Experimental Study of High-Spin Band Structures in Odd-Odd 172Re
- Received Date: 2002-09-29
- Accepted Date: 1900-01-01
- Available Online: 2003-07-05
Abstract: High-spin states in odd-odd 172Re have been investigated via the 149Sm(27Al,4nγ)172Re reaction through excitation functions, X-γ and γ-γ coincidence measurements. A level scheme consisting of three rotational bands has been identified for the first time,extending the high-spin studies of A≈170 odd-odd nuclei to the currently lightest rhenium isotope. The three bands have been assigned to be built on the πh11/2⊙νi13/2,πh9/2⊙νi13/2 and π1/2-[541]⊙ν1/2-[521] configurations according to their rotational properties in quasiparticle alignments, signature splitting, in-band B(M1)/B(E2) ratios, level spacing systematics, band crossing frequencies, as well as the existing knowledge in neighboring nuclei. Low-spin signature inversion has been confirmed in the first two bands due to observation of signature crossing at high-spin states.