple classical model is presented to explain the experimental results for theN/Z degree of freedom. This model has also been tested for experimental results forvery asymmetric systems (40Ar+197Au, 32S+238U, 63Cu+232Th and 40Ar+232Th) reportedby other authors. The agreement between this classical calculation and all the experi-mental results appears to be satisfactory.
The isotopic distribution for DIR yields has been obtained for very asymmetricsystem 40Ar(E1ab=263MeV) + 238U. The fragment identification was done by the com-bination of two independent time of flight and two ΔE-E measurements. A simple classical model is presented to explain the experimental results for theN/Z degree of freedom. This model has also been tested for experimental results forvery asymmetric systems (40Ar+197Au, 32S+238U, 63Cu+232Th and 40Ar+232Th) reportedby other authors. The agreement between this classical calculation and all the experi-mental results appears to be satisfactory.
A sieve-comparison method is proposed according to the accelerator's data ofcharmed particles to identify the properties of the X-particles observed in high energycosmic ray interactions. The principles of the sieve-comparison method are as follows: 1. The cross section σx<span style="border-top: 1px solid; padding-top: 0px;">x</span> of these X-particles produced in pair should be appro-ximately equal to the cross section σDD of D meson produced in pair. 2. The empirical selection rules of the decay in weak interaction from the experi-ments using accelerators should be suitable to these X-particles: charmed number|Δc|=1, strangeness ΔS=Δc=1, isospin |ΔI3| =1→|ΔI|=1, (nonlepton). 3. The charge and the decay channel should be in coincidence with the empiricalselection rule, Q=I3+(B+C)/2 for each X particle and it's transverse momentumshould be large (P⊥=400-1000MeV/c). 4. For the same kind of the particles, their width-mass ratio (г/M) should beof the same order of magnitude. All the X particles observed so far in emulsion chambers have been analyzedaccording to this method, it is found that they are possibly D, <span style="border-top: 1px solid; padding-top: 0px;">D</span>, Σc+, Λc+, Ecc+, (seetable I). Inversely, we may estimate the mean lives and masses of new charmed parti-cles observed in accelerator's experiments according to cosmic ray's data. The resultsare shown in table II.
A sieve-comparison method is proposed according to the accelerator's data ofcharmed particles to identify the properties of the X-particles observed in high energycosmic ray interactions. The principles of the sieve-comparison method are as follows: 1. The cross section σx<span style="border-top: 1px solid; padding-top: 0px;">x</span> of these X-particles produced in pair should be appro-ximately equal to the cross section σDD of D meson produced in pair. 2. The empirical selection rules of the decay in weak interaction from the experi-ments using accelerators should be suitable to these X-particles: charmed number|Δc|=1, strangeness ΔS=Δc=1, isospin |ΔI3| =1→|ΔI|=1, (nonlepton). 3. The charge and the decay channel should be in coincidence with the empiricalselection rule, Q=I3+(B+C)/2 for each X particle and it's transverse momentumshould be large (P⊥=400-1000MeV/c). 4. For the same kind of the particles, their width-mass ratio (г/M) should beof the same order of magnitude. All the X particles observed so far in emulsion chambers have been analyzedaccording to this method, it is found that they are possibly D, <span style="border-top: 1px solid; padding-top: 0px;">D</span>, Σc+, Λc+, Ecc+, (seetable I). Inversely, we may estimate the mean lives and masses of new charmed parti-cles observed in accelerator's experiments according to cosmic ray's data. The resultsare shown in table II.
The electro-weak model in SU(3)×U(1) is extended to include strong interaction.A possible exchange symmetry between the flavour and the colour gauge interactionsis discussed.
The electro-weak model in SU(3)×U(1) is extended to include strong interaction.A possible exchange symmetry between the flavour and the colour gauge interactionsis discussed.
ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4
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- Cover Story (Issue 1, 2025) Comments on Prediction of Energy Resolution inthe JUNO Experiment
- Cover Story (Issue 12, 2024) | Doubly heavy meson puzzle: precise prediction of the mass spectra and hadronic decay with coupled channel effects to hunt for beauty-charm family
- Cover Story (Issue 9, 2024) Measurement of solar pp neutrino flux using electron recoil data from PandaX-4T commissioning run
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- Cover Story (Issue 3, 2024) | First measurement of the ground-state mass of 22Al helps to evaluate the ab-initio theory