Experimental Status of Ultra-high Energy Induced Nuclear Reactions

  • An overview of experimental status of the international collaboration on ultra-high energy induced nuclear reactions and the relative heavy-ion physics is given. It includes: 1. theoretical predictions of quark matter (quark gluon plasma), 2. the experiments of ultra-high energy heavy-ion collisions: (1) the BNL/AGS fixed target experiments, (2) the CERN/SPS fixed target experiments, (3) the BNL/RHIC colliding experiments, (4) the CERN/LHC colliding experiments.
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CAI Xu and ZHOU Dai-Mei. Experimental Status of Ultra-high Energy Induced Nuclear Reactions[J]. Chinese Physics C, 2002, 26(9): 971-990.
CAI Xu and ZHOU Dai-Mei. Experimental Status of Ultra-high Energy Induced Nuclear Reactions[J]. Chinese Physics C, 2002, 26(9): 971-990. shu
Received: 2002-02-01
Revised: 1900-01-01
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Experimental Status of Ultra-high Energy Induced Nuclear Reactions

    Corresponding author: CAI Xu,
  • Institute of Particle Physics, Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China

Abstract: An overview of experimental status of the international collaboration on ultra-high energy induced nuclear reactions and the relative heavy-ion physics is given. It includes: 1. theoretical predictions of quark matter (quark gluon plasma), 2. the experiments of ultra-high energy heavy-ion collisions: (1) the BNL/AGS fixed target experiments, (2) the CERN/SPS fixed target experiments, (3) the BNL/RHIC colliding experiments, (4) the CERN/LHC colliding experiments.


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