1979 Vol. 3, No. 3
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It is shown that the statical spherosymmetrical sourceless solutions of SU(2) guagefield,which satisfy a physical boundary condition,must be selfdual.Then from theselfdual condition,we solve the equation explicitily,hence show the uniqueness analy-tically.By gauge transforming the Lagrangian by a local generator of synchrono-symmetry,we get a corresponding local charge current density,which is both gaugeinvariant and conserved.The total values of either electric or magnetic charge arequantized,but the charge distributions in space are continuous and not restrictedby quantization.Finally we discuss a mechanism of spontaneous symmetry break-down.Contrary to ordinary magnetic flux string,now the ordered phase is surround-ed by the normal phase,the ordered phase repels electric fields,and electric fieldsdestory the ordered phase.
It is shown that the statical spherosymmetrical sourceless solutions of SU(2) guagefield,which satisfy a physical boundary condition,must be selfdual.Then from theselfdual condition,we solve the equation explicitily,hence show the uniqueness analy-tically.By gauge transforming the Lagrangian by a local generator of synchrono-symmetry,we get a corresponding local charge current density,which is both gaugeinvariant and conserved.The total values of either electric or magnetic charge arequantized,but the charge distributions in space are continuous and not restrictedby quantization.Finally we discuss a mechanism of spontaneous symmetry break-down.Contrary to ordinary magnetic flux string,now the ordered phase is surround-ed by the normal phase,the ordered phase repels electric fields,and electric fieldsdestory the ordered phase.
The mass spectrum of the J/ψ meson family can't be explained by the MIT bagmodel.Based on the theory of our Rubber Bag model of hadrons,the mass spectrumof the ordinary hadrons and that of the J/ψ family (ψ(3772) included) are calcula-ted in a unified way in this paper.The results so obtained conform well to experi-mental data.
The mass spectrum of the J/ψ meson family can't be explained by the MIT bagmodel.Based on the theory of our Rubber Bag model of hadrons,the mass spectrumof the ordinary hadrons and that of the J/ψ family (ψ(3772) included) are calcula-ted in a unified way in this paper.The results so obtained conform well to experi-mental data.
The definition of the conjugate field quantities in the composite field theoryand the possible forms of the relativistic wave functions of the bound state are discus-sed.Possible ways to solve these two problems simultaneously are suggested.
The definition of the conjugate field quantities in the composite field theoryand the possible forms of the relativistic wave functions of the bound state are discus-sed.Possible ways to solve these two problems simultaneously are suggested.
In this paper the role of the pseudoscalar gluon in the hadron structure is dis-cussed.
In this paper the role of the pseudoscalar gluon in the hadron structure is dis-cussed.
Treating Lee Model by Slac method,we find that,to state ||V> of one particle and state ||VN> of two particles,there corresponds a solution of Slac bag type re-spectively.The latter bears resemblance to the former in energy especially for ||V> state with the replacement of the interaction constants g by g/√e only.In addition,the“bag”corresponds precisely to the scalar field in ||V> and ||VN> states.However,for ψN- and ψV- field,we get δ-function type solutions by Slac method.They deviate greatly from the rigorous solutions.The“skin confinement”as statedby Bardeen et al.,and Rafelski is closely related to the δ-confinment in the one par-tiele state found here by coherent state approximation.Thus it may not representthe physical picture in the rigorous solution of a quantum field theory.
Treating Lee Model by Slac method,we find that,to state ||V> of one particle and state ||VN> of two particles,there corresponds a solution of Slac bag type re-spectively.The latter bears resemblance to the former in energy especially for ||V> state with the replacement of the interaction constants g by g/√e only.In addition,the“bag”corresponds precisely to the scalar field in ||V> and ||VN> states.However,for ψN- and ψV- field,we get δ-function type solutions by Slac method.They deviate greatly from the rigorous solutions.The“skin confinement”as statedby Bardeen et al.,and Rafelski is closely related to the δ-confinment in the one par-tiele state found here by coherent state approximation.Thus it may not representthe physical picture in the rigorous solution of a quantum field theory.
In this paper we work out the relativistic covariant B-S wave function for the(π+ π-)s atoms.Some properties of the“direct channel diagram”of the produc-tion the (π+ π-)s atoms are discussed by calculating the cross-section of the process π+ +n→p+(π+ π-)s with the help of the relativistic covariant wave function and assuming the lowest termin the perturbation expansion series of the quantized composite field theory——the“direct channel diagram”is dominant.Besides this calcuation perhaps presentsa rough estimate for the interesting process μ+ +n→(μ+ π-)+p.
In this paper we work out the relativistic covariant B-S wave function for the(π+ π-)s atoms.Some properties of the“direct channel diagram”of the produc-tion the (π+ π-)s atoms are discussed by calculating the cross-section of the process π+ +n→p+(π+ π-)s with the help of the relativistic covariant wave function and assuming the lowest termin the perturbation expansion series of the quantized composite field theory——the“direct channel diagram”is dominant.Besides this calcuation perhaps presentsa rough estimate for the interesting process μ+ +n→(μ+ π-)+p.

The problem of renormalization of the closed time path Green's function in non-equlibrium statistical field theory is studied.Under some reasonable assumptionson the high energy behavior of the initial correlation functions,it is found that thesame counter terms,which eliminate the ultraviolet divergences in the usual fieldtheory,can also make the closed time path Green's functions free of ultraviolet di-vergences.The renormalization group equation satisfied by the closed time pathvertex functions is obtained and the Callan-Symanzik coefficient functions are shownto be the same as in the usual field theory.
The problem of renormalization of the closed time path Green's function in non-equlibrium statistical field theory is studied.Under some reasonable assumptionson the high energy behavior of the initial correlation functions,it is found that thesame counter terms,which eliminate the ultraviolet divergences in the usual fieldtheory,can also make the closed time path Green's functions free of ultraviolet di-vergences.The renormalization group equation satisfied by the closed time pathvertex functions is obtained and the Callan-Symanzik coefficient functions are shownto be the same as in the usual field theory.
The Dyson equation satisfied by the closed time path Green's function of the or-der parameters is considered.The transport equation for the number density of thequasi-particles is written down in a general but simple form.Using the path integ-ral formulation for the generating functional of these Green's functions,the Ward-Takahashi identities are deduced.
The Dyson equation satisfied by the closed time path Green's function of the or-der parameters is considered.The transport equation for the number density of thequasi-particles is written down in a general but simple form.Using the path integ-ral formulation for the generating functional of these Green's functions,the Ward-Takahashi identities are deduced.
The angular distributions of the strangeness exchange reations 9Be (K-,π-) A9Be*and 13C(K-,π-)A13C with K- in flight have been calculated on the basis of our pre-vious work[2].In the framework of the plane-wave impulse approximation we havecalculated the relative rations of the differential cress-sections of the associated produc-tion reactions leading to the strangeness analoque states and the supersym-metric states of A9Be and A13C,and have estimated the absolute values of these dif-ferential cross-sections.The possibility of producing supersymmetric states bystrangeness exchange reactions and associated production reactions have been discus-sed on the basis of these calculations.
The angular distributions of the strangeness exchange reations 9Be (K-,π-) A9Be*and 13C(K-,π-)A13C with K- in flight have been calculated on the basis of our pre-vious work[2].In the framework of the plane-wave impulse approximation we havecalculated the relative rations of the differential cress-sections of the associated produc-tion reactions leading to the strangeness analoque states and the supersym-metric states of A9Be and A13C,and have estimated the absolute values of these dif-ferential cross-sections.The possibility of producing supersymmetric states bystrangeness exchange reactions and associated production reactions have been discus-sed on the basis of these calculations.
The behavior of the phase-shift of the Bakamjian-Thomas theory and its relationwith the phenomenological nuclear force V=VRiVI at high energy are explored.Two limits are obtained:
It is found that the repulsive core with a sharp outer edge may induce a characteris-tic oscillation of Re δ1,and Im δ1 is sensitive to V1.The conclusion is that the analy-sis of the phase-shift extending to higher energy is relevant in determining therepulsive core and the imaginary part of the nuclear force.
The behavior of the phase-shift of the Bakamjian-Thomas theory and its relationwith the phenomenological nuclear force V=VRiVI at high energy are explored.Two limits are obtained:

The gas gain of multi-wire proportional chamber (MWPC) thead been measured.Diethorn equation was introuced into MWPC and verified in our experiments.Theresults obtained show that for the mixed gases to be studied,Diethorn equation is alsosuitable for MWPC.
The gas gain of multi-wire proportional chamber (MWPC) thead been measured.Diethorn equation was introuced into MWPC and verified in our experiments.Theresults obtained show that for the mixed gases to be studied,Diethorn equation is alsosuitable for MWPC.
In order to explore nuclear high spin states,a physical concept of depairingprobability has been suggested,which is based on the CAP and the RAL effects inthe nuclear rotating system.We think that the depairing process,might be gradualat begin—then dramatic and finally gradual again.According to the concept ofthe depairing probability and the particle-rotor model,a formula for the spectrum ofrotational energy has been obtained,
and the spectra for more than fifty nuclei have been calculated by using this for-mula.The calculated results are found to be in reasonable agreement with experi-mental data,and are able to reproduce the experimentally observed various backbending phenomena on the plots of geff—ωeff2.
In order to explore nuclear high spin states,a physical concept of depairingprobability has been suggested,which is based on the CAP and the RAL effects inthe nuclear rotating system.We think that the depairing process,might be gradualat begin—then dramatic and finally gradual again.According to the concept ofthe depairing probability and the particle-rotor model,a formula for the spectrum ofrotational energy has been obtained,

Recent studies of levels in even-even 68,70,72Ge,70,72,74Se,74,76,78,80Kr and 65Ga and 74Br have led to the discovery of a wide variety of different collective band structures.These include bands built on near spherical ground states and excited more well de-formed shapes that may include triaxial shapes,rotation-aligned bands built on thesame orbital (g(9/2))2 for both protons and neutrons,RAL negative parity bands witheven and odd spins,and ΔI=1 γ-type vibrational bands in even-even nuclei.As recent as 1974,a survey of the energy level in the even-even Ge and Se iso-topes[1] revealed little was known above a spin of 4+ (see for examples Figs.1 and 2 of Ref.1).With the exception of the unusally low-lying excited 0+ states in 70,72Ge,first discovered in 72Ge in 1948 at Vanderbilt[2],the theoretical treatment of thesenuclei was limited primarily to some variation of the vibrational model.However,very recently there has been a surge of information on nuclei in this region that hasrevealed fascinating new features and also provided new insight into the excited 0+’states.Particularly striking are the multiple,independent and highly collective bandstructures which we have discovered in our in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy studies fol-lowing heavy-ion induced reaction.Evidence for and the theoretical understandingof the richness of the collective band structures that are found in our studies of68,70,72Ge (Refs.3—6),70,72,74Se (Refs.7—13) and 74,76,78,80Kr (Refs.14—18),as illustratedby the at least seven different bands found in our studies of the levels of 68Ge 74Se,and 76Kr (Figs.1—3),are described in this paper.These multiple structures includethe following:a) coexistence of ground bands built on near-spherical shapes andexcited bands with larger deformation built on O+′ band heads;b) bands with 8+ band heads interpreted as rotation-aligned,RAL,bands built on both neutron and/orproton (g(9/2))2 quasiparticle configurations coexisting with the ground-state band;c)RAL neutron and proton odd-parity bands formed from coupling of a g(9/2 )quasipar-ticle and a p(1/2),p(3/2) or f(5/2),quasiparticle with the core;d) ΔI=1 even-parity bands,which are best characterized as gamma-vibrational bands;and e) additional bandswhose nature are presently not known.
Recent studies of levels in even-even 68,70,72Ge,70,72,74Se,74,76,78,80Kr and 65Ga and 74Br have led to the discovery of a wide variety of different collective band structures.These include bands built on near spherical ground states and excited more well de-formed shapes that may include triaxial shapes,rotation-aligned bands built on thesame orbital (g(9/2))2 for both protons and neutrons,RAL negative parity bands witheven and odd spins,and ΔI=1 γ-type vibrational bands in even-even nuclei.As recent as 1974,a survey of the energy level in the even-even Ge and Se iso-topes[1] revealed little was known above a spin of 4+ (see for examples Figs.1 and 2 of Ref.1).With the exception of the unusally low-lying excited 0+ states in 70,72Ge,first discovered in 72Ge in 1948 at Vanderbilt[2],the theoretical treatment of thesenuclei was limited primarily to some variation of the vibrational model.However,very recently there has been a surge of information on nuclei in this region that hasrevealed fascinating new features and also provided new insight into the excited 0+’states.Particularly striking are the multiple,independent and highly collective bandstructures which we have discovered in our in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy studies fol-lowing heavy-ion induced reaction.Evidence for and the theoretical understandingof the richness of the collective band structures that are found in our studies of68,70,72Ge (Refs.3—6),70,72,74Se (Refs.7—13) and 74,76,78,80Kr (Refs.14—18),as illustratedby the at least seven different bands found in our studies of the levels of 68Ge 74Se,and 76Kr (Figs.1—3),are described in this paper.These multiple structures includethe following:a) coexistence of ground bands built on near-spherical shapes andexcited bands with larger deformation built on O+′ band heads;b) bands with 8+ band heads interpreted as rotation-aligned,RAL,bands built on both neutron and/orproton (g(9/2))2 quasiparticle configurations coexisting with the ground-state band;c)RAL neutron and proton odd-parity bands formed from coupling of a g(9/2 )quasipar-ticle and a p(1/2),p(3/2) or f(5/2),quasiparticle with the core;d) ΔI=1 even-parity bands,which are best characterized as gamma-vibrational bands;and e) additional bandswhose nature are presently not known.
Starting from the integral formalism of gauge fields,we reformulate the equa-tions of motion for gauge fields——sourceless Yang-Mills equations——as functional-differential equations of the holonomy functional (i.e.,the phase factors of closedloops).From these equations we derive a set of infinite number of conservationlaws in the functional-differential from for the gauge theories in a two-dimensionalspace-time.
Starting from the integral formalism of gauge fields,we reformulate the equa-tions of motion for gauge fields——sourceless Yang-Mills equations——as functional-differential equations of the holonomy functional (i.e.,the phase factors of closedloops).From these equations we derive a set of infinite number of conservationlaws in the functional-differential from for the gauge theories in a two-dimensionalspace-time.
ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4
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