New Progress in the Study of High Energy Non-Linear Phenomena
- Received Date: 1998-05-28
- Accepted Date: 1900-01-01
- Available Online: 1999-02-05
Abstract: Classical Chromodynamics has chaos solution. But quantum chaos is a very difficult theoretical problem. Therefore, at present the non-linear study in high energy physics can only be carried on using phenomenological methods. By the end of eighties, large local fluctuations were observed in experiments, which stimulated extensive study on high energy non-linear phenomena—intermittency and fractal. It was observed experimentally that l-dimensional factorial moments tend to saturate. This was explained as the result of projechon of higher-dimensional intermittency into lower dimension. However, even in 3-dimension the factorial moments do not obey a strict scaling law. ms difficulty has brought the study to a standstill. Later, it was recognized that the reason lies in the fact that the phase space of high energy multiparticle final states is highly anisotuopy and therefore the corresponding fractal is self-affine. The anomalous scaling can be observed when and only when the phase space is divided in a correct anisotropical way. Thi predichon has been verified in the experimental data from NA22 and NA27. The anomalous scaling in these experiments has been observed successfully, making a breakthrough in high energy non-linear study. This progress is reviewed in mis paper together with some comments and discussions.