1979 Vol. 3, No. 1
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On the basis of the straton model[1],using the general groundstate wave functionsof mesons and baryons given in ref.[2],we have constructed under some specific as-sumptions the meson and baryon wave functions without SU6 symmetry.We applythese wave functions to explain the mesonic and baryonic properties of the electroma-gnetic and weak interactions;many results obtained are in agreement with the experi-ments.By using the 1/2+-baryon wave functions without SU6 symmetry,we obtain ananomalous magnetic moment for the proton.There is no need to introduce an ano-malous magnetic moment for the straton in the effective Hamiltonian of electromag-netic interaction between stratons.Similarly,the magnetic moment of the neutroncan also be explained.
On the basis of the straton model[1],using the general groundstate wave functionsof mesons and baryons given in ref.[2],we have constructed under some specific as-sumptions the meson and baryon wave functions without SU6 symmetry.We applythese wave functions to explain the mesonic and baryonic properties of the electroma-gnetic and weak interactions;many results obtained are in agreement with the experi-ments.By using the 1/2+-baryon wave functions without SU6 symmetry,we obtain ananomalous magnetic moment for the proton.There is no need to introduce an ano-malous magnetic moment for the straton in the effective Hamiltonian of electromag-netic interaction between stratons.Similarly,the magnetic moment of the neutroncan also be explained.
Important implications of the fine structure of inclusive spectra(to be calledinclusive and semi-inclusive spectra of nearby particles,which represent the local dis-tributions of nearby particles in three-dimensional phase space with rapidity y and transverse momenta P⊥x, P⊥z as independent coordinates are explained,and some basicfeatures of the fine stucture are found,namely,sum rules and the generalized formof the Feynman-Yang scaling.One of the sum rules,for example,is:
where f(1;k) denotes the normalized invariant inclusive cross section of k closely neigh-boring particles.It follows that the inclusive the spectra of nearby particles arequalitatively different from the usual ones.The generalized form of the Feynman-Yang scaling for the case of k closelyneighboring particles,for example,is:f(1;k)(s,x1,P⊥1,…xk,P⊥k)
∞’denotes‘approaches a definite limit’.For k=2,the existing experimentaldata for the rapidity gap-length distributions show that for FNAL energies,f(1,k) isalready close to its limiting form.The inclusive(semi-inclusive)spectra of nearbyparticles way be able to reflect effectively short-range correlation effects.
Important implications of the fine structure of inclusive spectra(to be calledinclusive and semi-inclusive spectra of nearby particles,which represent the local dis-tributions of nearby particles in three-dimensional phase space with rapidity y and transverse momenta P⊥x, P⊥z as independent coordinates are explained,and some basicfeatures of the fine stucture are found,namely,sum rules and the generalized formof the Feynman-Yang scaling.One of the sum rules,for example,is:

In this paper,we describe a proposal for solving the tracking problem in power supplies for separated function magnet systems of fast cycling synchrotrons.Formulas for calculating the tolerances of the parameters which influence tracking accuracy are given.
In this paper,we describe a proposal for solving the tracking problem in power supplies for separated function magnet systems of fast cycling synchrotrons.Formulas for calculating the tolerances of the parameters which influence tracking accuracy are given.
In this paper a new bag model of hadrons,the“Rubber Bag”model,is proposed.This model treats each hadron as a bag system in the centre-of-mass frame.The bag,with its outer radius Re and inner radius(Rc-D),is characterized by its“averagesurface tension”T and the quarks are confined in it“temporarily”.This model isa field theoretical model which can also be used for quantitative calculations.Thus,ithas the merits of the SLAC bag model as well as those of the MIT bag model.
In this paper a new bag model of hadrons,the“Rubber Bag”model,is proposed.This model treats each hadron as a bag system in the centre-of-mass frame.The bag,with its outer radius Re and inner radius(Rc-D),is characterized by its“averagesurface tension”T and the quarks are confined in it“temporarily”.This model isa field theoretical model which can also be used for quantitative calculations.Thus,ithas the merits of the SLAC bag model as well as those of the MIT bag model.
Using Glauber theory including the nucleon spin effects,the proton-4He elastic scattering differential cross section and polarization at energies in the region 0.35—23.1 GeV are calculated.The results show that,after including the spin-flip terms,we can explain the differential cross section data and describe qualitatively the polarization.
Using Glauber theory including the nucleon spin effects,the proton-4He elastic scattering differential cross section and polarization at energies in the region 0.35—23.1 GeV are calculated.The results show that,after including the spin-flip terms,we can explain the differential cross section data and describe qualitatively the polarization.
In Rξ gauges a SU(2)spontaneonly broken gauge theory is qnantized within the canonical formalism,and the gauge compensating term is derived.
In Rξ gauges a SU(2)spontaneonly broken gauge theory is qnantized within the canonical formalism,and the gauge compensating term is derived.
Enlarging the dimensionality of Minkowski space from 4 to 5,and relating the restmass of particle with x5 as m=—i(8706;/(8706;x5)))we discuss the 5-dimensional non-linear con-formal group C(M5)under which dx12+dx22+dx32-dx02+dx52=0 is invariant.The C(M5)group is isomorphic to the linear group SO(5,2)from which we study thespace-time property of Fermion number,and the relations between half-integral(in-tegral)spin and odd(even)Fermion number are obtained.
Enlarging the dimensionality of Minkowski space from 4 to 5,and relating the restmass of particle with x5 as m=—i(8706;/(8706;x5)))we discuss the 5-dimensional non-linear con-formal group C(M5)under which dx12+dx22+dx32-dx02+dx52=0 is invariant.The C(M5)group is isomorphic to the linear group SO(5,2)from which we study thespace-time property of Fermion number,and the relations between half-integral(in-tegral)spin and odd(even)Fermion number are obtained.
We point out that in e++e-→τ++τ- for spin 3/2 τ±the different helicity statesof τ±will possess different weights.When the beam energy is much larger than themass of τ,we argue that,in some renormalizable models,τ may even have only ±1/2 helieity states.Therefore,the two body d cay energy spectra will show a significantdifference from that of τ with spin 1/2.This provides us with a very sensitivemethod to distinguish the spin of τ.
We point out that in e++e-→τ++τ- for spin 3/2 τ±the different helicity statesof τ±will possess different weights.When the beam energy is much larger than themass of τ,we argue that,in some renormalizable models,τ may even have only ±1/2 helieity states.Therefore,the two body d cay energy spectra will show a significantdifference from that of τ with spin 1/2.This provides us with a very sensitivemethod to distinguish the spin of τ.
Assuming that the nuclear binding is dominated by a real scalar meson field,the mass of this meson is calculated to be 472 MeV from the nuclear surface tension coeffici-ent,by Thomas-Fermi method and Van der Waals approximation.The agreement between this value and the mass of a chief scalar meson in the OBEP theory of nuclear force indicates that a more serious investigation of above assumption should be valuable.
Assuming that the nuclear binding is dominated by a real scalar meson field,the mass of this meson is calculated to be 472 MeV from the nuclear surface tension coeffici-ent,by Thomas-Fermi method and Van der Waals approximation.The agreement between this value and the mass of a chief scalar meson in the OBEP theory of nuclear force indicates that a more serious investigation of above assumption should be valuable.
In the width fluctuation correction calculation of compound nuclear reaction,we have made a unified treatment of the reaction processes of particle emission,gamma emission and fission processes,in which the residual nuclei can be in discrete states or in the continuum.The calculated results of inelastic cross sections and the cross sec-tions for particle emission,gamma emission and fission processes are self-consistent.
In the width fluctuation correction calculation of compound nuclear reaction,we have made a unified treatment of the reaction processes of particle emission,gamma emission and fission processes,in which the residual nuclei can be in discrete states or in the continuum.The calculated results of inelastic cross sections and the cross sec-tions for particle emission,gamma emission and fission processes are self-consistent.
Excitation curves for the reaction 27Al(n,α)24Na,46Ti(n,p)46Sc,48Ti(n,p)48Sc,51V(n,α)48Sc and 127I(n,2n)126I have been measured by the activation method in the4.5—18.3 MeV energy region.The cross section for the reactio 27Al(n,α)24Na was determined at 14.61±0.20 MeV.The measurement of neutron flux was performed using the associated particle method.The cross sections for other reactions were de-termined relative to the measured 27Al(n,α)24Na cross section.The resulting activities were measured employing a calibrated NaI(TI)scintillation counter.The values obtained were 117.5±3.0 mb,291.4±14.0mb,63.7±3.2 mb,16.8±0.9mb and 1656±68 mb respectively.A brief comparison with existing data was made.
Excitation curves for the reaction 27Al(n,α)24Na,46Ti(n,p)46Sc,48Ti(n,p)48Sc,51V(n,α)48Sc and 127I(n,2n)126I have been measured by the activation method in the4.5—18.3 MeV energy region.The cross section for the reactio 27Al(n,α)24Na was determined at 14.61±0.20 MeV.The measurement of neutron flux was performed using the associated particle method.The cross sections for other reactions were de-termined relative to the measured 27Al(n,α)24Na cross section.The resulting activities were measured employing a calibrated NaI(TI)scintillation counter.The values obtained were 117.5±3.0 mb,291.4±14.0mb,63.7±3.2 mb,16.8±0.9mb and 1656±68 mb respectively.A brief comparison with existing data was made.
In this paper we have applied the field-current relations in the weak form to a series of processes of the radial excited states.After assuming some properties for thematrix element we may obtain the proportional relations for the processes of the radial excited states.These relations agre with experiments reasonably.
In this paper we have applied the field-current relations in the weak form to a series of processes of the radial excited states.After assuming some properties for thematrix element we may obtain the proportional relations for the processes of the radial excited states.These relations agre with experiments reasonably.
It is shown that there exist some simple relations among the moments of inertia of multi-quasi-particle excitation bands,provided the blocking effect is neglected.Systema-tical discrepancy exists between the experimental result and the quasi-particle prediction.
It is shown that there exist some simple relations among the moments of inertia of multi-quasi-particle excitation bands,provided the blocking effect is neglected.Systema-tical discrepancy exists between the experimental result and the quasi-particle prediction.
We propose the precise measurement of energy spectra of cascade π and ρ inprocesses e+e-→τ+τ-→e+π-(p-,μ-)+ neutrinos in order to determine parity-violatingeffects due to the interference between the electromagnetic and weak neutral currentinteractions.These observations are feasible especially at heavy narrow resonances.Empirically we conjecture that the next quarkonium may be at 28—31 GeV.
We propose the precise measurement of energy spectra of cascade π and ρ inprocesses e+e-→τ+τ-→e+π-(p-,μ-)+ neutrinos in order to determine parity-violatingeffects due to the interference between the electromagnetic and weak neutral currentinteractions.These observations are feasible especially at heavy narrow resonances.Empirically we conjecture that the next quarkonium may be at 28—31 GeV.
In this note,we discuss the cross-sections of the production of Υ particles in p-p collisions as color excited states in the Han-Nambu model.The results are consistent with present experiments.
In this note,we discuss the cross-sections of the production of Υ particles in p-p collisions as color excited states in the Han-Nambu model.The results are consistent with present experiments.
In this paper,the photoproduction of the relativistic para-positronium and muonium,similar to the Primakoff effect,is calculated using the perturbation expansion of the quantized composite field theory and relativistic B-S wave functions.A new term multiplied to the form factor is obtained,which makes the amplitudes different from what one obtains from the point-model calculation usually used in this kind of processes.It suggests that the same effect mentioned above may occur in the ordinary primakoff effect too.
In this paper,the photoproduction of the relativistic para-positronium and muonium,similar to the Primakoff effect,is calculated using the perturbation expansion of the quantized composite field theory and relativistic B-S wave functions.A new term multiplied to the form factor is obtained,which makes the amplitudes different from what one obtains from the point-model calculation usually used in this kind of processes.It suggests that the same effect mentioned above may occur in the ordinary primakoff effect too.
A statistical quark model is proposed which combines the quark model with the statistical thermodynamical model.The relative multiplicity of different mesons produced in the small longitudinal momentum region is calculated.The result is in agreement with the experimental data.
A statistical quark model is proposed which combines the quark model with the statistical thermodynamical model.The relative multiplicity of different mesons produced in the small longitudinal momentum region is calculated.The result is in agreement with the experimental data.
In this note the spectra of leptons and stratons are conjectured and some interes-ting results are obtained:If the number of the generations of leptons are four,then the next lepton mass is about 4.2 GeV,and if the number of the leptons are five,then the fourth lepton mass is about 5.6 GeV.For stratons,if the number of flavour is six,then the mass of the meson with(tt)as a bound state is about 15 GeV,and if the number of flavour is eight,then it is about 23 GeV.
In this note the spectra of leptons and stratons are conjectured and some interes-ting results are obtained:If the number of the generations of leptons are four,then the next lepton mass is about 4.2 GeV,and if the number of the leptons are five,then the fourth lepton mass is about 5.6 GeV.For stratons,if the number of flavour is six,then the mass of the meson with(tt)as a bound state is about 15 GeV,and if the number of flavour is eight,then it is about 23 GeV.
ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4
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