Clustering is a fundamental phenomenon of the nuclear structure, which tends to emerge around the corresponding cluster-separation threshold and may persist to higher excitation energies [1–5]. Originally, inclusive missing-mass measurements were used to speculate the possible cluster structure by excluding the states already classified into single-particle systematics [2, 5]. Over the past two decades, the coincident measurement of decay fragments has allowed the selection and reconstruction of resonant states that possess relatively large cluster probabilities, therefore avoiding the high level density of single-particle-type states [5, 6]. To date, considerable theoretical and experimental research has been devoted to the study of cluster configurations in neutron-rich beryllium, carbon, and oxygen isotopes [7–22].
Moving to heavier nuclei, clustering in
$ ^{24} $ Mg is interesting because of not only the richness of its cluster configurations, but also its role in nuclear astrophysics associated with the formation of elements in stars, such as carbon burning [23, 24]. The cluster configurations of$ ^{24} $ Mg include α +$ ^{20} $ Ne,$ ^{12} $ C +$ ^{12} $ C,$ ^{16} $ O + 2α,$ ^{12} $ C + 3α, and the 6α condensation state, with increasing separation thresholds at 9.32, 13.93, 14.05, 21.21, and 28.48 MeV, respectively. These configurations have been investigated theoretically and experimentally but with limited robust outcomes, especially in the high excitation region [25–41].One α emission (α+
$ ^{20} $ Ne) corresponds to the lowest separation energy among all the cluster-decay channels of$ ^{24} $ Mg and hence should appear strongly in measurements. It is thus important for theoretical models to correctly describe the α+$ ^{20} $ Ne structure in$ ^{24} $ Mg together with the associated decay paths and widths before being applied to other more complicated channels. So far, several experiments have identified a number of α+$ ^{20} $ Ne clustering states in$ ^{24} $ Mg for excitation energies below 18.5 MeV, as summarized in Refs. [42, 43] and comparatively listed in the last column of Table 1. These measurements were inclusive and generated significantly more states than those with strong clustering structures. To be more selective, it is necessary to detect and identify the decay α particle or$ ^{20} $ Ne fragment. This was once experimentally realized and reported in several conferences [40, 44], where a few$ 0^+ $ states were tentatively allocated, as also listed in Table 1.This study AMD [31] Inelastic exp. Resonant exp. [42] $E_{x}/$ Γ/ Relative decay width $E_{x}/$ $J_{\pi}$ $E_{x}/$ $J_{\pi}$ $E_{x}/$ $J_{\pi}$ MeV keV $^{20}$ Ne (g.s.)$^{20}$ Ne (2$^{+}$ )$^{20}$ Ne (4$^{+}$ )MeV MeV MeV 12.6 (1) 260 (20) 1.00 12.578 2 $^{+}$ 13.1 (1) 140 (20) 0.56 0.44 13.2 0 $_{3}^{+}$ 13.1 [44] 0 $^{+}$ 13.089 2 $^{+}$ 13.7 (1) 180 (30) 0.42 0.58 13.79 (1) [40] 13.680 14.1 (1) 220 (20) 0.06 0.94 14.084 not 2 $^{+}$ 14.3 (1) 90 (20) 0.47 0.53 14.348 3- 14.8 (1) 150 (30) 0.02 0.98 14.863 2 $^{+}$ 15.3 (1) 240 (20) 0.13 0.87 15.3 0 $_{8}^{+}$ 15.33 (3) [40] 15.347 $4^{+}$ 16.7 (1) 340 (10) 0.11 0.83 0.06 16.666 even 17.2 (1) 300 (10) 0.19 0.81 17.133 5 $^{-}$ 17.6 (1) 290 (80) 1.00 17.615 5 $^{-}$ 17.9 (1) 90 (70) 0.26 0.58 0.16 17.830 not 4 $^{+}$ 18.1 (1) 120 (90) 0.28 0.64 0.08 18.149 5 $^{-}$ 18.3 (1) 140 (120) 0.15 0.85 18.320 0 $^{+}$ ,6$^{+}$ 19.3 (1) 300 (20) 0.30 0.70 20.1 (1) 300 (50) 0.14 0.48 0.38 20.3 (1) 180 (10) 0.06 0.03 0.91 20.6 (1) 100 (40) 0.13 0.13 0.74 21.0 (1) 510 (60) 1.00 21.5 (1) 380 (20) 0.08 0.61 0.31 21.7 (1) 140 (60) 0.12 0.44 0.44 21.9 (1) 370 (20) 0.09 0.11 0.80 22.9 (1) 480 (50) 0.63 0.37 23.1 (1) 190 (50) 0.03 0.88 0.09 23.4 (1) 320 (40) 0.55 0.45 24.4 (1) 890 (80) 0.06 0.55 0.39 24.5 (1) 480 (30) 0.10 0.90 25.2 (1) 380 (36) 0.12 0.52 0.36 26.1 (1) 630 (40) 0.02 0.29 0.69 Table 1. Summary of the resonant states of
$^{24}$ Mg reconstructed from the α+$^{20}$ Ne decay channel. For comparison, the corresponding results from previous AMD calculations and inelastic or resonant scattering measurements are also presented.In this paper, we present a new measurement of the reaction-decay process
$ ^{16} $ O($ ^{12} $ C,$ ^{24} $ Mg$ \rightarrow $ α+$ ^{20} $ Ne)α for$ ^{24} $ Mg excitation up to 30 MeV. The coincidentally detected data allowed us to reconstruct clustering resonant states according to the decay paths related to various final states of the$ ^{20} $ Ne fragment. The results may be important as a benchmark for the future theoretical calculations. -
The reaction Q value is defined by the mass deficit between the initial and final particles and is therefore useful in determining the reaction channels. Equivalently, it can be calculated from the energy released during the reaction:
$ \begin{eqnarray} Q = E_{{\rm recoil}\_\alpha}+E_{{\rm decay}\_\alpha}+E_{^{20}{\rm Ne}}-E_{^{16}{\rm O}}. \end{eqnarray} $
(1) where
$ E_{^{20}{\rm Ne}} $ represents the deduced value. Figure 3 shows the excellent resolution of the Q-value spectrum in which the ground state ($ Q_{{\rm ggg}}\sim $ 2.540 MeV), first excited state (excitation energy at$ E_{x}\sim $ 1.634 MeV and spin-parity of 2$ ^{+} $ ), and second excited state ($ E_{x}\sim $ 4.248 MeV, 4$ ^{+} $ ) of$ ^{20} $ Ne can be clearly discriminated, corresponding to different decay paths. For$ E_{x} $ ($ ^{20} $ Ne)$ > $ 5 Mev ($ Q < -7 $ MeV), there are many close-by states in$ ^{20} $ Ne, which were indistinguishable in the Q-value spectrum and labeled by "?" in the figure. We note that the good Q-value resolution is attributed to the excellent energy resolutions for the incident beam and the silicon detector, as well as to the small energy loss in the target [14].Figure 3. (color online) Q-value spectrum for the reaction
$^{12}$ C($^{16}$ O,$^{24}$ Mg$\rightarrow $ α+$^{20}$ Ne)α, calculated using the energies of the detected decay and recoil α particles and the deduced$^{20}$ Ne fragment. The peaks in the spectrum are associated with the ground and excited states (as marked) of the$^{20}$ Ne fragment.Using the detected decay α particle and the deduced
$ ^{20} $ Ne fragment, the relative energy (or decay energy) of the resonances in$ ^{24} $ Mg can be reconstructed according to the standard invariant mass (IM) method [8, 14, 15, 20]. A contamination channel arises from the reaction$ ^{12} $ C($ ^{16} $ O,$ ^{8} $ Be$ \rightarrow $ α+α)$ ^{20} $ Ne, which has the same final mass combination and hence cannot be eliminated by the Q-value selection. We checked this contamination channel using the two-dimensional Dalitz-plot [18, 47] corresponding to the reconstruction of$ ^{24} $ Mg versus$ ^{8} $ Be. It was found that the formation of$ ^8 $ Be presents some background for$ ^{24} $ Mg-states at$ E^* > $ 20 MeV. In the data analysis, we cut off events with$ E_{^{8}\rm{Be}}^* < $ 3 MeV to improve the signal-to-background ratio. The same cut was also applied to the efficiency simulation (see below).In Fig. 4(a-c), we plotted three excitation-energy (relative energy plus the corresponding separation energy) spectra for
$ ^{24} $ Mg, conditioned by the highest three Q-value peaks, as shown in Fig. 2. Each spectrum was fitted by a number of resonance peaks plus a smooth varying continuum background [14, 48]. The peak positions were initialized according to the previously reported results, the actually obtained spectrum shape, and the consistency between spectra for different decay paths, as presented in Fig. 4(a), (b), and (c). During the fitting procedure, the corresponding peak centroid and width for one resonance in$ ^{24} $ Mg decaying into different final states of$ ^{20} $ Ne were kept the same. Each peak in the figure is a convolution of the Breit-Wigner (BW) form with the Gaussian-type energy-resolution function [20]. The energy resolution and detection efficiency (acceptance) curves as a function of the relative energy were obtained via Monte Carlo simulation considering a reasonable angular distribution of the produced$ ^{24} $ Mg and its decay fragments as well as the actual detection setup, energy and position resolutions of the detectors, and applied cuts in the data analysis [14, 20]. Because the efficiency curves (Fig. 4) varied gradually over the range of a typical peak, we maintained it as a constant for each peak [20]. The extracted resonance energies ($ E_x $ ) and widths (Γ) are listed in Table 1 in the first and second columns, respectively. The values in the parentheses give the corresponding statistical errors (standard deviation). In addition, a systematic uncertainty was estimated according to the Monte Carlo simulation, which was approximately 100 keV for both the peak centroid and width [14]. Note that the statistical significance for each peak in Fig. 4 was also evaluated by taking the ratio of the peak count to the square root of the background count (statistical fluctuation σ) within a range of$ \pm \Gamma $ relative to the peak centroid. In the case of one resonance decaying into various final states of$ ^{20} $ Ne, only the most significant was taken into account. In Table 1 and Fig. 5, we present only the resonant states with those significantly larger than 5σ (confidence level (CL)$ > 99.99\ $ %).Figure 4. (color online) Excitation-energy (relative energy plus the corresponding separation energy) spectra conditioned by the highest three Q-value peaks, as indicated in Fig. 3. Each spectrum is fitted by a number of peak functions (blue-dash lines), which are BW forms convoluted with energy resolution functions, plus a continuum background (black-dashed lines). The simulated detection efficiency curves (black-dotted lines) are also plotted, with several characteristic values indicated at the curves.
Figure 5. (color online) Relative decay width determined from the number of counts in each resonance peak, corrected by the corresponding detection efficiency and normalized to the sum of the widths for all three final states of
$^{20}$ Ne. The green-filled, red-upward-hashed, and blue-downward-hashed bars represent the relative widths for decay into the ground, 1.634 MeV (2$^{+}$ ), and 4.248 MeV (4$^{+}$ ) states of$^{20}$ Ne, respectively.From the reconstructed IM spectra in Fig. 4, the relative decay width for each resonant state to one specific final state, as a ratio to the sum of the widths for all three final states, can be extracted according to the number of counts in each fitted peak, corrected by the corresponding detection efficiency. The results are shown in Fig. 5 and listed in Table 1.
α-cluster decay from 24Mg resonances produced in the 12C(16O,24Mg)α reaction
- Received Date: 2022-08-29
- Available Online: 2023-01-15
Abstract: A transfer reaction and cluster-decay experiment,