Because inflation is driven by the S-field, we can express the corresponding action as
$ S_J = \int {\rm d}^4 x \sqrt{-g} \left[\frac{M_P^2}{2} R \left(1 + 2 \xi_S \frac{S^2}{M_P^2} \right) -\frac{1}{2} \left(\partial S \right)^2 - V(S) \right]\,, $
(1) Following the conformal transformation strategy [50], the action
$ S_E $ in the Einstein frame can be easily obtained as$ S_E = \int {\rm d}^4 x \sqrt{- \tilde{g}} \left[\frac{M_P^2}{2} \tilde{R} - \frac{1}{2 } \left(\tilde{\partial} \bar{S} \right)^2 - V(\bar{S}) \right], $
(2) where the potential
$ V(\bar{S}) $ is expressed as$ V (\bar{S})= \frac{\lambda_S M_P^4}{16 \xi_S^2} \left(1 - {\rm e}^{- 2{\sqrt{\frac{2}{3}}} \frac{\bar{S}}{M_P} } \right)^2, $
(3) and the relation between the refined
$ \bar{S} $ -field and S-field is expressed as$ \bar{S}= \sqrt{\frac{3}{8}} M_P \ln \left(1+ \frac{2\xi_S S^2}{M_P^2} \right). $
(4) The variation in potential V with
$ \bar{S} $ , shown in Fig. 1, indicates that the trend of the potential is independent of the coefficient$ \xi_S $ and$ \lambda_S $ . As$ \bar{S} $ increases, V increases, and after some time, it reaches a plateau, which enables a slow-rolling inflation.Figure 1. (color online) Variation in the slow-rolling inflationary potential with respect to inflaton, which is calculated using Eq. (3). In the early stages of inflation, the scalar field rolls slowly in the direction that it falls. Subsequently, when the potential energy is no longer dominant, inflation ends.
Given the potential, we can study cosmological inflation in detail. For the e-folding number between the horizon exit of the pivot scale and the end of inflation, it can be analytically calculated according to the following formula [51]:
$ N_k = \frac{1}{M_P^2} \int_{\bar{S}_{\rm end}}^{\bar{S}_k} \frac{V}{V'}\, {\rm d} \bar{S}=\frac{\sqrt{6}}{8 M_P} \left[\frac{\sqrt{6}M_P }{4} {\rm e}^{ 2{\sqrt{\frac{2}{3}}} \frac{\bar{S}}{M_P} } - \bar{S} \right] \Big|^{\bar{S}_k}_{\bar{S}_{\rm end}}. $
(5) Because
$\bar{S}_k \gg \bar{S}_{\rm end}$ , and$\dfrac{\sqrt{6}M_P }{4} {\rm e}^{\sqrt{\frac{2}{3}} \frac{\bar{S}_k}{M_P}} \gg \bar{S}_k$ , we obtain$ N_k = \frac{3}{16} {\rm e}^{ 2{\sqrt{\frac{2}{3}}} \frac{{\bar{S}_k}}{M_P} }. $
(6) This means that
$ \bar{S}_k = \frac{\sqrt{6}}{4} M_P \ln \left(\frac{16}{3} N_k \right). $
(7) According to the definition of slow-rolling parameters (
$\epsilon = \dfrac{M_{\rm p}^2}{2} \left(\dfrac{{\rm d}V/{\rm d}\bar{S}}{V} \right)^2, \eta= M_{\rm p}^2 \left(\dfrac{{\rm d}^2V/{\rm d}\bar{S}^2}{V} \right)$ ), and combined with Eq. (7), the slow-rolling parameters can be obtained as follows:$ \epsilon_k \simeq \frac{3}{16N_k^2},\quad\quad \eta_k = - \frac{1}{N_k}. $
(8) Furthermore, according to the relationship between the scalar spectral index
$ n_s = 1 - 6 \epsilon + 2 \eta $ (tensor-to-scalar power ratio$ r=16 \epsilon $ ) and slow-rolling parameters, we can obtain$ r \simeq \frac{3}{N_k^2}, $
(9) $ n_s \simeq 1- \frac{9}{8N_k^2}- \frac{2}{N_k}. $
(10) Meanwhile, the amplitude of the primordial power spectrum (
$ A_s $ ) can be expressed as$ A_s=\frac{1}{24\pi^2M_p^4}\frac{V}{\epsilon}\Big|_{\bar{S}_{k}}, $
(11) The CMB observation indicates that
$ A_s=2.2\times 10^{-9} $ [52].From Eq. (10), we obtain
$ N_k = \frac{2}{(1 - n_s)}. $
(12) Finally,
$ H_k $ and$V_{\rm end}$ as functions of$ n_s $ and$ A_s $ can be derived using Eq. (12) [33]:$ H_k = \pi M_P \sqrt{\frac{3}{2} A_s} (1- n_s), $
(13) $ V_{end} = \frac{9}{2} \pi^2 M_P^4 A_s (1-n_s)^2 \frac{ \left[\dfrac{2}{13} (4-\sqrt{3})\right]^2}{ \left[\dfrac{1}{64}(29+3n_s) \right]^2} $
(14) Equations (12)−(14) provide the entire procedure to derive the results for the preheating constraints on the minimal scalar inflation model.
When inflation ends, the universe becomes cold and empty, and the reheating process heats the universe up to the temperatures required for Big Bang nucleosynthesis. Often, at the beginning of reheating a period of explosive growth of particles called preheating occurs [31]. Its duration is expressed as
$N_{\rm pre}$ , which can be described analytically as [39, 53]$\begin{aligned}[b] N_{\rm pre}=\;&\left[ 61.6-\frac{1}{4}\ln \left( \frac{V_{\rm end}}{\gamma H_{k}^{4}} \right) -N_k\right]\\& -\frac{1-3\omega_{\rm th} }{12(1+\omega_{\rm th} )}\ln \left( \frac{3^{2}\cdot 5\; V_{\rm end}}{\gamma \pi ^{2}\bar{g}_{\ast }T_{\rm re}^{4}}\right),\end{aligned} $
(15) where γ is the ratio of the energy density at the end of inflation to the preheating energy density, i.e.,
$\gamma=\rho_{\rm pre}/\rho_{\rm end}$ [38]. Although the equation of states ($\omega_{\rm th}$ ) here is for the reheating period, that of the preheating ($\omega_{\rm pre}$ ) is numerically the same as$ \omega_{\rm th} $ in the reheating period, which can be obtained by deducing the relation between$\rho_{\rm end}/\rho_{\rm pre}$ ($\rho_{\rm end}/\rho_{\rm th}$ ) and ω, respectively. Therefore, we omit subscripts in subsequent discussions. The energy$\rho_{\rm end}$ is related to the potentia at the end of inflation [53]:$ \begin{equation} \rho_{\rm end}=\lambda_{\rm end} V_{\rm end}, \end{equation} $
(16) where
$\lambda_{\rm end}=\dfrac{6}{6-2\epsilon}|_{S=S_{\rm end}}=3/2$ .Eq. (15) reveals a close connection between preheating and the inflationary model, and the ambiguous preheating properties hinder the application of the inflationary model. By using LATTICEEASY to simulate the evolution of S- and h- fields in the preheating, we can infer the specific values of
$N_{\rm pre}$ and γ, which will be discussed in detail in the next section. -
Figure 5 shows the relationship between
$N_{\rm pre}$ and scalar spectral index ($ n_s $ ). The figure indicates that$N_{\rm pre}$ increases with the state parameter ω. After combining the Planck prediction of$ n_s $ with the LATTICEEASY simulation, we observe that the model has a feasible parameter space. The feasible range of ω is$ 1/4 $ to 1, and the corresponding$ n_s $ range is$ [0.9607, 0.9623] $ .Figure 5. (color online) Relation between the scalar spectral index (
$ n_s $ ) and e-folding number of inflation ($ N_k $ ), where the cyan shaded is the feasible area of the Planck limit [4], the orange dashed line is the$N_{\rm pre}$ value obtained using the LATTICEEASY simulation, and the blue lines are calculated using Eq. (15), where the potential derived from the scalar inflation model and energy ratio γ is obtained through the LATTICEEASY simulation.The relation between
$ n_s $ and r is shown in Fig. 6. Note that the blue line between the red and cyan points is the feasible space of the LATTICEEASY simulation prediction obtained from Fig. 5. Therefore, the feasible parameter range of r can be obtained, i.e.,$ r\thicksim[ 3.9\times10^{-4}, 4.3\times10^{-4}] $ .Figure 6. (color online) Relation between the scalar spectral index (
$ n_s $ ) and tensor-to-scalar power ratio (r), where the blue line is our theoretical prediction for$ N_k $ from 50 to 60, the green areas are the Planck limits, and the brown, red, cyan, and green points correspond to$ N_k= $ 50, 50.3, 52.5, and 60, respectively.To illustrate the, we list the fixed couplings of the scalar inflation model and the LATTICEEASY predictions in Table 1. Using the same strategy, we can test other model parameters.
γ $N_{\rm pre}$ w $ n_s $ $ N_k $ $ r\times 10^{-4} $ $ 0.77 $ $ 4.25 $ $ [1/4,1] $ $ [0.9607,0.9623] $ $ [50.3,52.5] $ $ [ 3.9, 4.3] $ Table 1. LATTICEEASY simulation predicts with
$ \lambda_S=10^{-13} $ ,$ \lambda_{Sh}=2\times10^{-11} $ , and$ \lambda_{h}=8\times10^{-12} $ .
Constraints on real scalar inflation from preheating using LATTICEEASY
- Received Date: 2024-01-15
- Available Online: 2024-06-15
Abstract: In this paper, we undertake a detailed study of real scalar inflation using LATTICEEASY simulations to investigate preheating phenomena. Generally, the scalar inflation potential with non-minimal coupling can be approximated using a quartic potential. We observe that the evolutionary behavior of this potential remains unaffected by the coupling coefficient. Furthermore, the theoretical predictions for the scalar spectral index (