In the handbag approach, the meson photoproduction amplitude is factorized into a hard subprocess amplitude
$ {\cal H} $ and GPDs F, which include information on the hadron structure at sufficiently high$ Q^2 $ . Note that for the leading twist amplitudes with longitudinally polarized photons the factorization was proved [2, 3]. In what follows, we consider the twist-3 contributions from transversity GPDs$ H_{\rm T} $ and$ \bar {E}_{\rm T} $ as well. Factorization of these twist-3 amplitudes is an assumption. The process of the handbag approach is shown in Fig. 1.The subprocess amplitude is computed employing the modified perturbative approach (MPA) [25]. The power
$ k_\perp^2/Q^2 $ corrections are considered in the propagators of the hard subprocess$ {\cal H} $ together with the nonperturbative${ {\boldsymbol{k}}_{\perp}}$ -dependent meson wave function [26, 27]. The power corrections can be treated as an effective consideration of the higher twist contribution. The gluonic corrections are regarded in the form of the Sudakov factors. Resummation of the Sudakov factor can be done in the impact parameter space [25].The unpolarized
$ e p\to e\pi^0p $ cross section can be decomposed into a number of partial cross sections, which are observables of the process$ \gamma^*p\to\pi^0p $ $ \begin{aligned}[b] \frac{{\rm d}^2\sigma}{{\rm d}t{\rm d}\phi} =& \frac{1}{2 \pi} \bigg(\frac{{\rm d}\sigma_{\rm T}}{{\rm d}t} +{\epsilon} \frac{{\rm d}\sigma_{\rm L}}{{\rm d}t} + {\epsilon}\cos{2\phi}\,\frac{{\rm d}\sigma_{{\rm TT}}}{{\rm d}t} \\& +\sqrt{2{\epsilon}(1+{\epsilon})}\cos{\phi}\frac{{\rm d}\sigma_{{\rm LT}}}{{\rm d}t}\bigg). \end{aligned} $
(1) The partial cross sections are expressed in terms of the
$ \gamma^* p\to\pi^0 p $ helicity amplitudes. When we omit the small$ M_{0-,-+} $ amplitude, they can be written as follows$ \begin{aligned}[b] \frac{{\rm d}\sigma_{\rm L}}{{\rm d}t} =& \frac{1}{\kappa} \left[\mid {M}_{0+,0+}\mid^2 +\mid {M}_{0-,0+}\mid^2\right]\,,\\ \frac{{\rm d}\sigma_{\rm T}}{{\rm d}t}=& \frac{1}{2 \kappa}\left(\mid { M}_{0-,++}\mid^2 +2 \mid {M}_{0+,++}\mid^2 \right)\,, \\ \frac{{\rm d}\sigma_{{\rm LT}}}{{\rm d}t} =& -\frac{1}{\sqrt{2} \kappa} {\rm Re}\Big[{M^*}_{0-,++}{M}_{0-,0+}\Big] \,,\\ \frac{{\rm d}\sigma_{{\rm TT}}}{{\rm d}t} =& -\frac{1}{\kappa} \mid {M}_{0+,++} \mid^2\,. \end{aligned} $
(2) with
$ \begin{equation} \kappa=16 \pi (W^2-m^2)\sqrt{\Lambda(W^2,-Q^2,m^2)}. \end{equation} $
(3) Here,
$ \Lambda(x, y, z) $ is defined as$ \Lambda(x, y, z) = (x^2 + y^2 + z^2) - 2xy - 2xz - 2 yz $ .The amplitudes can be written as
$ \begin{aligned}[b] {M}_{0-,0+}=&\frac{e_0}{Q}\frac{\sqrt{-t'}}{2m}\langle \tilde E\rangle,\\ {M}_{0+,0+}=&\sqrt{1-\xi^2}\frac{e_0}{Q}[\langle \tilde H\rangle - \frac{\xi^2}{1-\xi^2}\langle \tilde E\rangle],\\ {M}_{0-,++}=& \frac{e_0}{Q}\sqrt{1-\xi^2}\langle {H_{\rm T}}\rangle,\\ {M}_{0+,++}=& -\frac{e_0}{Q}\frac{\sqrt{-t'}}{4m}\langle {\bar E_{\rm T}}\rangle, \end{aligned} $
(4) where
$ e_0 = \sqrt{4\pi \alpha} $ with$ \alpha=\dfrac{1}{137} $ is the fine structure constant.$ \xi=\frac{x_{\rm B}}{2-x_{\rm B}}\left(1+\frac{m_P^2}{Q^2}\right),\;\; t'=t-t_0,\;\;\;\; t_0=-\frac{4 m^2\xi^2}{1-\xi^2}. $
(5) $x_{\rm B}$ is the Bjorken variable with$x_{\rm B} = Q^2/(W^2 + Q^2 - m^2)$ . m is the proton mass and$ m_P $ is the meson mass.At the leading-twist accuracy, the PM production is only sensitive to the polarized GPDs
$ \widetilde{H} $ and$ \widetilde{E} $ , which contribute to the amplitudes of longitudinally polarized virtual photons [23]. The$ \langle F\rangle $ in Eq. (4) with$ F=\widetilde{H}, \widetilde{E} $ are the convolutions of the hard scattering amplitude$ {\cal H}_{0 \mu',0 +} $ and GPDs F$ \begin{equation} \langle F\rangle = \int_{-1}^1 {\rm d}x {\cal H}_{0 \mu' ,0 +} F(x,\xi,t). \end{equation} $
(6) The hard part is calculated employing the k-dependent wave function [26, 26], describing the longitudinally polarized mesons. The amplitude
$ {\cal H} $ is represented as the contraction of the hard part M, which can be computed perturbatively, and the non-perturbative meson wave function$ \phi_M $ , which can be found in Ref. [23]$ \begin{equation} {\cal H}_{\mu'+,\mu +}\,= \,\frac{2\pi {\alpha_s}(\mu_R)} {\sqrt{2N_c}} \,\int_0^1 {\rm d}\tau\,\int \frac{{\rm d}^{\,2} {{\boldsymbol k}_{\perp}}}{16\pi^3} \phi_{M}(\tau,k^2_\perp)\; M_{\mu^\prime\mu} . \end{equation} $
(7) The GPDs are constructed adopting the double distribution representation [19]
$ \begin{equation} F(x,\xi,t) = \int_{-1} ^{1}\, {\rm d}\rho \int_{-1+|\rho|} ^{1-|\rho|}\, {\rm d}\gamma \delta(\rho+ \xi \, \gamma - x) \, \omega(\rho,\gamma,t), \end{equation} $
(8) which connects GPDs F with PDFs h via the double distribution function ω. For the valence quark double distribution, it is
$ \begin{equation} \omega(\rho,\gamma,t)= h(\rho,t)\, \frac{3}{4}\, \frac{[(1-|\rho|)^2-\gamma^2]} {(1-|\rho|)^{3}}. \end{equation} $
(9) The t- dependence in PDFs h is presented in the Regge form
$ \begin{equation} h(\rho,t)= N\,{\rm e}^{(b-\alpha' \ln{\rho}) t}\rho^{-\alpha(0)}\,(1-\rho)^{\beta}, \end{equation} $
(10) and
$ \alpha(t)=\alpha(0)+\alpha' t $ is the corresponding Regge trajectory. The parameters in Eq. (10) are fitted from the known information about PDFs [28] e.g., or from the nucleon form factor analysis [29]. We consider the$ Q^2 $ evolution of GPDs through the of evolution of the gluon distribution, as in Eq. (9); see [20]. The evolution was tested for valence quarks as well. It is approximately calculated for the kinematical range in this work. We are working in the range 2$ < $ Q$ ^2< $ 7 GeV$ ^2 $ . The parameters of GPDs are determined at the middle point$ Q^2 $ = 4 GeV$ ^2 $ . In these very limited$ Q^2 $ range, the explicit form of the GPDs evolution is not so essential.It was found that at low
$ Q^2 $ , data on the PM leptoproduction also requires the contributions from the transversity GPDs$H_{\rm T}$ and$\bar E_{\rm T}=2 \tilde H_{\rm T}+E_{\rm T}$ , which determine the amplitudes$ M_{0-,++} $ and$ M_{0+,++} $ , respectively. Within the handbag approach, the transversity GPDs are accompanied by a twist-3 meson wave function in the hard amplitude$ {\cal H} $ [24] which is the same for both the$ {M}_{0\pm,++} $ amplitudes in Eq. (4). For the corresponding transversity convolutions, we have forms similar to (6), as follows:$ \begin{aligned}[b] \langle H_{\rm T}\rangle =&\int_{-1}^1 {\rm d}x {\cal H}_{0-,++}(x,...)\,H_{\rm T};\; \\ \langle \bar E_{\rm T}\rangle =&\int_{-1}^1 {\rm d}x {\cal H}_{0-,++}(x,...)\; \bar E_{\rm T}. \end{aligned} $
(11) There is a parameter
$ \mu_P $ in the twist-3 meson wave function which is large and enhanced by the chiral condensate. In our calculation, we adopt$ \mu_P $ = 2 GeV at a scale of 2 GeV.The
$ H_{\rm T} $ GPDs are connected with the transversity PDFs as follows:$ \begin{equation} h_{\rm T}(\rho,0)= \delta(\rho);\;\;\; \rm{and}\;\;\; \delta(\rho)=N_{\rm T}\, \rho^{1/2}\, (1-\rho)\,[q(\rho)+\Delta q(\rho)], \end{equation} $
(12) by employing the model [30]. We define the t -dependence of
$h_{\rm T}$ as in Eq. (10).The information on
$\bar E_{\rm T}$ can be obtained now only in the lattice QCD [31]. The lower moments of$\bar E_{\rm T}^u$ and$\bar E_{\rm T}^d$ were found to be quite large, have the same sign and be of a similar size. As a result, we have large$\bar E_{\rm T}$ contributions to the$ \pi^0 $ production. This is parameterized by the form as in Eq. (10). -
In this section, we present our results on
$ \pi^0 $ leptoproduction based on the handbag approach. In the calculation, we adopt the leading contribution Eq. (2) together with the transversity effects described in Eq. (11), which are essential at low$ Q^2 $ . The amplitudes are calculated based on the PARTONS collaboration code [32] that was modified in Fortran employing results of the GK model for GPDs [24].In Fig. 2, we present the model results for the
$ \pi^0 $ production cross section compared with the CLAS experimental data [13]. The transverse cross section, in which the$\bar E_{\rm T}$ and$H_{\rm T}$ contributions are important [24] dominates at low$ Q^2 $ . At small momentum transfer, the$H_{\rm T}$ effects are visible and provide a nonzero cross section. At$|t'| \sim 0.3 {\;{{\rm{GeV}}}}^2$ , the$\bar E_{\rm T}$ contribution becomes essential in$ \sigma_{\rm T} $ and results in a maximum for the cross section. A similar contribution from$\bar E_{\rm T}$ is observed in the interference cross section$\sigma_{{\rm TT}}$ [24]. For the calculations we use the parameters in Table 1. Details for$ \tilde H $ parameterization can be found in [24]. The fact that we describe well both unseparated$\sigma=\sigma_{{\rm T}}+\epsilon \sigma_{{\rm T}}$ and$\sigma_{{\rm TT}}$ cross sections indicates that the transversity$H_{\rm T}$ and$\bar E_{\rm T}$ effects were observed at CLAS [13]. Note that in this experiment it was not possible to separate$\sigma_{{\rm L}}$ and$\sigma_{{\rm T}}$ . The model produces at CLAS kinematics the leading twist$\dfrac{{\rm d} \sigma_{{\rm L}}}{{\rm d}t}(|t| = 0.3 {\;{{\rm{GeV}}}}^2) \sim \rm{few nb/GeV}^2$ . This is about two orders of magnitude smaller with respect to σ. Thus, we see that$\sigma_{{\rm T}}$ determined by the twist 3 effects gives a dominant contribution to unseparated σ. This prediction of the model [24] was confirmed by the JLab Hall A collaboration [33] by using the Rosenbluth separation of the$ \pi^0 $ electroproduction cross section.Figure 2. (color online) Cross section of
$ \pi^0 $ production in the CLAS energy range together with the data [13]. Black lines describe$\sigma=\sigma_{{\rm T}}+\epsilon \sigma_{{\rm L}}$ , red lines represent$\sigma_{{\rm LT}}$ , blue lines depict$\sigma_{{\rm TT}}$ .GPD $\alpha(0)$ $\beta^u$ $\beta^d$ $\alpha^\prime /{ {\rm{GeV} } }^{-2}$ $b /{ {\rm{GeV} } }^{-2}$ $N^u$ $N^d$ $\widetilde{E}$ 0.48 5 5 0.45 0.9 14.0 4.0 $\bar{E}_{\rm T}$ 0.3 4 5 0.45 0.5 6.83 5.05 $H_{\rm T}$ − − − 0.45 0.3 1.1 -0.3 Table 1. Regge parameters and normalizations of the GPDs at a scale of
$ 2\,{\,{{\rm{GeV}}}} $ . Model I.Our results for COMPASS kinematics are shown in Fig. 3. It can be seen that Model I gives results about two times larger with respect to the COMPASS data [14]. That was the reason for changing to model parameters that permit describing both CLAS and COMPASS data. New parameters for Model II are exhibited in Table 2 [34]. Because
$\bar E_{\rm T}$ contribution is essential in the$ \sigma_{{\rm T}} $ and$ \sigma_{{\rm TT}} $ cross sections, parameterization changes mainly the energy dependence of this GPD. Other GPDs are slightly changed to be consistent with experiments; see Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, in which both model results are shown.Figure 3. Models results at COMPASS kinematics. Experimental data are from [14], solid curve is the prediction of Model I and dashed line presents the results of Model II.
GPD $\alpha(0)$ $\alpha^\prime /{ {\rm{GeV} } }^{-2}$ $b /{ {\rm{GeV} } }^{-2}$ $N^u$ $N^d$ $\widetilde{E}_n.p.$ 0.32 0.45 0.6 18.2 5.2 $\bar{E}_{\rm T}$ −0.1 0.45 0.67 29.23 21.61 $H_{\rm T}$ − 0.45 0.04 0.68 −0.186 Table 2. Regge parameters and normalizations of the GPDs at a scale of
$2 {\;{{\rm{GeV}}}}$ . Model II.The average COMPASS kinematics results for the cross sections are [14]
$ \begin{aligned}[b] \langle \frac{{\rm d} \sigma_{{\rm TT}}}{{\rm d}t} \rangle =& -(6.1 \pm 1.3 \pm 0.7) \;\rm{nb/GeV}^2, \\ \langle \frac{{\rm d} \sigma_{{\rm LT}}}{{\rm d}t} \rangle =& (1.5 \pm 0.5 \pm 0.3)\; \rm{nb/GeV}^2. \end{aligned} $
(13) Model II gives the following results at the same kinematics
$ \begin{aligned}[b] \langle \frac{{\rm d} \sigma_{{\rm TT}}}{{\rm d}t} \rangle =& -6.4 \;\rm{nb/GeV}^2, \\ \langle \frac{{\rm d} \sigma_{{\rm LT}}}{{\rm d}t} \rangle =& 0.1 \;\rm{nb/GeV}^2, \end{aligned} $
(14) which is close to the COMPASS results in Eq. (13). Model I gives cross sections that are about two times larger with respect to Model II. This is the same effect as we see in Fig. 3. This means that COMPASS provides essential constrains on the
$\bar E_{\rm T}$ contribution.Using new GPDs parameterization may be important at EicC because its energy range lies not far from that of COMPASS. In future analyzes, we will give predictions for both GPDs models I and II, as at higher energies, a detailed study of transversity GPDs can be done.
In Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 we show the W and
$ Q^2 $ dependencies of the σ and$\sigma_{{\rm TT}}$ cross sections in the EicC energy range. We show results for$ W=8,12,16\; \rm{GeV} $ and$ Q^2=2,5,7\; \rm{GeV}^2 $ that are typical for EicC kinematics. The cross sections$\sigma_{{\rm LT}}$ are rather small and difficult to distinguish on these figures. Thus we separate them into individual Fig. 6 and Fig. 7, where the W and$ Q^2 $ dependencies of$\sigma_{{\rm LT}}$ are shown in pb/GeV$ ^2 $ . We use the same W and$ Q^2 $ values as for Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. One can see that all cross sections decrease with increasing W and$ Q^2 $ . Model II gives typically smaller results with respect to Model I. At EicC kinematics, we get a rather small leading twist cross section$\sigma_{\rm L}$ , which is about one order of magnitude smaller with respect to$\sigma_{\rm T}$ . This means that the dominance of twist-3 transversity effects observed at low energy [24, 33] is valid up to high EicC energies. Our predictions on$ \pi^0 $ production give the possibility of performing a more detailed test on the energy dependencies of the transversity GPDs in future EicC experiments.Figure 4. (color online) Models results for
$\sigma = \sigma_{\rm T}+{\epsilon} \sigma_{\rm L}$ and$\sigma_{{\rm TT}}$ cross section at EicC kinematics. W dependencies at fixed$ Q^2 $ are shown. The curves above the X-axis are predictions of σ, and the curves below the X-axis are predictions of$\sigma_{{\rm TT}}$ .Figure 5. (color online) Models results for
$\sigma = \sigma_{\rm T}+{\epsilon} \sigma_{\rm L}$ and$\sigma_{{\rm TT}}$ cross sections at EicC kinematics.$ Q^2 $ dependencies at fixed W are shown. The curves above the X-axis are predictions of σ, and the curves below the X-axis are predictions of$\sigma_{{\rm TT}}$ .Figure 6. (color online) Models predictions for
$\sigma_{{\rm LT}}$ cross sections (in pb/GeV$ ^2 $ ) at EicC kinematics as a function of W at fixed$ Q^2 $ .Figure 7. (color online) Models results for
$\sigma_{{\rm LT}}$ cross sections (in pb/GeV$ ^2 $ ) at EicC kinematics as a function of$ Q^2 $ at fixed W.Now, we shall briefly discuss whether it is really possible to analyze the energy dependencies of transvesity GPDs
$H_{\rm T}$ and$\bar E_{\rm T}$ from experimental data on cross sections. In experiments (see, e.g., [13]) usually, the unseparated cross sections$\sigma={\epsilon} \sigma_{\rm L}+\sigma_{\rm T}$ ,$\sigma_{{\rm LT}}$ and$\sigma_{{\rm TT}}$ are measured.$\sigma_{\rm L}$ is determined by the twist-2 contribution. It is rather small and can be omitted in our estimations. Thus$\sigma \propto \sigma_{\rm T}$ here. We will not discuss here$\sigma_{{\rm LT}}$ here.We see that if
$ \frac{{\rm d}\sigma_{\rm T}}{{\rm d}t} \sim -\frac{{\rm d}\sigma_{{\rm TT}}}{{\rm d}t}, $
this means that in this range the essential contribution comes from the
$ M_{0+++} $ amplitude (see (2). At CLAS and COMPASS energies, this approximately happened at$ |t'| = 0.3 {\;{{\rm{GeV}}}}^2 $ . This means that at this momentum transfer the$ <\bar E_{\rm T}> $ contribution dominates. At$ |t'|=0 {\;{{\rm{GeV}}}}^2 $ the$\bar E_{\rm T}$ is equal to zero. This means that at this point the$< H_{\rm T} >$ contribution is essential.Thus, using Eqs. (2)–(4), we can determine two quantities
$ \begin{aligned}[b]& <H_{\rm T}> \propto \sqrt{\kappa \frac{{\rm d}\sigma_{\rm T}}{{\rm d}t}(|t'|=0 {\;{{\rm{GeV}}}}^2)},\\& <\bar E_{\rm T}> \propto \sqrt{\kappa \frac{{\rm d}\sigma_{\rm T}}{{\rm d}t}(|t'| = 0.3{\;{{\rm{GeV}}}}^2)}, \end{aligned} $
(15) and one more in addition
$ \begin{equation} <\bar E_{\rm T} ({\rm TT})> \propto \sqrt{\kappa \Big|\frac{{\rm d}\sigma_{{\rm TT}}}{{\rm d}t}(|t'| = 0.3{\;{{\rm{GeV}}}}^2)\Big|}. \end{equation} $
(16) Eq. (15) is a some approximation based on
$\bar E_{\rm T}$ dominance near$ |t'|\sim 0.3 {\;{{\rm{GeV}}}}^2 $ . Eq. (16) gives direct information on$\bar E_{\rm T}$ , but$\dfrac{{\rm d}\sigma_{{\rm TT}}}{{\rm d}t}$ is more difficult to study.Thus, one can try to analyze the W dependencies of the cross sections at
$ |t'| \sim 0 {\;{{\rm{GeV}}}}^2 $ and$ |t'|\sim 0.3 {\;{{\rm{GeV}}}}^2 $ to determine the energy dependencies of$H_{\rm T}$ and$\bar E_{\rm T}$ .The results of the model calculations for the quantities in Eq. (15) for the GPDs models I and II can be parameterized as follows:
$ \begin{equation} <H> \sim A\, W^n. \end{equation} $
(17) We shall estimate n power using the results from Eq. (15) and
$n_{ H}$ - directly from the energy dependencies of the GPDs in the$ W=3\sim 15 {\;{{\rm{GeV}}}} $ interval. The results are$ \begin{eqnarray} <\bar E_{\rm T}^{{\rm Model}-{\rm II}}>:\;\;\;\;\;\;\; n=0.53,\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;n_H=0.5; \end{eqnarray} $
(18) $ \begin{eqnarray} <\bar E_{\rm T}^{{\rm Model}-{\rm I}}>:\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;n=0.72,\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;n_ H=0.7; \end{eqnarray} $
(19) $ \begin{eqnarray} <H_{\rm T}>:\;\;\;\;\;\;\; n=0.8,\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;n_ H=0.75. \end{eqnarray} $
(20) We see that the energy dependencies of models II and I are rather different. From (16) we find the same power as in Eq. (19).
Thus, we find very closed powers n from cross section analyzes and directly from GPDs. This mean that we can really estimate the energy (
$ x_{\rm B} $ ) dependencies of the GPDs from experimental data.
Exclusive π0 production at EIC of China within handbag approach
- Received Date: 2022-06-15
- Available Online: 2022-12-15
Abstract: Exclusive