Collective observables of the proton-neutron symplectic model are provided by the following one-body operators [26]:
$ Q_{ij}(\alpha,\beta)=\sum\limits_{s=1}^{m}x_{is}(\alpha)x_{js}(\beta), $
(1) $ S_{ij}(\alpha,\beta)= \sum\limits_{s=1}^{m}\biggl(x_{is}(\alpha)p_{js}(\beta)+p_{is}(\alpha)x_{js}(\beta)), $
(2) $ L_{ij}(\alpha,\beta)=\sum\limits_{s=1}^{m}\biggl(x_{is}(\alpha)p_{js}(\beta)-x_{js}(\beta)p_{is}(\alpha)), $
(3) $ T_{ij}(\alpha,\beta)=\sum\limits_{s=1}^{m}p_{is}(\alpha)p_{js}(\beta), $
(4) where
$ i,j = 1,2,3 $ ;$ \alpha,\beta = p,n $ ; and$s = 1,2, \ldots, m=A-1$ . In Eqs. (1)$ - $ (4),$ x_{is}(\alpha) $ and$ p_{is}(\alpha) $ denote the coordinates and corresponding momenta of the translationally-invariant relative Jacobi vectors of the m-quasiparticle two-component nuclear system and A is the number of protons and neutrons.The form of the
$S p(12,R)$ generators (1)$ - $ (4) directly reveals the dynamical content of the PNSM and physical significance of the symplectic generators. The 21 quadrupole operators$ Q_{ij}(\alpha,\beta) $ determine the shape and orientation of the proton/neutron subsystem and the nucleus as a whole. The 15 generators$ L_{ij}(\alpha,\beta) $ are the infinitesimal generators of$S O(6)$ group, which generate the low-energy rigid-flow rotations in abstract six-dimensional space. Among them, there are six components of standard three-dimensional angular momentum operators$ L_{ij}(p,p) $ and$ L_{ij}(n,n) $ ($ i\neq j $ ) of rigid-flow rotations of the proton and neutron subsystem, respectively. The remaining nine operators$ L_{ij}(p,n) $ represent the collective excitations of the combined proton-neutron system; cf. Eqs. (18) − (20).$ S_{ij}(\alpha,\beta) $ correspond to the 21 shear operators of infinitesimal shape change in the six-dimensional space, which together with operators$ L_{ij}(\alpha,\beta) $ generate$G L(6,R) -$ the group of deformations and rotations in six dimensions. The diagonal operators$ \{S_{ii}(p,p),S_{ii}(n,n), S_{ii}(p,n)\} $ are the infinitesimal generators of scale transformations (shape vibrations) along principal axis i. For instance, consider the operator$ S_{zz}(p,p) = \sum _{s}[x_{zs}(p)p_{zs}(p)+ p_{zs}(p)x_{zs}(p)] $ , which using the standard Heisenberg-Weyl commutation relations and the expression$p_{zs}(p)= -{\rm i}\hbar\partial/\partial x_{zs}(p)$ , takes the form$S_{zz}(p,p) = -{\rm i}\hbar[\sum _{s} 2x_{zs}(p)\partial/ \partial x_{zs}(p)+m]$ . Then, the$ GL(1,R) \subset GL(6,R) $ group operator$\exp[{\rm i}\theta S_{zz}(p,p)]$ is a simple scaling operator along the z-axis of the proton subsystem, since${\rm e}^{{\rm i}\theta S_{zz}(p,p)}\Psi_{p}(x_{xs}(p), x_{ys}(p),\,x_{zs}(p)) = \Psi_{p}(x_{xs}(p),\,x_{ys}(p),\,{\rm e}^{2\theta}x_{zs}(p))$ with$s= 1, 2,\ldots, m$ . The same considerations are valid for other scaling operators. It should be observed that collective flows imply that group elements act uniformly on each many-particle coordinate. Monopole (breathing-mode) shape vibrations occur when scale transformations are equal along all three spatial directions: x, y, and z. Conversely, when deformations differ along these three spatial directions, they represent quadrupole shape vibrations in either proton, neutron, or a combined proton-neutron system. Hence, the off-diagonal operators$\{S_{ij}(p,p), S_{ij}(n,n),S_{ij}(p,n)\}$ ($ i\neq j $ ) represent the infinitesimal generators of irrotational-flow (surface-wave) rotations of the proton, neutron, and combined proton-neutron system, respectively, because a shape rotation is generated by continuously shrinking along one axis while at the same time expanding along another. Thus, an irrotational surface wave is generated, representing a shape rotation without any actual circulation of matter density. This is where the term 'irrotational-flow' (curl-free) rotation originates. In this way, the 36 operators of the group$G L(6,R) = \{L_{ij}(\alpha,\beta),\frac{1}{2}S_{ij}(\alpha,\beta)\}$ are obtained. They are the momentum operators, which generate different linear collective flows in nuclear system$ - $ i.e., the basic collective modes$ - $ vibrational flows, rigid- and irrotational-flow rotations. When only the volume-preserving deformations and rotations are considered, i.e. excluding the monopole shape vibrations, one obtains the kinematical subgroup$S L(6,R) \subset G L(6,R)$ . Finally, operators$ T_{ij}(\alpha,\beta) $ are the infinitesimal generators of monopole and quadrupole momentum tensor. Among them are the many-particle kinetic-energy operators of the proton, neutron, or combined proton-neutron system. For more details concerning the dynamical content of the PNSM, we refer the reader to Ref. [26].The
$S p(12,R)$ generators can be conveniently expressed in terms of the harmonic oscillator creation and annihilation operators$ \begin{aligned}[b] &b^{\dagger}_{i\alpha,s}= \sqrt{\frac{m_{\alpha}\omega}{2\hbar}}\Big(x_{is}(\alpha) -\frac{\rm i}{m_{\alpha}\omega}p_{is}(\alpha)\Big), \\ &b_{i\alpha,s}=\sqrt{\frac{m_{\alpha}\omega}{2\hbar}}\Big(x_{is}(\alpha) +\frac{\rm i}{m_{\alpha}\omega}p_{is}(\alpha)\Big) \end{aligned} $
(5) in the following
$ O(m) $ -invariant form [27]:$ F_{ij}(\alpha,\beta)=\sum\limits_{s=1}^{m}b^{\dagger}_{i\alpha,s}b^{\dagger}_{j\beta,s}, $
(6) $ G_{ij}(\alpha,\beta)=\sum\limits_{s=1}^{m}b_{i\alpha,s}b_{j\beta,s}, $
(7) $ A_{ij}(\alpha,\beta)=\frac{1}{2}\sum\limits_{s=1}^{m} (b^{\dagger}_{i\alpha,s}b_{j\beta,s}+b_{j\beta,s}b^{\dagger}_{i\alpha,s}). $
(8) The operators (8), and (6)
$ - $ (7) are related to the proton-neutron valence-shell and giant resonance degrees of freedom, respectively.In terms of operators (6)
$ - $ (8), the generators (1)$ - $ (4) of the$S p(12,R)$ algebra become [27]$ Q_{ij}(\alpha,\beta)=A_{ij}(\alpha,\beta) + \frac{1}{2}\bigg[F_{ij}(\alpha,\beta) + G_{ij}(\alpha,\beta)\bigg], $
(9) $ S_{ij}(\alpha,\beta)={\rm i}\bigg[F_{ij}(\alpha,\beta) - G_{ij}(\alpha,\beta)\bigg], $
(10) $ L_{ij}(\alpha,\beta)=-{\rm i}\bigg[A_{ij}(\alpha,\beta) - A_{ji}(\beta,\alpha)\bigg], $
(11) $T_{ij}(\alpha,\beta)=A_{ij}(\alpha,\beta) - \frac{1}{2}\bigg[F_{ij}(\alpha,\beta) + G_{ij}(\alpha,\beta)\bigg], $
(12) from which it is evident that shear operators
$ S_{ij}(\alpha,\beta) $ are related with the giant-resonance irrotational-flow degrees of freedom.The microscopic SM version of the BM model is defined by the following reduction chain [7]:
$ \begin{aligned}[b] S p(12,R) & \supset S U(1,1) \otimes S O(6) \\ \langle\sigma\rangle \quad &\qquad \lambda_{\upsilon} \qquad\quad \upsilon \\ &\supset U(1) \otimes S U_{pn}(3) \otimes S O(2) \supset S O(3), \\ &\qquad p \qquad \ (\lambda,\mu) \qquad \nu \quad\;\; \ q \quad \ L \end{aligned} $
(13) where the quantum numbers that characterize their irreducible representations are provided below for the different subgroups. The
$S U(1,1)$ Lie algebra, related to the radial dynamics, is generated by the shell-model operators [7]:$ S^{(\lambda_{\upsilon})}_+ = \frac{1}{2}\sum\limits_{\alpha} F^{0}(\alpha,\alpha), $
(14) $ S^{(\lambda_{\upsilon})}_- = \frac{1}{2}\sum\limits_{\alpha} G^{0}(\alpha,\alpha), $
(15) $ S^{(\lambda_{\upsilon})}_{0} = \frac{1}{2}\sum\limits_{\alpha} A^{0}(\alpha,\alpha), $
(16) which are obtained from (6)
$ - $ (8) by the contraction with respect to both indices i and α. The group$S O(6)$ can be expressed through the number-preserving$ U(6) $ generators$ A^{LM}(\alpha,\beta) $ (8) in the standard way by taking their antisymmetric combination [7]:$ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} \Lambda^{LM}(\alpha,\beta)=A^{LM}(\alpha,\beta) -(-1)^{L}A^{LM}(\beta,\alpha). \end{array} $
(17) The generators of different
$S O(6)$ subgroups along the chain (13) are provided by the following operators$ \widetilde{q}^{2M}= \sqrt{3} {\rm i} [A^{2M}(p,n)-A^{2M}(n,p)], $
(18) $ L^{1M}=\sqrt{2}[A^{1M}(p,p)+A^{1M}(n,n)], $
(19) and
$ M=-\sqrt{3}\Lambda^{0}(\alpha,\beta) = -{\rm i} \sqrt{3}[A^{0}(\alpha,\beta)-A^{0}(\beta,\alpha)], $
(20) which generate
$S U_{pn}(3)$ and$S O(2)$ groups, respectively. The two groups$S U_{pn}(3)$ and$ S O(2) $ , by construction, are mutually complementary [28] within the fully symmetric$ S O(6) $ irreps$ \upsilon \equiv (\upsilon,0,0)_{6} $ and form a direct product subgroup$ S U_{pn}(3) \otimes S O(2) \subset S O(6) $ . Hence,$ S U_{pn}(3) $ irrep labels$ (\lambda,\mu) $ are in one-to-one correspondence with$ S O(6) $ and$ S O(2) $ quantum numbers υ and ν based on the following expression [7].$ (\upsilon )_{6}=\bigoplus\limits_{\nu =\pm\upsilon ,\pm(\upsilon-2),...,0(\pm1)}\left(\lambda=\frac{\upsilon +\nu }{2},\mu=\frac{\upsilon -\nu }{2}\right)\otimes (\nu )_{2}. $
(21) The reduction rules for
$ S U_{pn}(3) \supset S O(3) $ are given in terms of a multiplicity index q, which distinguishes the same L values in the$ S U_{pn}(3) $ multiplet$ (\lambda,\mu) $ [29]:$ \begin{aligned}[b] q =&\;\min(\lambda,\mu),\min(\lambda,\mu)-2,...,0\; (1) \\ L =&\;\max(\lambda,\mu ),\max(\lambda,\mu)-2,...,0\; (1); \ q=0 \qquad \\ L =&\;q,q+1,...,q+\max(\lambda,\mu); \ q\neq 0. \end{aligned} $
(22) According to the
$S U(1,1) \otimes S O(6)$ structure, the microsopic quadrupole-monopole proton-neutron collective dynamics splits into radial and orbital motions. Then, the wave functions of the microscopic shell-model version of the BM model can be represented as products of radial functions and orbital$ S O(6) $ wave functions [7]:$ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} \Psi_{\lambda_{\upsilon}n;\upsilon\nu qLM}(r,\Omega_{5}) = R^{\lambda_{\upsilon}}_{n}(r)Y^{\upsilon}_{\nu qLM}(\Omega_{5}), \end{array} $
(23) where the orbital part
$ Y^{\upsilon}_{\nu qLM}(\Omega_{5}) $ is presented by the$S O(6)$ Dragt's spherical harmonics [30, 31] and are characterized by$ S O(6) $ seniority quantum number υ. -
A general shell-model Hamiltonian within the PNSM can be considered as
$ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} H = H_{0} + V(Q), \end{array} $
(24) where
$ H_{0} $ denotes the Harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian$ H_{0} = - \frac{\hbar^{2}}{2M}\nabla^{2} + \frac{1}{2}M\omega^{2} r^{2} \equiv N \hbar\omega, $
(25) and the collective potential
$ V(Q) $ is a rotationally invariant function of the quadrupole operators (1) in the enveloping$S p(12,R)$ algebra. Thus, the collective potential$ V(Q) $ is a well-defined shell-model operator.In the microscopic shell-model version of the BM model, the collective potential is as follows:
$ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} V=V(q), \end{array} $
(26) where
$ q_{ij}={Q}_{ij}(p,n) $ . Furthermore,$ V(q) $ is a rotationally invariant function that can be built up from different powers of the quadrupole moment operators$ q_{ij} $ . However, since the potential$ V(\beta,\gamma) $ of the BM model can be expressed in terms of the microscopic quadrupole moment operators$ q_{ij} $ , i.e.$ [q \times q]^{(0)} \sim \beta^{2} $ and$[q \times q \times q]^{(0)} \sim \beta^{3}\cos 3\gamma$ , any BM Hamiltonian of the form$ H_{\rm BM} = -\frac{\hbar^{2}}{2\mathfrak{B}}\nabla^{2}_{\rm Bohr} + V(\beta,\gamma) $
(27) immediately defines a microscopic shell-model Hamiltonian
$ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} H = K(p,n) + V(q), \end{array} $
(28) where operator
$-\dfrac{\hbar^{2}}{2\mathfrak{B}}\nabla^{2}_{\rm Bohr}$ is replaced by the many-particle kinetic energy$ K(p,n)= \dfrac{1}{2M} \sum _{is}p_{is}(p)p_{is}(n) = \dfrac{1}{2M}T^{0}(p,n) $ . A general Hamiltonian of the microscopic shell-model version of the BM model can therefore be expressed in the following form [32]:$ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} H = K(p,n) + V(r,\beta,\gamma). \end{array} $
(29) Using the relation
$ (\beta,\gamma) \leftrightarrow (\lambda,\mu) $ [33] and linear mapping of the rigid-rotor$ Rot(3) = \{L_{ij},q_{ij}\} $ algebra invariants to those of the$S U(3) = \{L_{ij},\widetilde{q}_{ij}\}$ , the collective potential$ V(r,\beta,\gamma) = f(r)\sum\limits_{p,q} C_{p,q}(\beta^{2})^{p}\big(\beta^{3}\cos(3\gamma)\big)^{q} $
(30) can be represented in a much simpler form as follows:
$V(r,\beta,\gamma) =f(r)\sum\limits_{p,q} C_{p,q}\big(C_{2}[S U(3)] + 3\big)^{p} \big(C_{3}[S U(3)] \big)^{q}. $
(31) In the present application, we use the following algebraic model Hamiltonian:
$ H = H_{\rm DS} + H_{v\,\rm mix} + H_{\rm res}. $
(32) The dynamical symmetry Hamiltonian is chosen to be of the form:
$ H_{\rm DS} = H_{0} + V_{\rm coll}, $
(33) where
$ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} &V_{\rm coll}= CC_{2}[S U_{pn}(3)] + D(C_{2}[S U_{pn}(3)])^{2}, \end{array} $
(34) and
$ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} &H_{\rm res} = aC_{2}[S O(3)] + bX^{a}_{3} + cX^{a}_{4}. \end{array} $
(35) It should be noted that the collective potential
$V_{\rm coll}$ is of type (31). The first term in Eq. (33) represents the harmonic oscillator shell-model mean field that defines the shell structure, while$V_{\rm coll}$ in turn splits different$S U_{pn}(3)$ multiplets in energy. Furthermore,$ X^{a}_{3} \simeq [L\times Q^{a}\times L]^{(0)} $ and$ X^{a}_{4} \simeq [L\times Q^{a}\times Q^{a}\times L]^{(0)} $ terms with$ Q^{a}_{ij}\equiv \widetilde{q}_{ij} $ in Eq. (35) are the third- and fourth-order operators in$S U(3) \rightarrow S O(3)$ integrity basis$ \{C_{2}, C_{3}, L^{2}, X^{a}_{3}, X^{a}_{4}\} $ [34, 35], representing a part of the residual rotor Hamiltonian. Furthermore, we indicate that the Hamiltonian$H_{\rm SM} = H_{0} + H_{\rm res} \equiv H_{0} + aL^{2}+bX^{a}_{3}+cX^{a}_{4}$ actually represents a shell-model image of the rotor model Hamiltonian$H_{\rm rot} = A_{1}I_{1} + A_{2}I_{2} + A_{3}I_{3}$ [36] (see also, e.g., Ch. 7 of [37]), which additionally provides a physical significance to the high-order operators in the$ S U(3) \rightarrow S O(3) $ integrity basis.Usually, in contrast to the present application, the shell-model image
$H_{\rm SM}$ of the rotor-model Hamiltonian was used in practical calculations for a single$S U(3)$ irrep, for which the rigid-rotor collective dynamics is mapped to the shell-model fermion dynamics. Further, it is known that the$ X^{a}_{3} $ and$ X^{a}_{4} $ operators introduce an odd-even staggering in the γ band of γ-rigid type [36]. In Ref. [10], however, it was shown that by modifying them, it is possible to produce a γ-soft odd-even staggering pattern for the states of the γ band, which is a characteristic of the γ-unstable WJ model (see Figs. 1 and 4 for$ ^{102} $ Pd). Thus, based on [10], we use the following parametrization$ c\equiv c(1-(-1)^{L}/\sqrt{2}) $ for the model parameter in front of the last term in Eq. (35).Figure 1. (color online) Comparison of the excitation energies of ground, γ, and β bands in
$ ^{102} $ Pd with those obtained via experiment.Figure 4. (color online) Comparison of the experimental and theoretical staggering function
$ S(L) $ (42) for the states of the γ band in$ ^{102} $ Pd.In Ref. [12], it has been demonstrated that the quadrupole motion of the tidal wave is marked by a significant increase in quadrupole deformation (and consequently, the moment of inertia) as angular momentum L increases within the yrast band. This is in contrast to strongly deformed nuclei with well-established rotational bands, where deformation and hence moment of inertia remain approximately constant. To address the observed increase in the moment of inertia, various expressions for spin- and energy-dependent inertia parameters have been employed in the literature. For instance, in Ref. [38], a two-parameter "soft-rotor formula"
$ E(L,E_{i})=\frac{L(L+1)}{2\mathcal{J}_{0}(1+\alpha L+\beta E_{i})}, $
(36) was proposed for the excitation energies in the transitional nuclei with the moment of inertia
$ \mathcal{J}=\mathcal{J}_{0}(1+\alpha L+\beta E_{i}) $ , where$ E_{i} $ denotes the excitation energy of the corresponding bandhead of β and γ bands.In Ref. [25], it was demonstrated that tidal wave energies of the yrast band for transitional nuclei can be described by the following expression:
$ E(L,\beta,\gamma) = \frac{L(L+1)}{2\mathcal{J}(\beta,\gamma)} + V(\beta,\gamma),$
(37) where the moment of inertia depends linearly on L and is given by
$ \mathcal{J}=\Theta_{0}+\Theta_{1}L $ . This energy expression is obtained by the standard BM Hamiltonian, in which only the$S O(3)$ kinetic energy term is maintained. In Ref. [32], it was demonstrated that the standard BM Hamiltonian can be obtained as a contraction limit of the microscopic many-particle nuclear Hamiltonian. Alternatively, this can be realized by restricting the latter to the scalar$ O(m) $ irreducible collective space of the microscopic shell-model version of the BM model within the proton-neutron shell-model approach. Thus, by replacing the full many-particle kinetic energy in Eq. (28) with only its$S O(3)$ components (cf. [32]), our model Hamiltonian (33) will produce energies of the type (37). Additionally, considering spin-dependent moment of inertia$ \mathcal{J}=\Theta_{0}+\Theta_{1}L $ , we can describe the tidal wave energies of the yrast band, as pointed in Ref. [25]. Thus, to account for the observed moment of inertia, we follow Refs. [25] and [38] and use a spin-dependent inertia paramater of the type$ a\equiv \dfrac{1}{2(\eta_{0}+\eta_{1}L)} $ . Similar parametrization is used in Ref. [39], where the five-dimensional collective Hamiltonian, based on the relativistic covariant density functional theory, is applied to the yrast band tidal-wave collective mode in$ ^{102} $ Pd. -
The components of excitation operator are selected to be of the form [10]:
$ \begin{aligned}[b] T^{E2} &= \bigg(\frac{eZ}{A}\bigg)\frac{1}{2}S^{2m}(a,a) \\ &=\bigg(\frac{eZ}{A}\bigg)\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} (-{\rm i})\big[F^{2m}(a,a)-G^{2m}(a,a)\big], \end{aligned} $
(38) which are precisely the infinitesimal generators of irrotational-flow (surface-wave) rotations and
$a^{\dagger}_{j}= \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \big(-{\rm i} B^{\dagger}_{j}(p)+B^{\dagger}_{j}(n)\big)$ with$ (a^{\dagger}_{j})^{\dagger}=a_{j} $ [40]. The normalization factor$ 1/2 $ in front of$ S^{2m}(a,a) $ operators in Eq. (38), which in Ref. [10] was included in the definition of the$S L(6,R)$ generators$ S^{2m}(\alpha,\beta) $ , originates from the form of the quadrupole operators$ Q^{2m}(\alpha,\beta) = Q^{2m}_{su(6)}(\alpha,\beta)+ Q^{2m}_{sl(6,R)}(\alpha,\beta) $ with$ Q^{2m}_{su(6)}(\alpha,\beta) = \sqrt{3}A^{2m}(\alpha,\beta) $ and$ Q^{2m}_{sl(6,R)}(\alpha,\beta)= \dfrac{1}{2}(i)\sqrt{3}[F^{2m}(\alpha,\beta) -G^{2m}(\alpha,\beta)] \equiv \dfrac{1}{2}S^{2m}(\alpha,\beta) $ . The latter ensures the self-consistent form of the full set of$S p(12,R)$ algebra generators. -
The shell-model considerations, based on the proxy-
$ S U(3) $ scheme [41, 42] provide the$ S p(12,R) $ irreducible representation 0p-0h$ [24]_{6} $ for$ ^{102} $ Pd, which is fixed by the leading proxy-$ S U(3) $ irrep$ (18,6) $ . The relevant irreducible collective space for$ ^{102} $ Pd, spanned by the$ S p(12,R) $ irreducible representation 0p-0h$ [24]_{6} $ and restricted solely to the fully symmetric$ U(6) $ irreps, is provided in Table 1. The$ S U(3) $ multiplet$(18,~6)$ is contained in the maximal seniority$ S O(6) $ irreducible representation$ \upsilon_{0}=24 $ of the$ S p(12,R) $ bandhead structure, defined by the minimal Pauli allowed number of oscillator quanta$ N_{0}=403.5 $ . The latter also includes the zero-point motion, obtained by filling the Nilsson levels of the three-dimensional oscillator with protons and neutrons. Further, assuming a pure$ S U_{pn}(3) $ state and using the expression [43]:N $ \upsilon \backslash \nu $ $\cdots 26$ $24$ $22$ $20$ $\cdots$ $4$ $2$ $0$ $-2$ $-4$ $\cdots$ $-20$ $-22$ $-24$ $-26$ $ \cdots $ $ \ \vdots $ $\vdots $ $\ddots\; \vdots$ $\vdots$ $ \vdots $ $\vdots $ $ \vdots $ $ \cdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $\vdots $ $ \vdots $ $ \vdots $ $\cdots $ $\vdots $ $ \vdots$ $\vdots $ ${\mathinner{\mkern2mu\raise1pt\hbox{.}\mkern2mu \raise4pt\hbox{.}\mkern2mu\raise7pt\hbox{.}\mkern1mu}} $ $N_{0}+2$ 26 (26,0) (25,1) (24,2) $(23,3)$ $\cdots $ $(15,11)$ $(14,12)$ $(13,13)$ $(12,14)$ $(11,15)$ $\cdots $ $(3,23)$ $(2,24)$ $(1,25)$ $(0,26)$ 24 $(24,0)$ $(23,1)$ $(22,2)$ $\cdots $ $(14,10)$ $(13,11)$ $(12,12)$ $(11,13)$ $(10,14)$ $\cdots $ $(2,22)$ $(1,23)$ $(0,24)$ 22 $(22,0)$ $(21,1)$ $\cdots $ $(13,9)$ $(12,10)$ $(11,11)$ $(10,12)$ $(9,13)$ $\cdots $ $(1,21)$ $(0,22)$ $\vdots$ $\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ddots $ $\ \ \ \ \ \vdots $ $\ \ \ \ \vdots $ $\ \ \ \vdots $ $ {\mathinner{\mkern2mu\raise1pt\hbox{.}\mkern2mu \raise4pt\hbox{.}\mkern2mu\raise7pt\hbox{.}\mkern1mu}} $ 2 $\ \ (2,0)$ $\ (1,1)$ $(0,2)$ 0 $(0,0)$ $ N_{0}$ 24 $(24,0)$ $(23,1)$ $(22,2)$ $\cdots $ $(14,10)$ $(13,11)$ $(12,12)$ $(11,13)$ $(10,14)$ $\cdots $ $(2,22)$ $(1,23)$ $(0,24)$ 22 $(22,0)$ $(21,1)$ $\cdots $ $(13,9)$ $(12,10)$ $(11,11)$ $(10,12)$ $(9,13)$ $\cdots $ $(1,21)$ $(0,22)$ $\vdots$ $\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ddots $ $\ \ \ \ \vdots $ $\ \ \ \\vdots $ $\ \ \ \ \vdots $ $ {\mathinner{\mkern2mu\raise1pt\hbox{.}\mkern2mu \raise4pt\hbox{.}\mkern2mu\raise7pt\hbox{.}\mkern1mu}} $ 2 $\ (2,0)$ $\ (1,1)$ $\ (0,2)$ 0 $\ (0,0)$ Table 1. Relevant
$S O(6)$ and$S U_{pn}(3)$ irreducible representations, which are contained in the$S p(12,R)$ irreducible collective space$0p-0h [24]_{6}$ of$^{102}$ Pd and obtained according to Eq. (21).$ \varepsilon = \frac{3}{2}\frac{(2\lambda+\mu)}{N_{0}}, $
(39) the quadrupole deformation of
$(18,~6)$ irreducible representation of$ ^{102} $ Pd can be readily obtained with value$ \varepsilon = 0.16 $ . This is slightly smaller than the experimental value 0.20 [44]. The latter suggests that vertical mixing of different$S U(3)$ multiplets can be used within the$S p(12,R)$ irreducible collective space$0p-0h\; [24]_{6}$ . Hence, we introduce additional vertical mixing Hamiltonian:$ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} H_{v\,\rm mix} = \xi(\widetilde{q}^{2}\cdot F^{2}(a,a) + h.c.), \end{array} $
(40) where
$ \widetilde{q}^{2M}= \sqrt{3}[A^{2M}(a,a)-A^{2M}(b,b)] $ are the$ S U_{pn}(3) $ quadrupole operators [40].$ H_{v\, \rm mix} $ mixes simultaneously different$ S O(6) $ and$ S U_{pn}(3) $ irreducible representations of the type$ (\upsilon)=(\upsilon_{0}+2k) $ and$ (\lambda_{0}+2k,\mu_{0}) $ , respectively, where$ (\lambda_{0},\mu_{0})=(18,~6) $ and$ k=0, ~1, ~2, \ldots $ , within the$ S L(6,R) $ multiplet built on$ \upsilon_{0}=24 $ .The basic matrix elements of
$ Sp(12,R) $ generators along the chain (13), defining the microscopic shell-model version of the BM model, are provided in Ref.[40]. Specifically, the matrix elements of the tensor interaction$ A^{2}(\alpha,\beta)\cdot F^{2}(\alpha,\beta) \simeq [A^{2}(\alpha,\beta)\times F^{2}(\alpha,\beta)]^{\upsilon=2}_{\nu=\pm2q=1l=0m=0} $ were given. Using the technique of Ref.[40], the$ SO(3) $ -reduced matrix elements of the interaction$ \widetilde{q}^{2}\cdot F^{2}(a,a)= \sqrt{\dfrac{3.5}{2}}[\widetilde{q}^{2}\times F^{2}(a,a)]^{\upsilon=2}_{\nu=2q=1l=0m=0} $ in Eq. (40) can be similarly obtained in Eq.(40):$ \begin{aligned}[b] &\langle \sigma n+2,\rho',E+2,\upsilon+2,\nu+2,q'L;||\widetilde{q}^{2}\cdot F^{2}(a,a)||\sigma n\rho E\upsilon\nu qL \rangle \\ =& -\sqrt{\frac{3.5}{2}}\sqrt{\Delta\Omega(\sigma n'E';nE)}\sqrt{(\upsilon+2)(\upsilon+6)}\\ &\times\sqrt{\frac{(n+1)(n+2)(\sigma+n+\upsilon+6)(\sigma+n+\upsilon+8)} {(\sigma+n+1)(\sigma+n+2)}}\end{aligned} $
$ \begin{aligned}[b]\quad &\times\sqrt{\frac{(\upsilon+1)(\upsilon+2)(\upsilon+3)(\upsilon+4)} {(2\upsilon+6)(2\upsilon+8)2(\upsilon^{2}+5\upsilon+6)}} \\&\times \Big\langle {}^{\ \ \upsilon}_{(\lambda,\mu)} \quad {}^{\ \ 2}_{(2,0)}\Big| {}^{\ \ \upsilon+2}_{(\lambda+2,\mu)} \Big\rangle \\ &\times \langle (\lambda,\mu)qL; (2,0)2|| (\lambda+2,\mu)q'L \rangle, \end{aligned} $
(41) where
$ \sqrt{\Delta\Omega(\sigma n'E';nE)}=\sqrt{\Omega(\sigma n'E')-\Omega(\sigma nE)} $ and$ \Omega(\sigma nE)=\dfrac{1}{4}\sum _{a=1}^{6}[2E^{2}_{a}-n^{2}_{a}+ 14(E_{a}-n_{a})-2a(2E_{a}-n_{a})] $ [40, 45]. The matrix elements of$ H_{\rm res} $ (35) in an$ S U(3) \supset S O(3) $ basis are provided in Ref. [46]. Hence, we already have all the required computational pieces for performing shell-model calculations within the PNSM.We diagonalize the model Hamiltonian (32) within the
$ S L(6,R) $ irreducible collective space built on$ \upsilon_{0} = 24 $ up to energy$ 20 \hbar\omega $ . The results for the excitation energies of the lowest ground, γ and β bands in$ ^{102} $ Pd are compared with experimental data [23, 47] in Fig. 1. The values of the model parameters, obtained by fitting to the excitation energies and$ B(E2;2^{+}_{1} \rightarrow 0^{+}_{1}) $ transition strength, are:$ C = -0.3988 $ ,$ D=0.00017 $ ,$ b = -0.00039 $ ,$ c = 0.000129 $ ,$ \xi = -0.00123 $ (in MeV), and$ \eta_{0} = 3.57 $ ,$ \eta_{1} = 1.56 $ (in MeV$ ^{-1} $ ). The figure shows a good description of the energy levels of the three bands under consideration, including the strong odd-even staggering of γ-soft type between the states of the γ band. Furthermore, in Fig. 2, the theoretical predictions for the intraband yrast$ B(E2) $ transition strengths are compared with the experimental results [12] and some other nuclear models, whose data are extracted from Refs. [12, 25, 39]. We observe that the almost linear behavior, characteristic of irrotational-flow quadrupole dynamics of BM type, is well reproduced by the present approach up to$ L=14 $ , with the exception of only the transition strength$ B(E2;16^{+}_{1} \rightarrow 14^{+}_{1}) $ being slighly underestimated. It turns out that the fourth-order term$ X_{4} $ in$ H_{res} $ significantly modifies the values of the ground-state quadrupole collectivity at high angular momenta, and thereby, makes the$ B(E2) $ curve less linear, as observed in Fig. 2. For smaller absolute values of parameter c, we obtain more linear-like behavior. This reproduces the experimental yrast$ B(E2) $ values in$ ^{102} $ Pd in a better manner, but, it destroys the strong γ-unstable structure of the γ band. It is important to highlight the significant underestimation of ground-state (yrast) band quadrupole collectivity within the IBM, characterized by a pronounced cut-off effect in the curve. This behavior is typical for transition probabilities calculated using compact spectrum-generating algebra (see, e.g., the discussion concerning Fig. 1 of [10]). Furthermore, similar cut-off behavior was also obtained for$ ^{110} $ Cd in Ref. [10] when the rigid-flow quadrupole dynamics was considered. Additionally, in Table 2, we compare the known experimental$ B(E2) $ values [23, 47] with the theory for the nonyrast states of γ and β bands in$ ^{102} $ Pd. Among the seven observed$ B(E2) $ transition probabilities, six were found in qualitative agreement. For the quadrupole moment of excited$ 2^{+}_{1} $ state, we obtain$ Q(2^{+}_{1}) = -0.52 eb $ to compare with the experimental value$ -0.20(15) eb $ [48]. We stress that no effective charge is used in our calculations, i.e.$ e=1 $ . From Table 2, a disagreement of the transition probability from the$ 0^{+}_{2} $ state of the β band to$ 2^{+} $ state of the γ band is evident, which suggests that probably some important components are missed in the model interaction.Figure 2. (color online) Comparison of the experimental [12] and theoretical intraband
$ B(E2) $ values in Weisskopf units between the states of the ground band in$ ^{102} $ Pd. Theoretical predictions of the five-dimensional collective Hamiltonian based on the relativistic self-consistent mean field without (5DCH) and with (5DCH*) spin-dependent moment of inertia [39], the interacting boson model (IBM) [25], the general collective model (GCM) [25], and the cranking + shell-correction tilted-axis cranking (WS-SCTAC) [12] semiclassical calculations are provided as well. No effective charge is used in the cases of PNSM, WS-SCTAC, 5DCH, and 5DCH*.i f $ B(E2;L_{i}\rightarrow L_{f})_{th} $ $ B(E2;L_{i}\rightarrow L_{f})_{\exp } $ $ 2_{2} $ $ 0_{1} $ $ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 9.7 $ $ \ \ \ \ \ 2(1) $ $ 2_{2} $ $ 2_{1} $ $ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 26.2 $ $ \ \ \ \ \ 15(2) $ $ 2_{2} $ $ 4_{1} $ $ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 7.1 $ $ \ \ \ \ \ - $ $ 3_{1} $ $ 2_{1} $ $ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 5.3 $ $ \ \ \ \ \ - $ $ 3_{1} $ $ 4_{1} $ $ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 4.3 $ $ \ \ \ \ \ - $ $ 3_{1} $ $ 2_{2} $ $ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 47.6 $ $ \ \ \ \ \ - $ $ 4_{2} $ $ 4_{1} $ $ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 16.9 $ $ \ \ \ \ \ <8 $ $ 4_{2} $ $ 2_{2} $ $ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 34.2 $ $ \ \ \ \ \ 45(9) $ $ 4_{2} $ $ 2_{1} $ $ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 20.3 $ $ \ \ \ \ \ 3(1) $ $ 0_{2} $ $ 2_{1} $ $ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0.02 $ $ \ \ \ \ <0.0004 $ $ 0_{2} $ $ 2_{2} $ $ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0.003 $ $ \ \ \ \ \ 96(40) $ In Fig. 3 we provide the
$S U(3)$ decomposition of the wave functions for the collective states of ground, γ, and β bands in$ ^{102} $ Pd for different angular momentum values. In the present scheme, we use the orthonormal Vergados basis [49], labeled as q, obtained by Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization of the Elliott states [29]. Hence, the Vergados basis preserves the physical significance of the Elliott state-labeling prescription to the greatest extent. For example, the Vergados β band, designated as$ q=0 $ , is defined as pure Elliott$ K=0 $ band. Vergados γ band,$ q=2 $ , consists of Elliott$ K=2 $ and$ K=0 $ states so as to be orthogonal to$ q=0 $ . Similarly, the other q bands can be considered in the Vergados basis. Practically, to a given K band in the Elliott basis corresponds a$ q\simeq K $ band in the Vergados basis up to small K-admixtures due to the Elliott-Vergados transformation, which are negligible for comparatively large-dimensional$S U(3)$ irreducible representations or/and small angular momenta (the case of the experimentally observed β and γ bands).Figure 3. (color online)
$S U(3)$ decomposition of the wave functions for the states of the ground, γ, and β bands in$ ^{102} $ Pd for different angular momentum values. The used quantum numbers are$ (\lambda,\mu)q $ .In Fig. 3, it can be observed that
$S U(3)$ symmetry is poorly broken and significant K-admixtures are obtained for the states of ground, γ, and β bands, generated by the$ X^{a}_{3} $ and$ X^{a}_{4} $ terms. The observed bands of collective states can still be labeled by the dominant$ q \simeq K $ character. Furthermore, it can be observed that the$ S U(3) $ decomposition amplitudes are spin-dependent, i.e.,$S U(3)$ is not a good quasi-dynamical symmetry in the sense provided in Refs. [50, 51]. The latter implies that there is no adiabatic decoupling of the rotational and high-energy vibrational degrees of freedom within the PNSM for$ ^{102} $ Pd. These are expected results for vibrational- and transitional-like nuclei with a characteristic energy ratio between that of HV ($ E_{4^{+}_{1}}/E_{2^{+}_{1}} \simeq 2 $ -$ 2.2 $ ) and γ-unstable WJ ($ E_{4^{+}_{1}}/E_{2^{+}_{1}} \simeq 2.5 $ ) limits of the BM model. For such nuclei, an important role in nuclear dynamics is played by the coupling of different degrees of freedom. This is also confirmed by the present shell-model calculations for$ ^{102} $ Pd. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that the coupling of the collective and quasiparticle excitations, when the adiabatic approximation is not valid, can be considered, e.g., for vibrational and transitional nuclei within the semiclassical tidal-wave approach [13]. The latter is in contrast to the present PNSM application, where the coupling of different collective (irrotational-flow rotational and high-energy vibrational) degrees of freedom is obtained. Generally, the quasiparticle excitations could also be considered in the present symplectic based proton-neutron shell-model approach by including the excited$ S p(12,R) $ irreducible representations. The latter, however, requires an extension of the PNSM computational technique for performing symplectic representation-mixed shell-model calculations by involving different types of symplectic-breaking interactions. -
Different staggering functions are widely used to characterize the collectivity in atomic nuclei. For instance, different experimental and theoretical patterns for the quantity [52]
$ S(L)=\frac{[E_{L}-E_{L-1}]-[E_{L-1}-E_{L-2}]}{E_{2^+_{1}}}, $
(42) corresponding to various types of collectivity, have been provided in Ref. [53]. The staggering function
$ S(L) $ between the states of the γ band is well known to distinguish the type of rotational dynamics. Thus, a small, positive, and constant value of$ +0.33 $ , which is a characteristic feature of$ S(L) $ for the axially- symmetric rotor, is obtained. For γ-rigid and γ-unstable quadrupole motion, the staggering patterns show strong odd-even staggering, having minima at odd and even values of L, respectively. We apply function$ S(L) $ provided by (42) to the γ band energies in$ ^{102} $ Pd and compare its experimental and theoretical values in Fig. 4. In the figure, it can be observed that the staggering function$ S(L) $ is well described with minima at even L values$ - $ in accordance with the γ-unstable rotor behavior [53]. It is important to note that the type of odd-even staggering between the collective states of the γ band itself can not be used to distinguish between the rigid-flow and irrotational-flow dynamics, because, as demonstrated in the present study, the modified$ X^{a}_{3} $ or/and$ X^{a}_{4} $ terms are able to produce γ-unstable type of staggering$ - $ in contrast to the previous calculations with spin-independent strengths. Moreover, within the present proton-neutron shell-model approach, this type of a γ-unstable staggering can be obtained in both cases when the excitation operator belongs to$S U(3)$ or$S L(6,R)$ algebra generators, i.e., when we have rigid-flow or irrotational-flow type quadrupole dynamics. Thus, a more reliable criterion for distinguishing between the two types of rotational dynamics is the form of the excitation operator and its (classical) dynamical content. Compared to the energy spectra of$ ^{102} $ Pd provided in Refs. [23, 25], here the possible$ 6^{+} $ state of the γ band with energy of 3.003 MeV (which is below the$ 5^{+} $ state with energy 3.074 MeV) is included into the calculation. -
The tidal wave, considered in Refs. [12, 13], was characterized by the following three features: 1) linear increase in
$ E(L) $ ; 2) monotonic linear increase of the yrast$ B(E2) $ values as a function of the angular momentum L; and 3) nearly constant ratio$ B(E2)/\mathcal{J} (L) $ . From Figs. 1 and 2 , it can be observed that the first two characteristic features of the tidal wave are satisfied. To test the third characteristic, in Fig. 5, we compare the theoretical value for the (kinematical) moment of inertia for$ ^{102} $ Pd, defined by the expression [12]Figure 5. (color online) Comparison of the experimental and theoretical (kinematical) moment of inertia
$ \mathcal{J}(L) $ as a function of the angular momentum L for the yrast band in$ ^{102} $ Pd.$ \mathcal{J}(L)= \frac{2L}{E(L)-E(L-2)}, $
(43) with the corresponding experimental values. The figure shows that the experimental moment of inertia for the yrast band is reasonably well described, being slightly underestimated for
$ L=8 - 12 $ and slightly overestimated for$ L=14 $ . Furthermore, in Fig. 6, we present the theoretical and experimental values for the ratio$ B(E2)/\mathcal{J} (L) $ for the yrast band in$ ^{102} $ Pd. From the figure, a nearly constant ratio$ B(E2)/\mathcal{J} (L) $ can be observed for the states of the yrast band. In this way, the present shell-model calculations fulfill all three characteristic properties proposed in Ref. [12], and thereby, support the semiclassical interpretation of "tidal wave" motion suggested for$ ^{102} $ Pd. The tidal wave concept [12, 13] provides a new mechanism for the generation of the angular momentum. In contrast to the standard rigid-rotor model, in which the energy and angular momentum increase with the rotational angular frequency, the energy and the angular momentum of the tidal wave increase due to the increase in the deformation (and hence the moment of inertia) while the rotational frequency remains almost constant [12, 13].
Microscopic shell-model description of irrotational-flow dynamics in 102Pd
- Received Date: 2023-08-19
- Available Online: 2024-01-15
Abstract: The structure of the low-lying collective excitations in