Reactor electron antineutrinos with energy exceeding 1.8 MeV can be detected within the LS target from interactions of the products of the IBD process:
$ \bar{\nu}_e+p \to e^+ + n $ . The positron ($ e^+ $ ), being much lighter than the neutron (n), carries away almost all the kinetic energy of the electron antineutrino. It quickly deposits its kinetic energy in the LS and annihilates into two 0.511 MeV gammas, generating a prompt signal within an energy range of 1 to 12 MeV. After scattering in the LS with an average lifetime of approximately$200\;$ μs, the neutron is captured by a hydrogen or carbon nucleus, consequently producing a delayed gamma signal of 2.22 or 4.95 MeV, respectively. The coincidence signature of the prompt and delayed signals can effectively distinguish the IBD signals from the backgrounds. An accurate measurement of the positron energy and understanding of its energy resolution in the JUNO detector are crucial for NMO determination. The impact from the neutron recoils will not be discussed in this article, but it is considered in the NMO paper [18].The energy deposition (
$ E_\text{dep} $ ) of positrons primarily occurs through excitation and ionization processes. Because the concentrations of PPO and bis-MSB in the LS are relatively low, the deposited energy is mainly transferred to LAB molecules. Subsequently, the excited LAB molecules can transfer their energy to fluor molecules through complex molecular-scale processes [36]. During the de-excitation of the fluor molecules, scintillation photons are emitted. However, the number of emitted scintillation photons is not proportional to the deposited energy due to the quenching phenomenon [37], where some excited molecules release energy without radiation emission. Various models exist to describe this quenching effect; the most common one is the semi-empirical formula proposed by Birks [38], which is used in this study:$ \begin{aligned} \frac{{\rm d} N_ \text{ScintOP}}{{\rm d}x}=Y\frac{\dfrac{{\rm d}E}{{\rm d}x}}{1+kB\dfrac{{\rm d}E}{{\rm d}x}}, \end{aligned} $
(1) where
$ N_ \text{ScintOP} $ represents the number of optical photons produced by scintillation process, Y corresponds to the scintillation light yield in units of photons per MeV without the presence of quenching,${\rm d}E/{\rm d}x$ denotes the energy loss per unit path length (also known as the stopping power), and$ kB $ is the Birks coefficient, which depends on the particle type. Given a fixed energy loss (${\rm d}E$ ) over a short path length of${\rm d}x$ ,${\rm d}N_ \text{ScintOP}$ follows a Poisson distribution due to the random nature of the molecular-scale energy transfer process of scintillation, where the variance of the distribution is determined by Y. However, the total number of scintillation photons ($ N_ \text{ScintOP} $ ) produced by a particle no longer follows the Poisson distribution due to fluctuations in the energy loss described by a Landau distribution, the quenching effect modeled by Birks' Law, and the following random secondary particle generation processes:• Energetic δ-electrons may be produced by ionization. They travel a significant distance away from the primary track and typically exhibit stronger quenching due to their higher
${\rm d}E/{\rm d}x$ compared to the primary positron.• Gammas can be generated through Bremsstrahlung radiation and positron annihilation, and they interact through photoelectric effect, Compton scattering, and pair production. Then, the secondary electrons and positrons deposit their energies and produce scintillation photons through the aforementioned processes.
When the positron and its charged secondaries move through the LS at a velocity higher than the group velocity of light in the LS, Cherenkov photons are emitted. The Frank-Tamm formula [39] is commonly used to calculate the number of Cherenkov photons produced per wavelength per unit path length travelled by particles of charge
$ ze $ :$ \begin{aligned} \frac{{\rm d}^2N_ \text{CherenOP}}{{\rm d}x {\rm d}\lambda}=\frac{2\pi\alpha z^2}{\lambda^2}\left(1-\frac{1}{\beta^2 n(\lambda)^2}\right). \end{aligned} $
(2) In this formula, α represents the fine structure constant, β is the ratio of the particle's velocity to the speed of light in a vacuum, and n is the wavelength-dependent refractive index of the LS. According to Eq. (2), the number of Cherenkov photons is inversely proportional to the square of the wavelength (λ), resulting in a higher Cherenkov light yield at shorter wavelengths. However, there is very limited information on the refractive index at short wavelengths, which introduces significant uncertainties in estimating
$ N_ \text{CherenOP} $ . Although the Cherenkov process contributes additional light, it has a detrimental effect on the energy resolution. This is because the Cherenkov light yield depends on the path length of the charged particle in the LS, which can vary significantly due to the generation of secondary particles. This variation in path length can cause the Cherenkov photon distribution to deviate from Poisson statistics, leading to a degradation of the energy resolution.Scintillation and Cherenkov photons produced in the LS may undergo various processes as they propagate through the detector, including absorption, scattering, reflection, and transmission at material boundaries. Absorption within the LS can be modeled as a competition among the LAB, PPO, and bis-MSB molecules. The absorption length of each component determines the probability of photon absorption. When photons are absorbed, they may be re-emitted again, and this re-emission probability is determined by the quantum yield (QY) of the fluors in the LS. Scattering within the LS is dominated by Rayleigh scattering rather than Mie scattering because LS is expected to have an extremely low concentration of large-sized impurities. The probability of Rayleigh scattering depends on the scattering length of the photons. The propagation of optical photons inside the LS can be well modeled with optical parameters such as absorption length, re-emission probability, Rayleigh scattering length, and refractive indices of the detector components. Only a fraction of these photons will be detected by the PMTs and converted into PE. The total PE number (
$ N_ \text{PE} $ ) is influenced by factors such as the scintillation light yield, quenching effect, LS refractive index, light collection efficiency during transportation, and photon detection efficiency (PDE) of the PMTs. A simple energy reconstruction method is to divide$ N_ \text{PE} $ , including contributions from both scintillation PE ($ N_ \text{ScintPE} $ ) and Cherenkov PE ($ N_ \text{CherenPE} $ ), by the energy scale, which is defined as the average PE number per MeV calibrated by 2.2 MeV gammas from neutron capture on hydrogen at the center of the CD. The average PE number produced in both scintillation and Cherenkov processes is not proportional to$ E_ \text{dep} $ , leading to LS non-linearity (LSNL), denoted as$ \begin{aligned} f_ \text{LSNL}(E_ \text{dep})=\frac{E_ \text{vis}(E_ \text{dep})}{E_ \text{dep}}, \end{aligned} $
(3) where
$ E_ \text{vis} $ is the visible energy defined as the expected reconstructed energy assuming a perfect energy resolution. Due to the aforementioned fluctuations in the energy loss and Cherenkov process,$ N_ \text{PE} $ does not follow a simple Poisson distribution but exhibits a larger standard deviation. To account for these fluctuations, a more general formula can be introduced as follows:$ \begin{aligned}[b] \sigma_ \text{PE}=&\sqrt{\sigma_ \text{ScintPE}^2 + \sigma_ \text{CherenPE}^2 + 2\cdot {\rm cov} [N_ \text{ScintPE}, N_ \text{CherenPE}]}\\ &> \sqrt{\langle N_ \text{PE}\rangle}, \end{aligned} $
(4) where
$ \sigma_ \text{PE} $ is the standard deviation of the$ N_ \text{PE} $ distribution. Equation (4) includes the correlation between the fluctuations in the scintillation and Cherenkov radiation, which has been observed in the JUNO simulation and will be further discussed in the following section. The value of$ N_ \text{PE} $ also depends on the position of the IBD event. This position-dependent effect is referred to as the detector non-uniformity with respect to the amount of collected photons for the same energy release, which arises from geometrical factors. Consequently, the energy resolution in the JUNO detector is also position-dependent.The PMT and electronics responses can introduce additional fluctuations to the detected
$ \langle N_ \text{PE}\rangle $ . The PMT response includes various factors, such as the single photoelectron (SPE) resolution, which arises from the inherent fluctuations in the dynode or MCP charge amplification process. Additionally, effects such as dark count rate (DCR) and afterpulses can contribute to the fluctuations if they occur within the signal readout window and mix with the PE signal. The transit time and transit time spread (TTS) of the PMTs can impact the accuracy of vertex reconstruction and further influence the energy resolution due to the detector non-uniformity. On the electronics side, the presence of electronics noise can further smear the charge measurements. The digitization process can also contribute to the overall fluctuations. All of these factors and parameters have been well characterized during the PMT mass testing [21] and electronics development phases [40]. Their impacts on the resolution depend also on the specific vertex and energy reconstruction algorithms employed.Based on the waveform recorded in each readout channel, the charge and time information can be extracted by the waveform reconstruction algorithm. Then, the charge can be calibrated and converted to the PE number using PMT calibration algorithms. Eventually, the event position and energy can be obtained from the vertex and energy reconstruction algorithms using charge and time information of each readout channel as inputs. During reconstruction, additional fluctuations, PMT calibration, residual energy non-uniformity, and other factors are added to the reconstructed energy, where their amplitudes depend on the performance of the algorithms.
The main factors that may impact the energy resolution in the JUNO detector are summarized as follows (also illustrated in Fig. 2):
Figure 2. (color online) Summary of the key factors impacting the energy resolution throughout the processes of light production, propagation, detection, calibration, and reconstruction.
1. Positron energy loss fluctuation in LS and variation in its secondary particle generation in LS.
2. Scintillation light yield and ionization quenching effect during scintillation photon production.
3. Cherenkov photons emission.
4. Light propagation and detection processes.
5. PMT and electronics responses.
6. Calibration scheme and energy reconstruction algorithm.
All of the above items are carefully considered in the full JUNO detector simulation chain and algorithms of event reconstruction. Items 1−4, which include the energy deposition, scintillation (Sec. IV.B) and Cherenkov light production (Sec. IV.C), photon propagation (Sec. IV.D), and detection (Sec. IV.F), are taken into account in the simulation. Item 5, which involves the PMT and electronics responses (Sec. V.A and Sec. V.B), is modeled in a dedicated electronics simulation. Item 6 is included in the data processing of the calibration (Sec. VI.A) and reconstruction (Sec. VI.B).
The JUNO detector simulation software was developed based on GEANT4 [41−43] version 10.04.p02. The simulation software, along with other offline data processing modules, is implemented within the Software for Non-collider Physics Experiment (SNiPER) [44, 45] framework. Further details are outlined in [46]. Aspects that potentially influence the energy resolution, which are modeled by the detector simulation, are discussed in the following sections. The aspects include the detector geometry, particle interactions in the detector media, light production, LS optical model describing the light propagation, and PMT optical model accounting for the reflection and angular-dependent PDE of the PMTs.
In detector simulation, mechanical design drawings, survey data, and the best-known values for the optical properties of materials and component dimensions are crucial to enable reliable simulation of light propagation, collection, and the detector non-uniformity response. The key modelled components include the following:
• LS sphere with a radius of 17.7 m.
• Acrylic sphere with an inner radius of 17.7 m and thickness of 12.4 cm.
• Inner water buffer located between the acrylic sphere and PMT module with a thickness of 1.8 m.
• Detailed LPMT geometry [21], including photocathode, reflective aluminum film, inner electrode, and supporting structures, which are important for tracking photons inside the LPMTs. The 17,612 LPMTs are positioned in the inner water buffer facing the acrylic sphere, with a minimum distance of 1.42 m between acrylic and the center of the photocathode. The acrylic and SS protection covers [29] are also modeled, located at the front and back of the LPMTs, respectively.
• 25600 SPMTs [26] located within the gaps between LPMTs with a position distribution that guarantees a uniform SPMT density.
• 590 acrylic support nodes with detailed geometry and material definition, with corresponding SS support structure.
• PMT modules that optically isolate the inner and outer water pools.
• Calibration system [30] with its anchors mounted on the acrylic sphere.
• Latticed SS shell used to support the LS acrylic sphere and mount the PMT modules and its own support structures.
• Outer water pool with a height and radius of 43.5 m.
• Chimney and calibration house on the top of the detector.
• TT consisting of 3 layers of plastic scintillator.
The optical properties of each key component in the CD have been well defined in the simulation. In Fig. 3(a), the refractive indices of the acrylic, water, and PMT glass (Pyrex) are summarized as a function of wavelength. The refractive index of acrylic and glass is measured at 5 different wavelengths, indicated as markers. These measured values are then extrapolated to other wavelengths using the dispersion relation:
Figure 3. (color online) (a) Refractive indices of acrylic (red), PMT glass (green), and water (blue) as a function of wavelength. (b) Attenuation lengths of acrylic (red) and water (blue) as a function of wavelength. Markers indicate measurements, while solid lines are interpolations or extrapolations.
$ \begin{aligned} n^2 - 1 = \frac{p_0 \lambda^2}{\lambda^2 - p_1}, \end{aligned} $
(5) where λ is the wavelength.
$ p_0 $ and$ p_1 $ are two parameters obtained by fitting the 5 measured data points using Eq. (5). Refractive index below 300 nm is not set in the simulation because a negligible number of photons from LS are expected to reach the acrylic or PMTs in this wavelength region, due to the strong absorption of LS. The refractive index of water was obtained from measurements in [47]. The attenuation length of acrylic was obtained by analyzing the transmittance data published in [48, 49], shown as the red curve in Fig. 3(b). The attenuation length of water, shown as the blue curve in Fig. 3(b), is assumed to be 40 m at 430 nm, and its dependence on wavelength was taken from the Daya Bay collaboration. The absorption length is not set for the PMT glass because this effect is implicitly included in the PMTs' PDE. The reflectivity of the SS components is assumed to be 53.5% without angular or spectral dependence, which is calculated using Fresnel’s equations with the refractive index obtained from [50]. This quantity will be measured in situ at JUNO and will be updated in the simulation in the future. The optical properties and modelling of the LS and PMTs will be discussed in more detail in Sec. IV.D and IV.F, respectively. -
The low energy Livermore model [51] is chosen to simulate the electromagnetic processes of electrons, positrons, gammas, hadrons, and ions in the JUNO simulation. These processes include the photo-electric effect, Compton scattering, Rayleigh scattering, gamma conversion, Bremsstrahlung, and ionisation. The Livermore model is expected to possess improved simulation accuracy of energy deposition and secondary particle generation compared to the standard electromagnetic models because it directly uses shell cross-section data instead of parameterizations of these data. The Livermore model can handle particle interactions with energies down to 10 eV and is valid for elements with atomic number between 1 and 99. The physics list construction of G4EmLivermorePhysics provided by GEANT4 is directly used in the JUNO simulation. The production cuts are set to 1 mm for gammas and 0.1 mm for electrons and positrons, which are used to determine the energy thresholds of secondary particle generation during GEANT4 tracking. These cuts can significantly influence the determination of the Birks' coefficient. Beside the low-energy electromagnetic processes, a complete physics list has been constructed in simulation, including hadronic processes, ion physics, lepton and gamma-nuclear interactions, absorption, short-lived particles, radioactive decays, and optical processes.
During simulation in GEANT4, the trajectory of a particle is tracked step by step. At each step, GEANT4 calculates the energy deposited by the particle, taking into account the fluctuations associated with the energy deposition process. The deposited energy in each step is then used to calculate the number of scintillation photons produced using Birks' formula (Eq. (1)) with the addition of Poisson fluctuations. The total number of scintillation photons produced in a physical event is obtained by summing over all the steps of both primary and secondary particles.
Constraining the Birks' coefficient (
$ kB $ ) through the energy non-linearity response of an LS-based detector, such as those measured by the Daya Bay and Borexino detectors [52, 53], can be challenging. This is because$ kB $ is strongly correlated with the Cherenkov contribution, as discussed in the Daya Bay publication [52]. However, it is possible to determine$ kB $ by fitting the LS non-linearity data obtained from table-top measurements. These measurements typically involve electrons with energies below the Cherenkov threshold, typically around 0.2 MeV. Nevertheless, the$ kB $ values reported in publications are not directly applicable to detector simulations because when extracting$ kB $ using Eq. (1), only the${\rm d}E/{\rm d}x$ of the primary particle is considered, usually calculated using tools like ESTAR [54] or SRIM [55]. This calculation does not account for the production of secondary particles. However, in the JUNO detector simulation, a significant number of secondary particles can be generated, carrying a fraction of the primary particle's energy. These secondary particles are independently tracked in GEANT4. To address this issue, a new fitting method has been explored to determine$ kB $ , which can be directly used in simulation. This fitting method takes into account the production and distribution of energy among secondary particles during simulation.The electron quenching effect of JUNO LS has been investigated by two groups: the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) and the Technical University of Munich (TUM). Both groups used electrons generated from the Compton scattering of incident gammas emitted by radioactive sources. The gamma sources are placed outside a cylindrical LS container and can be rotated around it. The dataset marked with brown color in Fig. 4 was measured by the IHEP group [56], in which a
$ ^{22} \text{Na} $ source was used and only energies below 0.2 MeV were considered. The dataset shown in blue was collected by the TUM group, where the gamma source of$ ^{137} \text{Cs} $ was rotated to change its position, and four different datasets were obtained, corresponding to four different rotation angles. In Fig. 4, only one TUM dataset is shown, while the remaining datasets are used to estimate the systematic errors.Figure 4. (color online) Combined fitting results on the electron quenching data below 0.2 MeV with production cuts of 1 mm for gammas and 0.1 mm for electrons and positrons. The dataset shown in brown color is from [56]. The dataset in blue is from the JUNO collaborators of TUM, where the systematic errors were estimated by measuring the quenching curves at four different incident angles of a
$ ^{137} \text{Cs} $ gamma source with respect to the LS sample. The red curve is the fitting result using Eq. (7).At each data point in Fig. 4, electron interactions in the LS are simulated using GEANT4, with the initial electron energy
$ E_ \text{true} $ derived from the Compton-scattered gamma. The production cuts in simulation are kept the same as those used in JUNO. It is important to note that the choice of production cuts can affect the energy deposition and consequently the value of$ kB $ . Therefore, it is crucial to keep the production cuts consistent throughout the study to ensure the reliability of the results. During the simulation, the energy deposition in each step is recorded. The visible energy,$ E_ \text{vis} $ , for each event is calculated by summing up all the steps in the event, as indicated by Eq. (6), where S is a fitting parameter and represents a normalization factor. A combined fit is then performed on the collected experimental data on electron quenching by minimizing the value of the$ \chi^2 $ function in Eq. (7):$ \begin{align} E_ \text{vis} &= \sum\limits_ \text{step} \frac{S\cdot {\rm d}E}{1+kB\left(\dfrac{{\rm d}E}{{\rm d}x}\right)} \end{align} $
(6) $ \begin{align} \chi^2 &= \sum_n\sum_i\left(\frac{\bar{E}_ \text{vis}/E_ \text{true}-M_i^n}{\sigma_i^n}\right)^2, \end{align} $
(7) where n denotes the number of datasets, i refers to the number of data points in each dataset,
$ {E}_ \text{vis} $ is the average visible energy of the simulation samples at the corresponding electron energy$ E_ \text{true} $ , and M indicates the measured ratio of$ E_ \text{vis} $ to$ E_ \text{true} $ , with its corresponding error denoted by σ. Without loss of generality, we scale the$ E_ \text{vis}/E_ \text{true} $ ratio to 1 at 0.1 MeV for each dataset. Fromthe fitting, the Birks' parameter$ kB $ is determined to be$ (12.1\pm0.3)\times 10^{-3} \text{g}/ \text{cm}^2/ \text{MeV} $ , with the uncertainty including both statistical and systematic errors. -
The refractive index of LS is crucial for calculating the number of Cherenkov photons using Eq. (2). In our simulation, we use the LS refractive index data shown in Fig. 5, which were obtained with a precision better than 0.01% at five different wavelengths (indicated as markers) using the V-prism refractometer [57]. Then, we employ the dispersion relation given by Eq. (5) to extend the refractive index down to 200 nm. For the wavelength range between 120 nm and 200 nm, we adopt the refractive index shape from the KamLAND experiment [58] and scale it to match the refractive index of the JUNO LS at 200 nm. Finally, we perform a linear extrapolation to estimate the refractive index down to 80 nm, which has a value close to unity.
Figure 5. (color online) Refractive index of LS as a function of wavelength. The markers represent the data points measured by experiments using the V-prism refractometer [57]. Then, the dispersion relation (Eq. 5) is used to extend the refractive index down to 200 nm (yellow region). For wavelength range between 120 nm and 200 nm (gray region), the refractive index shape is taken from the KamLAND experiment. For wavelengths below 120 nm (green region), a linear extrapolation is utilized.
Cherenkov photon production is handled by GEANT4 but with some modifications. This is necessary because GEANT4 assumes a refractive index that monotonically increases with photon energy, where the maximum refractive index corresponds to the maximum photon energy. However, this is not the case for the LS refractive index. To address this, we have enhanced the Cherenkov process in GEANT4 to handle more general forms of refractive index vs. photon energy curves. Initially, we use the photon energy range of the refractive index above the Cherenkov threshold based on the velocity information of incident particles. Subsequently, we calculate the number of Cherenkov photons for each energy range using Eq. (2). Finally, we sample the energies of the emitted Cherenkov photons according to the LS refractive index curve.
It is essential to acknowledge that the refractive index and re-emission probability of the LS carry significant uncertainties, especially at shorter wavelengths, such as in the vacuum ultraviolet region (
$ <200 $ nm). These uncertainties introduce a potential bias in predicting the Cherenkov light yield. To address this, we introduce a Cherenkov light yield factor, denoted as$ f_C $ , which is used to adjust the Cherenkov light yield in the simulation. The Cherenkov light yield factor is applied as follows:$ \begin{aligned} N_ \text{CherenOP} = f_C \cdot N_ \text{CherenOP}^ \text{G4}. \end{aligned} $
(8) Here,
$ N_ \text{CherenOP}^ \text{G4} $ represents the calculated Cherenkov photon number obtained from GEANT4 using the LS refractive index as input. The factor$ f_C $ is determined by constraining it with the LS energy non-linearity and energy scale measurements performed by the Daya Bay detectors. Further details regarding this constraint are discussed in Sec. IV.E. -
Photon propagation in the LS is governed by the LS optical model, which takes into account the processes of emission, scattering, absorption, and re-emission. In this model, the three components of the LS, namely, LAB, PPO, and bis-MSB, are treated as a collective entity and share a set of equivalent optical parameters. These parameters include the photon emission spectrum, absorption and scattering lengths, and quantum yield after photon absorption. The LS optical model is illustrated in Fig. 6. During the propagation of photons, they can either be absorbed or scattered by the LS, depending on the absorption and scattering lengths and their respective energy. If a photon is absorbed without undergoing the re-emission process, its trajectory is terminated. However, if re-emission occurs, a new photon is generated, and its energy is sampled from the LS emission spectrum. This newly generated photon continues its propagation within the LS.
The reflection and transmittance at the interfaces between the LS and acrylic, as well as between the acrylic and inner water buffer or between the water and PMT glass bulb, are accounted for by GEANT4 using the Fresnel formula and the predefined refractive indices of the LS, acrylic, water, and glass (Fig. 3(a)). Additionally, photons have a probability of being absorbed by the acrylic or water, determined by their respective absorption lengths. Scattering within water uses Rayleigh scattering lengths calculated from the refractive index by GEANT4. Scattering within acrylic is currently neglected due to the lack of scattering length information. The boundary processes at the surfaces of the other detector components are also described by GEANT4, utilizing predefined optical properties such as reflectivity. After photon propagation, a fraction of the generated photons can impinge upon the PMT photocathodes, where they are further handled by the PMT optical model discussed in Sec. IV.F.
The LS optical properties employed in the LS optical model are obtained either from bench tests or inherited from the Daya Bay experiment. These properties are summarized as follows:
• Emission spectrum: Considering the large size of the JUNO detector, the LS optical model employs the emission spectrum of bis-MSB. After undergoing several cycles of absorption and re-emission processes, the scintillation photons are expected to shift towards longer wavelengths and be primarily dominated by the emissions from bis-MSB, rather than PPO fluor. The bis-MSB emission spectrum is measured using a Fluorolog Tau-3 spectrometer, as shown in Fig. 2 of [59]. This spectrum is used to sample the energies of the scintillation photons during their production induced by ionization excitation and the re-emission process.
• Time profile: The time profiles employed in the simulation are obtained from dedicated measurements by exciting the LS with different charged particles, such as electrons, protons from neutron recoils, and alphas. The measured time profile is fitted using four exponential components, in which time constants of electrons/positrons/gammas are found to be 4.5 ns (70.7%), 15.1 ns (20.5%), 76.1 ns (6.0%), and 397 ns (2.8%) [60]. The time profile allows for the sampling of timing information for each scintillation photon. For the re-emission process, a single exponential component with a time constant of 1.5 ns, as measured in [61], is employed.
• Rayleigh scattering length: The Rayleigh scattering length of the JUNO LS is obtained from measurements reported in [57] and is shown in Fig. 7, yielding a value of 27.0 m at 433 nm. This value is extrapolated to other wavelengths using the Einstein-Smoluchowski-Cabannes formula [62].
Figure 7. (color online) Quantum yield (left) and Rayleigh scattering length (right) as a function of wavelength.
• Absorption length: The attenuation length (
$L_{\rm att}$ ) of the JUNO LS is assumed to have a target value of 20 m at 430 nm, which comprises both the absorption length ($L_{\rm abs}$ ) and scattering length ($L_{\rm sca}$ ). This can be expressed as$\dfrac{1}{L_{\rm att}(\lambda)} = \dfrac{1}{L_{\rm sca}(\lambda)}+\dfrac{1}{L_{\rm abs}(\lambda)}$ . Subtracting themeasured scattering length from the attenuation length yields an absorption length of 77 m at 430 nm. The wavelength dependence of the absorption length is assumed to be the same as that of the Daya Bay LS [63].• Quantum yield: The spectrum of the quantum yield was taken from the Daya Bay experiment, as shown in Fig. 7, which has been fine-tuned to achieve agreement between the LS energy non-linearity in data and the simulation. The LS replacement experiment at Daya Bay [25] indicates that the differences in PPO and bis-MSB concentrations between the Daya Bay LS (3 g/L PPO and 15 mg/L bis-MSB) and JUNO LS have a negligible impact on the quantum yield.
The LS optical model, along with the optical properties, has been implemented in the detector simulation. The model is essential for a reliable simulation of photons in the detector, producing an accurate result on the light collection efficiency.
To predict the absolute light yield in LS, the two remaining unknown parameters, Y in Eq. (1) and
$ f_C $ in Eq. (8), can be constrained based on the LS energy non-linearity curve and energy scale measured by Daya Bay. This is done under the assumption that the scintillation light yield and energy non-linearity response are the same for both the Daya Bay and JUNO LS.To ensure consistency between the JUNO and Daya Bay simulations, several modifications were made to the Daya Bay detector simulation as follows:
• The same Livermore low-energy electromagnetic model is used, with the same production cuts.
• The same quenching effect model and
$ kB $ parameter discussed in Sec. IV.B.2 are employed.• The LS refractive index and improved Cherenkov process are the same.
• The LS optical properties, such as the emission spectrum, quantum yield, scattering length, and time profiles, are assumed to be identical. The shape of the LS absorption spectrum is the same; however, the absolute absorption lengths differ. In Daya Bay, the absorption length is 27 m at 430 nm, as measured in the experiment.
• In Daya Bay, each PMT PDE is considered to be the measured quantum efficiency (QE), assuming a 100% collection efficiency (CE). In JUNO, both QE and CE are taken into account, and their product, PDE at normal incidence, is constrained by the PMT mass testing data [21]. The same PMT optical model (more details in Section IV.F) is used to describe the PMT reflection and angular responses. However, different optical properties of the photocathode are applied for the 8-inch PMTs in Daya Bay and 20-inch PMTs in JUNO.
• The optical properties of other detector components in Daya Bay remain unchanged.
After making these modifications, the determination of the parameters Y and
$ f_C $ in the Daya Bay simulation is carried out as follows:1. Fix the scintillation light yield Y of the LS and tune
$ f_C $ in the Daya Bay simulation to match the gamma energy non-linearity curve in [52]. By tuning$ f_C $ , the ratio of scintillation photons to Cherenkov photons, which determines the shape of the energy non-linearity curve, can be adjusted. Figure 8(a) shows that good agreement can be achieved between the simulation and calibration data in Daya Bay.Figure 8. (color online) Comparisons of the LS energy non-linearity and energy scale curves between the Daya Bay simulation and experimental data with the newly constrained parameters of Y and
$ f_C $ .2. Simulate a
$ ^{60} $ Co radioactive source at the center of the detector in the Daya Bay simulation to obtain the visible energy. The energy scale in Daya Bay is defined as the average PE number per MeV using$ ^{60} $ Co events at the detector center.3. Determine the value of Y and
$ f_C $ by comparing the scaled visible energy to the expected value of$ ^{60} $ Co, as shown in Fig. 8(b). In this procedure, the ratio$ f_C/Y $ is kept constant to ensure that the energy non-linearity response remains unchanged. Finally, Y is determined to be 9846/MeV, while$ f_C $ is 0.52.Table 1 summarizes a few parameters used in this work, allowing for the prediction of the detector energy resolution in JUNO.
Y /MeV $kB /(\text{g}/ \text{cm}^2/ \text{MeV})$ $ f_C $ Production cut/mm gamma $ e^+/e^- $ 9846 12.1×10−3 0.52 1.0 0.1 Table 1. Summary of a few parameters used in this work to predict the energy resolution in JUNO.
The PDE responses of LPMTs in JUNO are determined using the results from the LPMT mass testing setups [21] and the developed PMT optical model [22]. Two mass testing setups, the scanning station and container system, are used for LPMT acceptance tests and performance evaluation. The container system evaluates the characteristics of each LPMT, including PDE, DCR, gain, and features of SPE. A large area pulsed light source with a central wavelength of 420 nm is used to illuminate the entire photocathode of the LPMTs. The scanning station performs more detailed characterizations for LPMTs using 7 LED sources deployed along the longitude. The light beam from each LED is approximately perpendicular to the PMT surface and has a diameter of approximately 5 mm, with a central wavelength of 420 nm. By rotating the PMTs, the whole photocathode can be scanned. However, even if only approximately 5% of JUNO LPMTs are tested following this full scan procedure, the results are representative of the total JUNO LPMT production.
The number of PMT-detected photons is assumed to follow a Poisson distribution. The average value measured with the container system is converted to the PDE defined by the scanning station system for all measured PMTs, because the light intensities in this system are calibrated by a reference PMT. The conversion coefficients are determined by comparing the PDEs measured by both the scanning station and container system for the three different types of LPMTs: HPK dynode-PMT, NNVT MCP-PMT, and NNVT HQE MCP-PMT. The PDE given by the scanning station is defined as the averaged value across the PMT area, and it is determined from PDEs measured by the 7 LEDs and their surface area weights. The area weights, calculated based on the respective positions on the photocathode of the 7 LEDs, are dependent on the LPMT types (HPK and NNVT) and are summarized in Table 2.
LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 LED5 LED6 LED7 NNVT 4.8% 9.0% 12.6% 17.2% 20.0% 18.0% 18.4% HPK 4.5% 8.8% 13.5% 17.1% 20.5% 18.6% 17.0% Table 2. Surface area weights of 7 LEDs for NNVT and HPK PMTs.
In the detector simulation, the position dependence of the PDE along the latitude of the photocathode is modeled using the CE curves. The PDE is considered as a product of the QE and CE. Figure 9(a) shows the CE as a function of the polar angle in the PMT's local coordinates for the NNVT MCP-PMT (red), NNVT HQE MCP-PMT (blue), and HPK dynode-PMT (violet). The CE curves are obtained by averaging the PDEs measured by the 7 LEDs along the zenith angles in the scanning station. The maximum CE values are set to 100% for the NNVT MCP-PMT and 93% for the HPK dynode-PMT, indicated by the electrostatic simulation results from NNVT and HPK private communications, respectively.
Figure 9. (color online) (a) Angular dependence of collection efficiency for NNVT MCP-PMT (red), NNVT HQE MCP-PMT (blue), and HPK dynode-PMT (violet). (b) Wavelength dependence of quantum efficiency for NNVT MCP-PMT (red), NNVT HQE MCP-PMT (blue), and HPK dynode-PMT (violet).
To compute the QE of a given LPMT, the following equation is used:
$ \begin{aligned} \text{QE}= \text{PDE} \Big/\sum_{i=1}^{7}( \text{CE}_i\times w_i), \end{aligned} $
(9) where i represents the index of the LED in the scanning station, and
$ w_i $ denotes the surface area weight of the i-th LED, as summarized in Table 2. This calculation is performed for each LPMT in the CD to ensure that the product of QE and CE is consistent with the measured PDE, as discussed in [21]. The QE spectral responses are also implemented in the simulation based on laboratory measurements, as shown in Fig. 9(b). The NNVT MCP-PMT (red) and NNVT HQE MCP-PMT (blue) have identical QE spectral responses, while the HPK dynode-PMTs (violet) have a different response at higher wavelength ($ \lambda>500\; \text{nm} $ ). It is assumed that LPMTs of the same type share the same CE curve and QE spectral response in the simulation.The PMT optical model [22] takes into account the angle of incidence (AOI) dependence of the PDE, as well as the reflections on the photocathode and optical processes inside the PMTs. In this model, the PMT window is treated as a multi-layer optical stack, from outside to inside, consisting of water, PMT glass, anti-reflective coating, photocathode, and vacuum layers. The anti-reflective coating and photocathode are considered coherent layers due to their comparable thicknesses with the light wavelength. The model incorporates the light interference effect and the multiple reflections between adjacent boundaries using the transfer matrix method.
The refractive index n, extinction coefficient k, and thickness d of the anti-reflective coating and photocathode are determined in the wavelength range of 390 nm to 500 nm by analyzing the reflectance data of NNVT MCP-PMT, NNVT HQE MCP-PMT, and HPK PMT immersed in the LAB liquid. The optical properties of the other components inside the PMTs, such as dynode (MCP), supporting structure, and aluminum film, are constrained by the QE data. These parameters are presented in [22] and are directly used in this work. With these inputs, the PMT optical model calculates both the reflectance and absorbance for a given photon and AOI, assuming uniformity for the anti-reflective coating and photocathode. The reflected photons are then propagated by GEANT4. The absorbance at a specific AOI is converted to the QE using the QE calculated above and absorbance information at normal incidence. This optical model was integrated into the detector simulation and used in this work. It has also been applied in the Daya Bay simulation, using the optical parameters obtained from the reflectance and QE data of an 8-inch Daya Bay PMT.
In the detector simulation, a simple PMT optical model is used for SPMTs. It assumes that photons hitting the photocathode are 100% absorbed and converted to free PE by applying the PMTs' QE. The QE at 420 nm is implemented for each SPMT, using the value obtained from the characterization of SPMTs and published in [26]. The QE dependence on wavelength is considered according to the vendor's datasheet [64].
In the updated detector simulation, the predicted PE yield of the JUNO detector is 1665 PE/MeV, calibrated using neutron capture events on hydrogen at the detector center. The PE yield is larger compared to the previously reported value of 1345 PE/MeV [30]. This enhancement can be attributed to three factors:
• Improved PMT PDE: In previous studies, the LPMT's PDE was assumed to be 27%. However, the LPMT mass testing has shown that the actual average PDE in CD is 30.1% [21]. This higher efficiency accounts for an
$ \sim $ 11% increase in PE yield.• More realistic PMT optical model: Previous simulations used a simplified PMT optical model that neglected the angular dependence of PDE in water and PMT photocathode reflection. By incorporating a more realistic optical model [22], we observed an additional
$ \sim $ 8% increase in PE yield.• Detector geometry updates: The detector geometry is updated based on the final mechanical design, with reflections on several detector components taken into account, leading to an approximate 3% increase in PE yield.
Furthermore, the Cherenkov to total PE ratio is found to be 1.1% for 1 MeV positrons, and the detector simulation indicates a PE yield of 1785 PE/MeV for uniformly distributed neutron capture events on hydrogen.
As described in Sec. V, the PMT together with the electronics system will convert the photons to waveforms for each LPMT and to the pairs of charge and time for each SPMT. For each LPMT waveform, the charge and hit time of every pulse are reconstructed using the deconvolution algorithm [68], which exhibits smaller charge non-linearity compared to other algorithms. Meanwhile, the hit time of the first pulse, referred to as the first hit time, is of particular importance. A dedicated algorithm with a linear fit of the rising edge of the first pulse is developed to achieve a more accurate first hit time and reduce its charge dependence. Given that the charge and hit time information of PMTs are the inputs to the vertex and energy reconstruction in Sec. VI.B, the performance of the waveform reconstruction will also contribute to the energy resolution. Moreover, the CD has approximately O(10
$ ^4 $ ) PMTs, and their characteristics may differ. Thus, the reconstructed charge and hit time of each PMT must be calibrated to account for the different PMT parameters, such as gain, TTS, relative PDE, and DCR. A comprehensive calibration strategy was developed in Ref. [30] to extract these parameters for all the PMTs and continuously monitor their time dependence. -
The aim of the event reconstruction is to derive the energy and vertex of the event from the charge and time information of photon hits captured by PMTs. However, for large-volume LS detectors such as JUNO, various complex optical processes occur during the photon propagation. It is usually relatively difficult to build a comprehensive optical model to precisely describe the photon hits of PMTs.
Given that a non-uniform detector response is one of the main contributors to the energy resolution for large LS detectors, precise vertex reconstruction is needed to correct for the energy response non-uniformity. Several algorithms have been developed for vertex reconstruction in JUNO [69, 70]. These algorithms utilize the time information of the first photon hit of PMTs, together with the residual time probability distribution function (pdf), which is mainly determined by the LS timing profile and PMTs' TTS. Meanwhile, an optical-model independent method [71] was developed to reconstruct the event energy in JUNO and was optimized in Ref. [72] to further improve the energy uniformity. The basic principle is to obtain the expected charge for PMTs using calibration data from the automatic calibration unit (ACU) and cable loop system (CLS), which is then used to build a likelihood function given the observed charge of all PMTs.
A calibration data-driven simultaneous vertex and energy reconstruction method has been developed for JUNO [73], based on the vertex and energy reconstruction methods described above. The observables considered are the charge and time information of the PMTs. Calibration data with known vertices and energy are used to construct the expected charge and time response for each PMT. Given the observed and expected charge and time information of PMTs, a maximum likelihood method is developed to reconstruct the event vertex
$ {\bf{r}} $ =$ \vec{r}(r,\theta,\phi) $ and visible energy E simultaneously, using the likelihood function in Eq. (10):$ \begin{aligned}[b] &{\cal{L}}(\{q_{i}\}; \{t^{j}\}|{\bf{r}},E_{ \text{}}, t_0)\\ = \;&\prod_{i} \left(\sum_{k=1}^{\infty} P_{Q}(q_{i}|k) \times P(k, \mu_i) \right) \\ \times\; &\prod_{j} \frac{\sum^{K}_{k=1} P_{T}(t^j_{\rm res}|r, d_j, \mu^{l}_j, \mu^{d}_j, k)\times P(k, \mu^{l}_j+\mu^{d}_j)} {\sum^{K}_{k=1} P(k, \mu^{l}_j+\mu^{d}_j)}, \end{aligned} $
(10) $ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} \begin{aligned} &\mu_i({\bf{r}},E_{ \text{}}) = E_{ \text{}} \times \hat{\mu_i}^L(r,\theta,\theta_{\text{PMT},i}) + \mu_i^D \\ &t^{j}_{\rm res} = t^{j} - t^{j}_{\rm tof}(d_j) - t_0. \\ \end{aligned} \end{array} $
(11) The first product on the right side of Eq. (10) corresponds to the charge-based likelihood function. The index i runs over all PMTs. The term in parentheses simply describes the probability of observing charge
$ q_i $ on PMT i when the expected number of PEs is$ \mu_i $ , which strongly depends on both the vertex and energy of the positron. Given that photons emitted from the same particle have strong temporal correlation and usually arrive on PMTs within a few hundred ns, while PMT dark noise occurs randomly in time, a signal window of 420 ns is set to reduce the PE contamination from dark noise.$ \mu_i^D $ represents the residual PE contribution from dark noise within the signal window. As one of the most crucial ingredients of the reconstruction,$ \hat{\mu_i}^L(r,\theta,\theta_{ \text{PMT},i}) $ represents the expected number of LS PEs per unit of visible energy, originating from particles within the signal window. This is obtained using the simulated calibration data, in which the calibration source is deployed at various positions in the CD. Here, r and θ are the components of the particle vertex$ {\bf{r}} $ , while$ \theta_{ \text{PMT},i} $ is the angle between$ {\bf{r}} $ and the PMT position vector$ {\bf{r}}_{ \text{PMT},i} $ .$ P(k, \mu_i) $ is the Poisson probability for detecting k PE,$ P_{Q}(q_{i}|k) $ is the probability of observing charge$ q_i $ on PMT i given the charge pdf of k PEs$ P_{Q}(q|k) $ , which can be constructed by convolving the SPE charge spectrum with$ P_{Q}(q|k-1) $ . Note that for PMTs that do not pass the firing threshold of$ q_i > 0.1\; \text{PE} $ , this term simplifies to$ P(0, \mu_i) $ +$ P_{Q}(q_i<0.1PE|k=1) $ *$ P(1, \mu_i) $ . Moreover, the index k ends when$ P_Q(q_i|k)<10^{-8} $ is met to simplify the calculation.The second product on the right side of Eq. (10) corresponds to the time-based likelihood function. The index j only runs over the fired PMTs satisfying
$ -100\; \text{ns} < t^j_{\rm res} < 500\; \text{ns} $ and$ 0.1\; \text{PE} < q_{j} < K $ . A cutoff value of$ K=20 $ is set for the detected nPE k to simplify the calculation. The residual hit time$t_{\rm res}$ of PMTs is obtained by subtracting the time of flight$t_{\rm tof}$ and reference time$ t_0 $ from the first hit time t of PMTs. The distance between the vertex and PMT is denoted as d.$ \mu^l $ and$ \mu^d $ represent the expected number of PEs originating from particle or dark noise within the full electronic readout window, respectively. Another crucial ingredient of the reconstruction is the residual time PDF$ P_{T}(t^j_{\rm res}|r, d_j, \mu^{l}_j, \mu^{d}_j, k) $ , which is obtained using the same calibration data used for$ \hat{\mu_i}^L $ . The fine-grained parameterization of$ P_{T}(t^j_{\rm res}) $ takes into account its dependence on the vertex radius as well as the distance between the vertex and PMT. Meanwhile, the impact from dark noise is also included via an analytical approach. More details of the construction of$ P_{T}(t^j_{\rm res}) $ can be found in Ref. [73].$ P(k, \mu^{l}_j+\mu^{d}_j) $ acts as a weight for different k values.Compared to previous reconstruction studies, a few important updates should be mentioned. First, two crucial ingredients have been made more realistic: the residual time pdfs are derived from calibration data instead of MC simulation, and all PMT electronics effects are considered for the construction of the expected nPE map
$ \mu_i $ . Second, the fine-grained parameterization of the residual time pdf as well as the calibration of the time of flight as a function of the photon propagation distance makes the pdf more accurate. Third, the charge and time information of PMTs are combined together to improve the vertex resolution, especially near the acrylic sphere edge. Finally, the vertex and energy are reconstructed simultaneously, which naturally handles the strong correlation between these two quantities.To evaluate the performance of the energy reconstruction in JUNO, a few sets of positron samples with different kinetic energies
$ E_k $ = (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11) MeV were produced by MC simulation, as summarized in Table 3. For each dataset, the positrons are uniformly distributed in the CD, and the total statistics per set is 500 k. In addition, the$ ^{68} $ Ge calibration data listed in Table 3 were also produced to obtain the expected nPE map and time pdfs of PMTs. The positions and type of calibration source have been slightly optimized based on Ref. [72] to improve the energy uniformity. A realistic detector geometry with all the latest knowledge on the properties of LS and PMTs from previous sections were implemented in the simulation. For each set of positrons with fixed kinetic energy$ E^i_k $ , the simultaneous vertex and energy reconstruction using Eq. (10) was applied. The distribution of the reconstructed visible energy$ E_ \text{rec} $ was fitted with a Gaussian function ($ E^i_ \text{vis}, \sigma^i $ ), and the results are summarized in Table 4. The corresponding energy resolution is defined as the ratio of$ \sigma^i $ /$ E^i_ \text{vis} $ , and the energy non-linearity is calculated by$ E^i_ \text{vis} $ /$ {E^i_ \text{dep}} $ , where$ {E^i_ \text{dep}} $ =$ {E^i_{k}} + 1.022\; \text{MeV} $ .Type Energy Statistics Position e+ Ek = (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11) MeV 500 k/set uniform in CD 68Ge 0.511·2 MeV 20 k/point ACU+CLS (293 points) Table 3. List of MC simulation samples.
$ E_{k} $ /MeV0 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 8 11 $ E_ \text{dep} $ /MeV1.022 1.522 2.022 3.022 4.022 5.022 6.022 9.022 12.022 $ {E_ \text{vis}} $ /MeV0.9205 1.422 1.947 3.007 4.069 5.133 6.197 9.392 12.59 $ E_ \text{res} $ (%)3.122 2.414 2.046 1.682 1.484 1.354 1.256 1.077 0.9661 $ {E_ \text{vis}} $ /$ E_ \text{dep} $ 0.901 0.934 0.963 0.995 1.012 1.022 1.029 1.041 1.047 Table 4. Summary of the energy reconstruction results. All the energy units are in MeV. For each set of positrons with different
$ E_k $ , the reconstructed visible energy is fitted with a Gaussian function, where$ E_ \text{vis} $ and σ represent the Gaussian mean and sigma, respectively. The energy resolution$ E_ \text{res} $ is defined as σ/$ {E_ \text{vis}} $ . In addition, we also report the ratio of the visible energy to the deposited energy.In Fig. 11, the left plot shows the energy resolution as a function of the average visible energy
$ E_ \text{vis} $ . The data points are fitted with a generic parameterization formula as follows:Figure 11. Energy resolution (left) and energy non-linearity (right) for positrons using samples from Table 3. A fit with Eq. (12) was performed for the points in the left plot, while interpolation was used instead in the right plot.
$ \begin{aligned} \frac{\sigma}{E_ \text{vis}}=\sqrt{\left(\frac{a}{\sqrt{E_ \text{vis}}}\right)^2+b^2+\left(\frac{c}{E_ \text{vis}}\right)^2}. \end{aligned} $
(12) In this equation, a is the statistical term mainly driven by the Poisson statistics of detected PE. The b term is a constant, independent of energy and mostly contributed by the scintillation quenching effect, Cherenkov radiation, and energy non-uniformity. The c term accounts for the PMT dark noise and positron annihilation γs. The best-fit results of a, b, and c are listed as the Default Case in Table 5, and the fitted energy resolution is 2.95% at 1 MeV. The right plot in Fig. 11 shows the energy non-linearity curve. These results were used for the NMO sensitivity in the JUNO paper [18].
Case a(%) b(%) c(%) Eres@1 MeV (%) Sequential improvement Default 2.614 0.640 1.205 2.948 − A (- vertex uncert.) 2.581 0.667 1.206 2.925 0.78% B (- dark noise) 2.571 0.671 0.956 2.824 3.45% C (- waveform reco) 2.542 0.647 0.973 2.798 0.92% D (- SPE charge smear) 2.445 0.600 1.079 2.739 2.1% Table 5. Comparison of the energy resolutions among all cases. Here a, b, and c correspond to the three parameters from Eq. (12). The relative improvement of the energy resolution at 1 MeV with respect to the previous case is also shown in the last column.
A few additional checks were performed to validate the results. The left plot in Fig. 12 shows that the energy non-uniformity is within 0.4% for positrons with different energies. The right plot shows how the energy resolution changes with respect to
$ r^3 $ , which is caused mainly by the change in the total number of detected PEs.Figure 12. (color online) Energy response non-uniformity checks. Normalized average
$ E_ \text{rec} $ (left) and energy resolution (right) with respect to$ r^3 $ for positron samples with different energies. The normalization is conducted by dividing the average value within the FV. The red vertical line corresponds to the FV cut.
Prediction of energy resolution in the JUNO experiment
- Received Date: 2024-06-07
- Available Online: 2025-01-15
Abstract: This paper presents an energy resolution study of the JUNO experiment, incorporating the latest knowledge acquired during the detector construction phase. The determination of neutrino mass ordering in JUNO requires an exceptional energy resolution better than 3% at 1 MeV. To achieve this ambitious goal, significant efforts have been undertaken in the design and production of the key components of the JUNO detector. Various factors affecting the detection of inverse beta decay signals have an impact on the energy resolution, extending beyond the statistical fluctuations of the detected number of photons, such as the properties of the liquid scintillator, performance of photomultiplier tubes, and the energy reconstruction algorithm. To account for these effects, a full JUNO simulation and reconstruction approach is employed. This enables the modeling of all relevant effects and the evaluation of associated inputs to accurately estimate the energy resolution. The results of this study reveal an energy resolution of 2.95% at 1 MeV. Furthermore, this study assesses the contribution of major effects to the overall energy resolution budget. This analysis serves as a reference for interpreting future measurements of energy resolution during JUNO data collection. Moreover, it provides a guideline for comprehending the energy resolution characteristics of liquid scintillator-based detectors.