The mesons
f0(975) (denoted asσ∗ ) andϕ(1020) (denoted as ϕ) represent the interactions between nucleons and hyperons [23]. The Lagrangian density of hadronic matter containing the mesonsσ∗ and ϕ is expressed as follows [24]:L=∑B¯ΨB(iγμ∂μ−mB+gσBσ+gσ∗Bσ∗−gωBγ0ω−gϕBγ0ϕ−gρBγ0τ3ρ)ΨB−12m2σσ2−13g2σ3−14g3σ4+12m2ωω2+12m2ρρ2−12m2σ∗σ∗2+12m2ϕϕ2+∑λ=e,μ¯Ψλ(iγμ∂μ−mλ)Ψλ.
(1) Considering neutrino binding, the baryon partition function of PNS matter is [25, 26]
(2) From the above, the total baryon number density is obtained as follows:
(3) The energy density and pressure are respectively
(4) p=−12m2σσ2−12m2σ∗σ∗2−13g2σ3−14g3σ4+12m2ωω20+12m2ϕϕ2+12m2ρρ203+13∑B2JB+12π2∫∞0k4√k2+m∗2BnB(k)dk.
(5) Here,
nB(k) is the Fermi-Dirac partition function of baryons,nB(k)=11+exp[(εB(k)−μB)/T],
(6) and
m∗B is the effective mass of baryons,m∗B=mB−gσBσ−gσ∗Bσ∗.
(7) Ignoring the interactions of leptons at finite temperature, we express their partition function as
(8) where the first line represents the contribution of massless neutrinos, and the second line represents the contribution of electrons and μs.
The lepton number density is
(9) ρν=π2T2μν+μ3ν6π2
(10) and the contributions of leptons to the energy density and pressure are respectively
(11) p=13∑l1π2∫∞0k4√k2+m2lnl(k)dk+∑ν1360(7π2T4+30T2μ2ν+15μ4νπ2).
(12) The chemical potentials of baryons are
(13) To describe neutrino trapping, the content of leptons in a PNS is defined as
(14) We can calculate the mass and radius of a PNS using the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equations [27, 28]
(15) M=4π∫R0εr2dr.
(16) -
Here, we calculate the parameters of the PNS PSR J0737-3039A with five sets of nucleon coupling constants (DD-MEI [29], GL85 [30], GL97 [24], GM1 [31], and NL2 [32]). For the outer crust with
4.73×10−15 <ρ<8.907×10−3 fm−3 , we use the EoS of a BPS [24], and for the region ofρ>8.907×10−3 fm−3 , we use the EoS for PNS matter corresponding to the nuclear properties above.The ratios of the hyperon coupling constant to nucleon coupling constant are defined as
xσh=gσh/gσ ,xωh=gωh/gω , andxρh=gρh/gρ , with h denoting the hyperonsΛ,Σ , and Ξ.xρh andxωh are chosen using SU(6) symmetry [33, 34]. Then,xσh is obtained using [24]U(N)h=mn(m∗nmn−1)xσh+(gωmω)2ρ0xωh.
(17) In this study, the hyperon-potentials are chosen as
U(N)Λ=−30 MeV [34, 35, 36],U(N)Σ =30 MeV [34, 35, 36, 37], andU(N)Ξ=−14 MeV [38].The coupling constants of the mesons
σ∗ and ϕ can be chosen as [23]gϕΞ=2gϕΛ=2gϕΣ=−2√2gω/3,
(18) gσ∗Λ/gσ=gσ∗Σ/gσ=0.69,
(19) gσ∗Ξ/gσ=1.25.
(20) Temperatures in the interiors of PNSs can reach up to 30 MeV. After that, they can be cooled by neutrino radiation [21]. In this study, the temperature of the PNS PSR J0737-3039A is taken as T=20 MeV.
The mass M of the PNS is calculated as a function of the radius R. In Fig. 1, the coarse curves indicate the masses of the PNSs PSR J0740+6620, PSR J0348+0432, PSR J1614-2230, and PSR J0737-3039A, and the five fine curves represent the results of the five nucleon coupling constants DD-MEI, GL85, GL97, GM1, and NL2. We find that only the nucleon coupling constant DD-MEI can give the masses of the PNSs PSR J0740+6620, PSR J0348+0432, PSR J1614-2230, and PSR J0737-3039A. NL2 cannot give the mass of the PNS PSR J0740+6620; however, it can give the mass of the PNSs PSR J0348+0432, PSR J1614-2230, and PSR J0737-3039A. GL85, GL97, and GM1 cannot give the masses of the PNSs PSR J0740+6620, PSR J0348+0432, and PSR J1614-2230; however, they can give the masses of the PNS PSR J0737-3039A. All five sets of nucleon coupling constants give the masses of the PNS PSR J0737-3039A.
As shown in Fig. 1 and Table 1, the radii of the PNS PSR J0737-3039A given by the five sets of nucleon coupling constants are different. NL2 gives the smallest radius, R=15.693 km, and GL85 gives the largest radius, R=18.846 km. In other words, the radius of the PNS PSR J0737–3039A calculated using these five sets of nucleon coupling constants is R=15.693–18.846 km. The NS PSR J0030+0451 has a mass similar to that of the PNS PSR J0737-3039A; hence, it is logical to compare their radii. The mass and radius of the NS PSR J0030+0451 given by Riley et al. are in the ranges M=1.18–1.49 M
⊙ and R=11.52–13.85 km [39], respectively, and those given by Miller et al. are M=1.30–1.59 M⊙ and R=11.96–14.26 km, respectively [40]. The PNS radius calculated in this study is larger than that calculated by Riley et al. and Miller et al., which is reasonable because the radius of a PNS is larger than that of an NS of the same mass [41].Figure 1. (color online) Mass M of the PNS calculated as a function of the radius R. The coarse curves indicate the masses of the PNSs PSR J0740+6620, PSR J0348+0432, PSR J1614-2230, and PSR J0737-3039A. The five fine curves represent the results of the five nucleon coupling constants DD-MEI, GL85, GL97, GM1, and NL2.
Parameter R/km ρc/fm−3 εc×1015/(g⋅cm)−3 pc×1035/(dyne⋅cm)−2 DD-MEI 18.006 0.247 0.430 0.379 GL85 18.846 0.290 0.519 0.427 GL97 17.353 0.359 0.649 0.585 GM1 16.798 0.310 0.545 0.506 NL2 15.693 0.293 0.508 0.506 Table 1. Results calculated in this study. The mass of the PNS PSR J0737-3039A is M=1.338 M
⊙ . R,ρc ,εc , andpc are the radius, central baryon density, central energy density, and central pressure of the PNS PSR J0737-3039A, respectively.The central baryon densities
ρc of the PNS PSR J0737-3039A calculated with different nucleon coupling constants are different.ρc of the PNS PSR J0737-3039A calculated using GL97 is the largest,ρc =0.359 fm−3 , whereasρc calculated using DD-MEI is the smallest,ρc =0.247 fm−3 . That is, the central baryon density calculated using the five nucleon coupling constants isρc =0.247–0.359 fm−3 . -
The effective mass of nucleons, Λ, Σ, and Ξ as a function of the baryon density ρ are shown in Fig. 2. We denote the center effective mass of nucleons, Λ, Σ, and Ξ as
m∗Nc ,m∗Λc ,m∗Σc , andm∗Ξc , respectively. As shown in Fig. 2, the effective masses of nucleons, Λ, Σ, and Ξ all decrease with increasing baryon density ρ. At the center of the PNS, the effective mass of the baryon reaches a minimum. Corresponding to the same baryon density ρ, the effective mass calculated using DD-MEI is the smallest, whereas that calculated using GL97 is the largest. As shown in Table 2, the center effective masses of nucleons, Λ, Σ, and Ξ calculated using the above five groups of nucleon coupling constants arem∗Nc =384.521–606.324 MeV,m∗Λc =778.280–911.405 MeV,m∗Σc =939.187–1080.822 MeV, andm∗Ξc =1152.637–1218.964 MeV, respectively.Figure 2. (color online) Effective mass of baryons in the PNS PSR J0737-3039A as a function of baryon density. The five curves represent the results of the five nucleon coupling constants DD-MEI, GL85, GL97, GM1, and NL2.
Parameter m∗Nc/MeV m∗Λc/MeV m∗Σc/MeV m∗Ξc/MeV μnc/fm−1 μec/fm−1 DD-MEI 384.521 778.280 939.187 1152.637 5.340 0.721 GL85 606.324 911.405 1080.822 1218.964 5.421 0.943 GL97 573.011 888.351 1071.635 1206.096 5.516 0.989 GM1 478.656 831.015 1006.070 1179.389 5.418 0.763 NL2 394.604 780.860 1015.662 1200.968 5.367 0.829 Table 2. Effective mass of baryons and the chemical potentials of n and e in the PNS PSR J0737-3039A calculated in this study.
m∗Nc ,m∗Λc ,m∗Σc , andm∗Ξc are the center effective masses of nucleons N, Λ, Σ, and Ξ, respectively.μnc andμec are central chemical potentials of n and e, respectively.The chemical potentials of neutrons and electrons are shown in Fig. 3. The chemical potentials of neutrons
μn and electronsμe increase with increasing baryon density ρ. Different nucleon coupling constants result in different chemical potentials relative to the same baryon density ρ. The central neutron chemical potential of the five nucleon coupling constants is calculated asμnc =5.340–5.516 fm−1 , and the central electron chemical potential is calculated asμec =0.721–0.989 fm−1 . -
Figure 5 shows the relative particle density
ρi/ρ in the PNS PSR J0737-3039A as a function of the baryon density ρ.Figure 5. (color online) Relative particle density in the PNS PSR J0737-3039A as a function of baryon density. The five curves represent the results of the five nucleon coupling constants DD-MEI, GL85, GL97, GM1, and NL2.
As shown in Fig. 5 and Table 3, baryons n, p, Λ,
Σ+ ,Σ0 ,Σ− ,Ξ0 andΞ− all appear in the PNS PSR J0737-3039A when using the nucleon coupling constants DD-MEI, GL85, GL97, and GM1. However, with NL2, only baryons n, p, Λ,Σ0 ,Σ− ,Ξ0 , andΞ− are present, while baryonΣ+ is absent.Parameter ρnc/ρ% ρpc/ρ% ρΛc/ρ% ρΣ+c/ρ% ρΣ0c/ρ% ρΣ−c/ρ% ρΞ0c/ρ% ρΞ−c/ρ% DD-MEI 90.7 8.8 0.5 1E-6 2.0E-4 0.04 5.1E-5 0.02 GL85 81.0 17.5 1.5 2.9E-3 4.0E-4 5.7E-5 1.3E-3 0.05 GL97 80.5 16.5 2.8 1.3E-3 4.1E-4 1.3E-4 2.4E-3 0.18 GM1 90.7 8.4 0.8 2E-6 1.8E-4 0.02 1.07E-4 0.05 NL2 87.5 11.5 1.0 0 1.3E-5 5.2E-4 1.5E-5 5.8E-3 Table 3. Central relative particle densities in the PNS PSR J0737-3039A.
ρnc/ρ ,ρpc/ρ ,ρΛc/ρ ,ρΣ+c/ρ ,ρΣ0c/ρ ,ρΣ−c/ρ ,ρΞ0c/ρ , andρΞ−c/ρ are the central relative particle densities of n, p, Λ,Σ+ ,Σ0 ,Σ− ,Ξ0 , andΞ− , respectively, in the PNS PSR J0737-3039A.As shown in Fig. 5, corresponding to the same baryon density, the relative particle densities of the same baryon in the PNS PSR J0737-3039A calculated using different nucleon coupling constants differ greatly. As shown in Table 3, the central relative baryon densities of the PNS PSR J0737-3039A calculated using different nucleon coupling constants also differ greatly. For example, for hyperon Λ, the minimum central relative baryon density given using DD-MEI is
ρΛc/ρ =0.5%, whereas GL97 gives the largest central baryon density,ρΛc/ρ =2.8%. In other words, the central baryon density of the Λ-hyperon calculated using the five nucleon coupling constants isρΛc/ρ =0.5%–2.8%. Similarly, the central baryon density of n calculated using five groups of nucleon coupling constants isρnc/ρ =80.5%–90.7%, the central baryon density of p isρpc/ρ =8.4%–17.5%, the central baryon density of theΣ0 hyperon isρΣ0c/ρ =1.3× 10−3 %–4.1× 10−4 %, the central baryon density of theΣ− hyperon isρΣ−c/ρ =5.7× 10−5 %–0.04%, the central baryon density of theΞ0 hyperon isρΞ0c/ρ =1.5× 10−5 %–2.4× 10−3 %, and the central baryon density of theΞ− hyperon isρΞ−c/ρ =5.8×10−3 %–0.18%. The hyperonΣ+ in the PNS PSR J0737-3039A calculated using NL2 does not appear, whereas the central baryon density ofΣ+ calculated using DD-MEI, GL85, GL97, and GM1 isρΣ+c/ρ =1.0× 10−6 %–2.9× 10−3 %.
Properties of proto neutron star PSR J0737-3039A
- Received Date: 2022-04-30
- Available Online: 2022-10-15
Abstract: Using five sets of nucleon coupling constants (DD-MEI, GL85, GL97, GM1, and NL2), we find that the radius of the PNS PSR J0737-3039A is R=15.693–18.846 km, the central baryon density is