To implement the in-medium parton evolution for light partons and heavy quarks simultaneously, we use the p+p events generated by SHERPA [62] with a vacuum parton shower as input, and then investigate the subsequent in-medium jet evolution in hot and dense QCD matter with the Simulating Heavy quark Energy Loss with Langevin equations (SHELL) model [60,61,74,75].
In the SHELL model, the initial spatial distribution of partons is sampled by a Monte Carlo Glauber model [76]. When a parton propagates in QGP, two important energy loss mechanisms are considered: collisional interaction (elastic scattering with the constituents of the medium) and radiative interaction (medium-induced gluon radiation in inelastic scattering). In the infinite heavy quark limit (
$ p \sim T $ ,$ M\gg T $ ), the propagations of heavy quarks in QGP are usually well described by the Langevin equations. When it goes to the higher$ p_T $ region, as the medium-induced gluon radiation become the dominant mechanism for heavy quark energy loss, the modified Langevin equations [34,60,61,74,75] are viewed as an effective method to take into account the radiative correction, as shown in Eq. (2):$ \vec{x}(t+\Delta t) = \vec{x}(t)+\frac{\vec{p}(t)}{E}\Delta t , $
(1) $ \vec{p}(t+\Delta t) = \vec{p}(t)-\Gamma(p)\vec{p} \Delta t+\vec{\xi}(t)-\vec{p}_g \, , $
(2) where
$ \Delta t $ is the time step of the in-medium Monte Carlo simulation, and$ \Gamma $ is the drag coefficient.$ \vec{\xi}(t) $ is white noise representing the random kicks obeying$ \left \langle \xi^i(t)\xi^j(t') \right \rangle = \kappa \delta^{ij}\delta(t-t') $ , where$ \kappa $ is the diffusion coefficient in momentum space.$ \Gamma $ and$ \kappa $ are usually associated by the fluctuation-dissipation relation$ \Gamma = \dfrac{\kappa}{2ET} = \dfrac{T}{D_s E} $ , where$ D_s $ , the spatial diffusion coefficient, is viewed as a free parameter estimated in various theories [77]. In this study, we choose$ D_s = \dfrac{4}{2\pi T} $ extracted by lattice QCD [78,79] as a fixed parameter in our calculations. The last term in Eq. (2) represents the momentum recoil due to the medium-induced gluon radiation, which is implemented based on the higher-twist calculations [80-83]:$ \frac{{\rm d}N}{{\rm d}x{\rm d}k^{2}_{\perp}{\rm d}t} = \frac{2\alpha_{s}C_sP(x)\hat{q}}{\pi k^{4}_{\perp}}\sin^2 \left(\frac{t-t_i}{2\tau_f}\right) \left(\frac{k^2_{\perp}}{k^2_{\perp}+x^2M^2}\right)^4 , $
(3) where
$ x $ and$ k_\perp $ are the energy fraction and transverse momentum carried by the radiated gluon.$ C_s $ is the quadratic Casimir in color representation,$ P(x) $ is the splitting function in a vacuum [84], and$ \tau_f = 2Ex(1-x)/ $ $ (k^2_\perp+x^2M^2) $ is the gluon formation time.$ \hat{q} \propto q_0(T/T_0)^3 $ is the jet transport parameter [85], where$ T_0 $ is the highest temperature in the most central A+A collisions. Note that we use the same value$ q_0 = 1.2 $ GeV$ ^2 $ /fm, determined by a global extraction of the single hadron production in Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC energy [86], to describe the strength of gluon radiation for all partons; the mass effects of heavy quarks are included in the last quadruplicate term in Eq. (3).In the consideration of possible multiple gluon radiation during a time step of our simulation, we assume that the number of radiated gluons obeys the Poisson distribution:
$ \begin{array}{l} P(n) = \dfrac{\lambda}{n!} {\rm e}^{-\lambda} , \end{array} $
(4) where
$ P(n) $ denotes the probability of$ n $ instances of radiative interaction during a short time step$ \Delta t $ , and$ \lambda $ is the mean value of$ n $ and could be estimated numerically by integrating Eq. (3):$ \lambda(t,\Delta t) = \Delta t\int {\rm d}x {\rm d} k^2_{\perp} \frac{{\rm d}N}{{\rm d}x {\rm d}k^2_{\perp} {\rm d}t} . $
(5) During each time step in our simulation, first, the total probability
$ P(n\geqslant 1) = 1-\lambda {\rm e}^{-\lambda} $ is calculated to determine whether radiation occurs. If radiation occurs, the number of radiated gluons could be sampled based on Eq. (4), and subsequently the four momentum of each gluon can be sampled by Eq. (3) one-by-one. It should be noted that a lower cutoff$ \omega_0 = \mu_D = \sqrt{4\pi\alpha_s}T $ has been imposed to avoid the divergence in the spectra at$ x\rightarrow 0 $ , namely only a gluon with energy above this cutoff is allowed to be emitted. This treatment could mimic the detailed balance between gluon radiation and absorption, and then ensure heavy quarks can achieve their thermal equilibrium,$ f_{eq}(p)\propto {\rm e}^{-E(p)/T} $ after sufficient propagating time in the QGP medium. The hydrodynamic background profile of the expanding QCD medium is provided by the smooth (2+1)D viscous hydrodynamic model [87]. We assume that partons stop in-medium propagation when their local temperature is under$ T_c = 165 $ MeV. To take into account the initial-state CNM effects in nucleus-nucleus collisions, the nuclear parton distribution function (nPDF) nNNPDF1.0 [88] has been used in the calculations. It is found that the CNM effects have little impact on the radial profiles of heavy quarks in jets.The SHELL model has been applied in studies of medium modification of
$ p_T $ imbalance of$ b\bar{b} $ dijets [60] and correlations of$ Z^0 $ + b-jets [75]. Recently, it has also been successfully employed to calculate the angular correlations of$ D^0 $ + jet in p+p and Pb+Pb collisions at$ \sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02\; $ TeV [61,74], and a decent agreement between the model calculations and experiment measurements has been observed [54]. -
The in-medium parton interactions not only dissipate the jet energy to the hot and dense QCD matter outside the jet cone, subsequently suppressing the jet production, but also redistribute the energy-momentum of partons inside the jet cone, thus altering the jet radial profile and the jet substructure. The modified radial distribution of low
$ p_T $ heavy quarks relative to their tagged high$ p_T $ jets, which act as a reference, could indirectly reflect the dynamical details of in-medium parton interactions in hot and dense nuclear matter. In this section, systematic predictions of the radial profile of B mesons in jets both in p+p and Pb+Pb collisions are presented, and further the comparison between bottom and charm flavors in jets is also investigated aiming to figure out the impact of the mass effect to the medium modification pattern of the radial profile.In Fig. 2, we predict the B meson radial distribution in jets in central 0-10% Pb+Pb collisions at
$\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02$ TeV compared to its p+p baseline. In both p+p and Pb+Pb collisions, the selected jets are required to have$ p_T^{\rm jet}>60 $ GeV and be tagged by at least one B meson with$ 4<p_T^Q<20 $ GeV, which is the same as in our previous study [61] and the CMS measurements [54] on the case of D mesons in jets. In the top plots in Fig. 2, we observe the B meson radial distribution in jets in Pb+Pb shifting towards smaller radii relative to its p+p baseline, thus finding enhancement at smaller radii and suppression at larger radii in the ratio of the normalized radial distribution in Pb+Pb to that in p+p shown in the lower panel of Fig. 2. However, this kind of modification to a narrower radial profile is in contrast to the toward broader medium modification pattern of the D meson radial profile in jets predicted and measured in [54,61]. It is not intuitive to picture the charm quarks shifting towards larger radii while the bottom quarks shift close to the jet axis due to an identical in-medium parton interaction mechanism without further investigation. An additional interesting question will be raised: what role is played by the different masses of bottom and charm quarks in jets?Figure 2. (color online) Normalized radial distributions of B meson in jets as a function of the angular distance to the jet axis in p+p and 0-10% Pb+Pb collisions at
$ \sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02 $ TeV. The ratio of the normalized distribution in Pb+Pb to that in p+p is also plotted in the lower panel.To conduct such an investigation, it is instructive to first clarify the compositions of the jets reconstructed in Pb+Pb collisions. Please note the reconstructed jets in Pb+Pb collisions also obey the selection of
$ 4<p_T^Q<20 $ GeV, as for the p+p baseline. Therefore, one can easily imagine that some of the reconstructed jets in Pb+Pb could be the surviving ones for which$ p_T^Q $ does not fall below the lower threshold of$ 4 $ GeV due to jet quenching; these surviving jets do have their original counterparts in the p+p baseline events before jet quenching with$ 4<p_T^Q<20 $ GeV. However, a lot of the jets reconstructed in Pb+Pb are those with heavy flavor mesons$ p_T^Q>20 $ GeV before jet quenching. These parts of the jets reconstructed in Pb+Pb do not have their counterparts in the p+p baseline events and are initially (originally) distributed closer to the jet axis than the case of p+p baseline events simply because of the higher$ p_T^Q $ trigger according to the discussion of Fig. 1. To facilitate further discussion, we name these two contribution sources the Survival part and the Transfer part. The separation and the respective investigations of the two contribution sources are not easy for analytical or experimental study; the sources tracking power of our Monte Carlo study can help us to do so and therefore gain more insight of the medium modification mechanism of the heavy flavor radial profiles in jets.Contribution fraction is essential when talking about the relation between the overall modification and respective modification of each composition. In Fig. 3 we plot the contribution fractions of the Survival part and Transfer part in the reconstructed jets in Pb+Pb as a function of
$ r $ for both D mesons and B mesons in jets, respectively. We find that in the$ 4<p_T^Q<20 $ GeV region we investigated, for both cases of D mesons and B mesons in jets, the Transfer part denoted by short dash lines dominates at smaller$ r $ , and the domination begins to decrease with increasing$ r $ . We can observe that the charm quark suffers more energy dissipation than the bottom quark in this context, as at any$ r $ there is always a higher surviving proportion of bottom quarks; even at larger$ 0.25<r<0.3 $ , the survival part begins to dominate.Figure 3. (color online) Fractional contribution of the reconstructed event from the Survival part and Transfer part in the B meson and D meson radial distributions in jets at
$ 4<p_T^Q<20 $ GeV in 0-10% Pb+Pb collisions at$ \sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02 $ TeV.With such knowledge of the contribution fractions of the two parts in Pb+Pb events, we plot in Fig. 4 the modification patterns of B meson radial profiles in jets in the top panel and the case for D meson radial profiles in jets in the bottom panel. In these plots, we also include the ratios of the self-normalized radial distribution of the Survival and Transfer contribution parts in Pb+Pb to the normalized p+p baseline denoted as a dash dotted line and short dashed line, respectively. First, we confirm an inverse medium modification pattern of the radial profile of the heavy flavor in jets when comparing the total normalized distribution PbPb/pp ratios as functions of
$ r $ of B+jet (solid line in the top panel) and D+jet (solid line in the bottom panel). The total normalized distribution PbPb/pp ratio is combinated by the Survival and Transfer contributions taking into account their contribution fractions. Since at smaller$ r $ region the Transfer part dominates the contribution fraction, the modification pattern of the Transfer part is dominant, but in the larger$ r $ region, the contribution fraction interplays with the respective ratios of the two contribution parts to determine the total ratio.Figure 4. (color online) Medium modification patterns on the radial profiles of heavy flavor mesons (upper panel: B mesons, lower panel: D mesons) in jets from two kinds of contributions: Survival part (red dot-dashed line) and Transfer part (green dashed line), as well as the total contribution (blue solid line).
When we compare the modification patterns of B meson and D meson radial profiles in jets in the Survival and Transfer contributions respectively, we draw closer to revealing the nature of such inverse medium modification patterns. The comparison of the Survival modification pattern (dash dotted line) of B meson (top) and D meson (bottom) radial profiles in jets indicates that the same broader modifications of the radial distribution are shown in both the cases of B mesons and D mesons in jets due to the possible diffusion effects, as previously investigated in Ref. [74]. However, we observe a relatively smaller diffusion effect in the B meson radial profile in jets than in that of D mesons. For the case of the Transfer contribution, we find a narrower modification pattern of B meson radial profiles in jets but a broader modification pattern of D mesons in jets; the two opposite modification directions are mainly due to the competition of the two effects that lead to opposite consequences. One is that the Transfer part originally comes from a higher
$ p_T^Q $ trigger and is naturally distributed at smaller$ r $ ; when the ratio to the p+p baseline is taken, distribution shifting toward a narrower direction is observed. Meanwhile, the other fact is that the in-medium modification of such heavy flavor leads to a broader direction of distribution shifting due to the diffusion effect. These two effects offset each other. The former effect reveals the energy dissipation nature and the latter shows the diffusion feature that always leads to spreading away from the jet axis.From the discussion of Fig. 1, the
$ p_T^Q $ sensitivity of the initial radial distribution of B mesons in jets is larger than that of D mesons in jets, and it leads to a larger, narrower shifting toward smaller$ r $ of the radial distribution of B mesons in jets than that of D mesons in jets. Consequently, a larger, narrower shifting toward smaller$ r $ due to larger$ p_T^Q $ sensitivity of the initial radial distribution compared to charm quarks in jets and a smaller broader shifting towards smaller$ r $ due to its weaker diffusion effect compared to charm quarks in jets lead to an overall narrower shifting, which is exactly the opposite of the case of D mesons in jets.To further demonstrate that the angular diffusion effect of bottom quarks is much weaker compared to that of charm quarks in the medium, we first consider the impact of the interaction strength between charm and bottom quarks in QGP. We define
$ \Delta A = \sqrt{(\eta_Q-\eta_Q^0)^2+(\phi_Q-\phi_Q^0)^2} $
to quantify the angular deviation of the heavy quarks from their original moving directions during the in-medium propagation, where
$ \eta_Q^0 $ and$ \phi_Q^0 $ are the initial pseudorapidity and azimuthal angle of heavy quarks before entering the QGP medium. The angular deviation$ \Delta A $ directly represents the diffusion effect of the heavy quarks in the$ \eta-\phi $ plane due to collisional and radiative energy loss process in the QGP medium. In the top panel of Fig. 5, we calculate the angular deviation of charm and bottom quarks after the in medium modification as a function of their initial transverse momentum before energy loss in central Pb+Pb collision at$ \sqrt{s_{NN}} = $ 5.02 TeV. It is shown that diffusion strength decreases with the initial transverse momentum of heavy quarks, and the$ \Delta A $ of bottom quarks is smaller than that of charm quarks by nearly 20%-30%, as shown in the bottom panel of Fig. 5.Figure 5. (color online) Angular deviation (
$ \Delta A $ ) of charm and bottom quarks relative to their initial moving direction in the medium as a function of transverse momentum, and the ratio of charm to bottom was shown at the lower panel.To explore further the distinction between the medium modifications of bottom quarks and charm quarks radial distributions in jets, we now consider the impact of the initial angular distance between the heavy quarks and the jet axis since they are quite different for the case of D mesons and B mesons in jets in the same
$ p_T^Q $ region in p+p. We plot in Fig. 6 the final observed angular shift$ \Delta r = r-r_0 $ of both D mesons and B mesons in jets in 0-10% Pb+Pb collisions at$ \sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02 $ TeV as functions of their initial angular distance with the jet axis$ r_0 $ . We find the angular shift of the charm quark is stronger than that of the bottom quark even at the same$ r_0 $ , and that the closer the heavy flavor quark is initially distributed away from the jet axis, the larger the final observed angular shift$ \Delta r $ will be. From the knowledge of Fig. 1, at the same$ p_T^Q $ trigger, the charm quark is always distributed closer to the jet axis than the bottom quark; therefore, it will eventually further enhance the difference in angular shift$ \Delta r $ between D mesons and B mesons in jets observed in the final-state.Figure 6. (color online) Angular shift (
$ \Delta r = r-r_0 $ ) of charm and bottom quarks relative to the jet axis in the medium as a function of the initial angular distance to the jet axis ($ r_0 $ ).In the calculations
$ \hat{q} = q_0 (T/T_0)^3 $ is assumed, and we note that some possible non-perturbative non-conformal variations of$ \hat{q}(T,E) $ near the critical temperature$ T_{c} $ were suggested in recent studies [36,89]. It will be interesting to see how this non-conformal variation of$ \hat{q} $ influences the jet radial distribution in future studies, which may deepen our understanding of the QCD phase transition in the cross-over temperature range.
Radial profile of bottom quarks in jets in high-energy nuclear collisions
- Received Date: 2021-01-24
- Available Online: 2021-06-15
Abstract: Angular correlations between a heavy quark (HQ) and its tagged jet are potentially new tools to gain insight into the in-medium partonic interactions in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. In this work, we present the first theoretical study on the radial profiles of B mesons in jets in Pb+Pb collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The initial production of a bottom quark tagged jet in p+p is computed by SHERPA, which matches the next-to-leading order matrix elements with contributions of parton showers, whereas the massive quark traversing the quark-gluon plasma is described by a Monte Carlo model, SHELL, which can simultaneously simulate light and heavy flavor in-medium energy loss within the framework of Langevin evolution. In p+p collisions, we find that at lower