In the CDFT, the nucleons are considered to interact with each other by exchanging various mesons and photons [39-42, 94-98]. Starting from the ansatz of a standard Lagrangian density, which contains the degrees of freedom associated with the nucleon field, the meson fields, and the photon field, one can derive the corresponding Hamiltonian as
(1) where
ψ is the nucleon-field operator, andϕ denotes the meson-nucleon couplings, including the Lorentzσ -scalar (σ -S),ω -vector (ω -V),ρ -vector (ρ -V),ρ -tensor (ρ -T),ρ -vector-tensor (ρ -VT), andπ -pseudovector (π -PV) couplings, as well as the photon-vector (A-V) coupling. Here,Γϕ(x,y) andDϕ(x,y) are the interaction vertex and the propagator of a given meson-nucleon couplingϕ , respectively; their explicit expressions can be found in Refs. [78, 83, 84, 99-103]. Evidently, the photon field is not considered in the case of neutron drops.The nucleon-field operators,
ψ(x) andψ†(x) , can be expanded on a set of creation and annihilation operators defined by a complete set of Dirac spinors{φα(r)} , wherer denotes the spatial coordinate of x. In this work, the spherical symmetry is assumed. Then, the energy density functional can be obtained through the expectation value of the Hamiltonian on the trial Hartree-Fock state under the no-sea approximation [94]. Variations of the energy density functional with respect to the single-particle wave functions give the Dirac equations,∫dr′ˆh(r,r′)φ(r′)=εφ(r),
(2) where
ˆh(r,r′) is the single-particle Hamiltonian. In the RHF theory,ˆh(r,r′) contains the kinetic energyˆhK , the direct local potentialˆhD , and the exchange nonlocal potentialˆhE ; see Refs. [79, 83, 102, 104] for detailed expressions. Notice that the tensor force contributes only to the nonlocal potentials.For the RHF theory with density-dependent effective interactions, the meson-nucleon coupling strengths are taken as functions of the baryonic density
ρb . For convenience, here we explicitly present the density dependence of theπ -PV coupling, which readsfπ(ρb)=fπ(0)e−aπξ,
(3) where
ξ=ρb/ρsat. with the saturation density of the nuclear matterρsat. , andfπ(0) corresponds to the coupling strength at zero density. The coefficientaπ determines how fast the coupling strengthfπ decreases with the increasing density. The density dependence of the other meson-nucleon couplings can be found in Refs. [78, 84].The external field to keep neutron drops bound is chosen as a harmonic oscillator (HO) potential as
(4) with
ℏω=10MeV . It is worth noticing that the choice of the external field here is not completely arbitrary, but is optimal, as specifically discussed in Ref. [91].In Ref. [89], the tensor force in each meson-nucleon coupling was identified through the nonrelativistic reduction. They can be expressed uniformly as
(5) where
mϕ is the meson mass,q is the momentum transfer, andS12 is the operator of the tensor force in the momentum space, which readsS12≡(σ1⋅q)(σ2⋅q)−13(σ1⋅σ2)q2.
(6) The coefficient
Fϕ associated with a given meson-nucleon coupling reflects the sign and the rough strength of the tensor force, as listed in Table 1 of Ref. [89].The method to quantitatively evaluate the contributions of the tensor force was also established in Ref. [89]. Using this method, one can first calculate the tensor-force contributions to the two-body interaction matrix elements; the explicit formulae are referred to Appendix C in Ref. [89]. Then, the contributions of the tensor force to the nonlocal potential can be obtained, and eventually, its contributions to the single-particle energies are quantitatively extracted.
First, we calculate the binding energies and radii of neutron drops with the neutron number N from 4 to 50 using the RHF theory with the effective interaction PKO1 [78], as shown in Table 1. The effective interaction PKO1 is the first widely used RHF functional with density-dependent meson-nucleon coupling strengths. It has produced good descriptions for finite nuclei and nuclear matter, comparable with those of the RMF functionals. In particular, the tensor force is explicitly taken into account in PKO1, owing to the inclusion of the Fock terms of the relevant meson-nucleon couplings. The comparison between the energies and the radii of neutron drops given by the RBHF calculation with the interaction Bonn A and those by the RHF calculation with PKO1 has been presented in Ref. [68].
N E /MeV r /fm PKO1 PKO1n.t. PKO1 PKO1n.t. 4 60.679 60.518 2.527 2.526 6 93.123 92.629 2.589 2.593 8 125.681 125.680 2.703 2.703 10 175.632 175.518 2.836 2.836 12 223.301 222.924 2.921 2.923 14 268.870 268.180 2.981 2.987 16 316.018 315.445 3.067 3.074 18 365.329 365.206 3.150 3.151 20 414.085 414.084 3.216 3.216 22 477.173 477.112 3.281 3.281 24 539.286 539.075 3.336 3.337 26 600.468 600.065 3.383 3.386 28 660.757 660.163 3.425 3.430 30 725.978 725.415 3.485 3.491 32 790.552 790.090 3.538 3.546 34 858.068 857.635 3.594 3.598 36 925.387 924.758 3.644 3.646 38 992.335 992.686 3.692 3.692 40 1059.237 1059.236 3.733 3.733 42 1137.216 1137.188 3.770 3.770 44 1214.829 1214.734 3.805 3.805 46 1292.080 1291.902 3.837 3.838 48 1368.977 1368.722 3.867 3.869 50 1445.527 1445.220 3.895 3.899 Table 1. Binding energies and radii of neutron drops calculated by the RHF theory with the effective interaction PKO1 [78], compared with the results without the tensor force (denoted by PKO1n.t.). See the text for more details.
Here, we also calculate the energies and radii of neutron drops with PKO1 without the tensor force, i.e., the contribution of the tensor force to the nonlocal mean field is excluded in each step of the iteration before convergence is reached, using the method proposed in Ref. [89]. The results are shown in Table 1 and compared with the results of the full calculation with PKO1. It is evident that the results with and without the tensor force are close together, which means that the tensor-force contributions to the energies and radii of neutron drops are negligible. In particular, the contributions of the tensor force almost vanish in the neutron drops with spin saturation, namely
N=8 ,20 , and40 . This is in agreement with the common understanding of the properties of the tensor force [2, 4].The single-particle energies of neutron drops as a function of the neutron number N, calculated by the RBHF theory using the interaction Bonn A, are shown in Fig. 10 in Ref. [68]. In general, the single-particle energies calculated by the RHF theory (which are not explicitly shown here for simplicity) reproduce the results using the RBHF theory well for states near the Fermi energy. However, for those far away from the Fermi energy, the differences between the results of the two models are remarkable. It is known that the value of single-particle energy is determined by various components of the nuclear force, such as the central force and the SO force. In contrast, the evolution of SO splittings is mainly determined by the tensor force and largely free from the other components [2]. Thus, the evolution of SO splittings, rather than the single-particle energies themselves, should be adopted as a benchmark for the tensor force. As a typical representative, the relative change of SO splittings from the neutron-proton drop
4020 (Z=20 ,N=20 ) to4820 one (Z=20 ,N=28 ), calculated by the RBHF theory using the Bonn A interaction, is employed to determine the tensor term in the Skyrme interactions [21].Displayed in Fig. 1 are the SO splittings of doublets
1p ,1d ,1f , and2p in neutron drops, calculated using both the RMF and RHF theories. The results of the RBHF theory obtained using the Bonn A interaction [74] are also shown for comparison, serving as the meta-data. One can see that the meta-data present a nontrivial pattern: the SO splittings vary monotonously and even linearly between the neighboring (sub)shellsN=8 ,14 ,20 ,28 ,40 , and50 . Such a feature arises from the characteristic spin-dependent properties of the tensor force, as pointed out in Ref. [74].Figure 1. (color online) From top to bottom, the SO splittings of doublets
1p ,1d ,1f , and2p in neutron drops. The results are calculated using the RHF theory with the effective interactions PKO1 [78], PKO2 [9], and PKA1 [84], as well as using the RMF theory with PKDD [105]. The results of RBHF [74] with the Bonn A interaction are shown as meta-data. The contributions of the HO potential in the RMF calculation with PKDD are also presented, denoted as “HO (PKDD).”For the calculation with PKDD [105], which is an RMF functional with density-dependent meson-nucleon coupling strengths, the results are evidently far away from the meta-data. This is mainly because of the absence of the explicit tensor force in the framework of RMF [9, 74], due to the lack of the Fock term. As a typical representative of the RHF effective interactions, PKO1 [78] reproduces the pattern of meta-data qualitatively, which is attributed to the tensor force in the
π -PV coupling [74]. Interestingly, even though the tensor force is explicitly involved in PKO2 [9] and PKA1 [84], their results obviously deviate from the meta-data. In fact, the results of PKO2 and PKA1 are similar to that of PKDD rather than PKO1. To understand this phenomenon, one needs to examine the details of the tensor force arising from each meson-nucleon coupling, which are identified in Ref. [89].Among all the meson-nucleon couplings involved in the current RHF effective interactions, only the
π -PV coupling produces a tensor force that matches the properties of spin dependence revealed in Ref. [4], i.e., it is repulsive (attractive) when the two interacting nucleons are parallel (antiparallel) in their spin states. The tensor forces in the other couplings are opposite to that in theπ -PV coupling in sign, as shown in Table 2 of Ref. [89]. Meanwhile, it has been shown that the tensor force in theπ -PV coupling dominates those in the other couplings. Thus, for PKO2, where theπ -PV coupling is absent, the tensor force mainly comes from theω -V coupling. This means that the sign of the net tensor-force contribution in PKO2 is opposite to that in PKO1. That is why PKO2 cannot reproduce the pattern given by RBHF, even qualitatively. PKA1 contains not only all the meson-nucleon couplings involved in the PKO series but also theρ -T andρ -VT couplings, which create tensor forces with considerable strengths. As mentioned above, the tensor-force contributions arising from these two couplings, partially cancel the corresponding contributions from theπ -PV coupling. Therefore, PKA1 gives worse description of the meta-data than PKO1 does.It is noticeable that the RMF effective interaction PKDD also presents some kinks. To elucidate where these kinks arise from, we calculate the contributions of the external HO potential, denoted as “HO (PKDD)” in Fig. 1. By comparing the results of PKDD and “HO (PKDD),” one can find that the kinks given by PKDD are determined by the external HO potential. This also explains why the results given by different RMF effective interactions are so similar to each other, as shown in Fig. 2 of Ref. [74]. Definitely, the external potential can also affect the shell structure given by the RHF effective interactions.
It has been shown that the meta-data can be better reproduced by PKO1 when the coupling strength of
π -PV is enhanced properly [68, 74]. Actually, the RHF effective interaction PKO3 [9], which contains the same kinds of meson-nucleon couplings as PKO1 but slightly strongerπ -PV coupling strength, can also provide a comparable description of the meta-data. According to the previous works and the discussion above, it can be shown that theπ -PV coupling, essentially the embedded tensor force, plays a crucial role in determining the evolutionary trend of the SO splittings in neutron drops. Nevertheless, all these analyses regarding the tensor-force effects are intuitive to some extent, while the quantitative investigation is missing.Since the tensor forces arise from only the exchange terms of the relevant meson-nucleon couplings, we first calculate the contributions of the exchange term of each meson-nucleon coupling to the SO splittings of
1p and1d doublets. The results are shown in Fig. 2. It can be seen that the evolution of the SO splittings calculated by PKO1 (black filled circles) is mainly determined by the contributions of the exchange terms (red triangles with cross). When the contribution of the exchange terms is excluded, i.e., simply subtracted from the results of the full calculation, the trend (black open circles) becomes almost the same as that given by PKDD shown in Fig. 1. Here, we remind that PKDD is an RMF effective interaction, which does not contain the exchange terms. Remarkably, the pattern given by the exchange term of theπ -PV coupling (blue open stars) is almost the same as that by the total exchange term. The combined contributions of the exchange terms of theσ -S andω -V couplings (green open triangles) are also considerable; however, in general, they are not considerably decisive for the kinks as those of theπ -PV coupling. The contributions of theρ -V coupling are negligible because of the small coupling strength.Figure 2. (color online) Contributions of the exchange terms to the SO splittings of
1p and1d doublets in neutron drops, calculated by the RHF theory with the effective interaction PKO1. For comparison, the total SO splittings, the contributions of the tensor force from theπ -PV coupling, and the results without the contribution of the Fock terms are also shown. See the text for more details.It is well known that the
π -PV coupling contains not only the tensor force but also central components. Thus, it is of particular significance to quantitatively evaluate the contributions of the tensor force from theπ -PV coupling. We calculate the tensor-force contributions using the method developed in Ref. [89]. The results are also shown in Fig. 2, denoted by the blue filled stars, which are almost hidden behind the blue open stars. One can find that the contributions of theπ -PV coupling are almost totally determined by the tensor force, whereas the role of the central force is negligible. In other words, theπ -PV coupling affects the evolutionary trend almost fully through the embedded tensor force. We thus certify quantitatively that it is reasonable to explore the tensor-force effects by varying theπ -PV coupling in previous works.It is notable that, in both the RHF and RBHF calculations, the filling approximation is adopted, i.e., the last occupied levels are partially occupied with equal probabilities for the degenerate states. Such an approximation may affect the levels which are not fully occupied but does not affect the neutron drops with closed (sub)shells. If we consider only the neutron drops with closed (sub)shells, i.e., those with
N=8 ,14 ,20 ,28 ,40 , and50 , we can avoid the distraction from the filling approximation. Here, we define the slope of the SO splittings in neutron drops with respect to the neutron numbers asLN1−N2=ΔEs.o.(N2)−ΔEs.o.(N1)N2−N1,
(7) where
ΔEs.o.(N) is the SO splitting in the neutron drop with the neutron number N. For the neutron drops with closed (sub)shells, the combination of (N1 -N2 ) has the following choices: (8 -14 ), (14 -20 ), (20 -28 ), (28 -40 ), and (40 -50 ). Following the strategy proposed in Ref. [74], i.e., multiplying thefπ(0) in PKO1 by a factorλ (λ>1.0 ), we calculate once again the SO splittings in neutron drops. Then, we obtain the slopes defined above for different SO doublets and the root-mean-square (rms) deviations (denoted byΔ ) with respect to the RBHF results asΔ=√∑i(LRHFi−LRBHFi)210,
(8) where
LRHFi (LRBHFi ) is the slope calculated by the RHF (RBHF) theory, and i runs over all the possible combinations of (N1 -N2 ) for different SO doublets. The results are presented in the upper half of Table 2. It can be seen thatλ=1.42 gives the smallestΔ among the values ofλ , which is0.0362MeV . This, in general, agrees with the conclusion in Ref. [74].fπ→λfπ λ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.42 1.5 1.6 Δ 0.0909 0.0758 0.0601 0.0456 0.0366 0.0362 0.0402 0.0561 aπ→ηaπ η 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.33 0.3 0.2 0.1 Δ 0.0645 0.0543 0.0439 0.0356 0.0334 0.0341 0.0441 0.0643 Table 2. The rms deviations
Δ (in the unit ofMeV ) of the slope of the SO splittings between the neighboring (sub)shells. The upper panel gives the results of PKO1 withfπ(0) multiplied by a factorλ (λ>1.0 ); the lower panel gives the results of similar calculations but withaπ multiplied by a factorη (0.0<η<1.0 ). The optimal values ofλ andη as well as the correspondingΔ are shown in bold font. See the text for more details.To present a clearer comparison, we consider the results of
λ=1.0 ,1.2 ,1.4 , and1.6 as examples and display them in Fig. 3. One can find that the results ofλ=1.2 are slightly closer to the meta-data compared with the original PKO1. The meta-data can be reproduced better whenλ=1.4 , which is quite close to the optimal value of1.42 . Ifλ becomes significantly larger, the results get worse in general. Accordingly, it can be seen that the results ofλ=1.6 evidently deviate from the meta-data.Figure 3. (color online) From top to bottom, the SO splittings of doublets
1p ,1d ,1f , and2p in neutron drops. The calculations are performed by the RHF theory with the effective interaction PKO1, of which theπ -PV coupling strengthfπ(0) is multiplied by a factorλ (λ=1.0 ,1.2 ,1.4 , and1.6 ). The results of RBHF obtained using the Bonn A interaction are also shown for comparison.In addition to the strength of the tensor force, the properties of the tensor force in nuclear medium is also of great interests and still under discussion [2]. It has been argued that the bare tensor force does not undergo significant renormalization in the medium, which is denoted as the tensor renormalization persistency [92, 93]. In other words, the effective tensor force would be similar to the bare one. If this is true, one could also anticipate to verify such a property in the framework of DFT. Within the RHF theory with density-dependent effective interactions, the renormalization can be, to a large extent, reflected by the density dependence of the coupling strengths. Minor renormalization can naturally manifest as weak density dependence. For the
π -PV coupling, which serves as the main carrier of the tensor force, tensor renormalization persistency requires that the coefficient of density dependenceaπ should be small, as indicated by Eq. (3). In our previous work [102], we have shown that weakening the density dependence of theπ -PV coupling, i.e., reducingaπ , can improve the description of the shell-structure evolution in theN=82 isotones and theZ=50 isotopes more efficiently, compared with enlargingfπ(0) with a factor. Inevitably, the beyond-mean-field correlations in the experimental single-particle energies make the comparison with the results on the mean-field level ambiguous. With the meta-data given by the RBHF theory, which are also on the pure mean-field level, we can further explore the tensor renormalization persistency in a more convincing way.Aiming at this goal, we recalculate the SO splittings in neutron drops with the RHF theory using PKO1, but the coefficient of density dependence
aπ is multiplied by a factorη (0.0<η<1.0 ). We present in the lower half of Table 2 the rms deviations of the slope of the SO splittings between the neighboring (sub)shells. One can see that the smallest deviation is obtained whenη=0.33 , which is0.0334MeV . We also find that the minimum value ofΔ for modification withη is smaller than that withλ , which means that the modification withη is more adequate. Thus, one can conclude that weakening the density dependence is an available and efficient way to improve the description of the evolution of SO splittings. It should be stressed that this conclusion is reached by the comparison between the CDFT calculation and ab initio one, both of which belong to the pure mean-field level. Even though we did not perform a complete refitting procedure yet, we indeed provided a semiquantitative support for the renormalization persistency of the tensor force.To illustrate the discussion above more clearly, the results with
η=0.0 ,0.3 ,0.6 , and0.9 are considered as examples and shown in Fig. 4, in comparison with the RBHF results. It can be seen that a smalleraπ , which means weaker density dependence, gives a better description of the evolution of SO splittings. Whenη=0.3 , which is quite close to the optimal value of0.33 , the meta-data are reproduced quite well. Ifη is too small, the results become visibly worse. Eventually, whenη=0.0 , the deviation from the meta-data is much more significant.Figure 4. (color online) Similar to Fig. 3, but
aπ is multiplied by a factorη (η=0.9 ,0.6 ,0.3 , and0.0 ).
N | E /MeV | r /fm | |||
PKO1 | PKO1n.t. | PKO1 | PKO1n.t. | ||
4 | 60.679 | 60.518 | 2.527 | 2.526 | |
6 | 93.123 | 92.629 | 2.589 | 2.593 | |
8 | 125.681 | 125.680 | 2.703 | 2.703 | |
10 | 175.632 | 175.518 | 2.836 | 2.836 | |
12 | 223.301 | 222.924 | 2.921 | 2.923 | |
14 | 268.870 | 268.180 | 2.981 | 2.987 | |
16 | 316.018 | 315.445 | 3.067 | 3.074 | |
18 | 365.329 | 365.206 | 3.150 | 3.151 | |
20 | 414.085 | 414.084 | 3.216 | 3.216 | |
22 | 477.173 | 477.112 | 3.281 | 3.281 | |
24 | 539.286 | 539.075 | 3.336 | 3.337 | |
26 | 600.468 | 600.065 | 3.383 | 3.386 | |
28 | 660.757 | 660.163 | 3.425 | 3.430 | |
30 | 725.978 | 725.415 | 3.485 | 3.491 | |
32 | 790.552 | 790.090 | 3.538 | 3.546 | |
34 | 858.068 | 857.635 | 3.594 | 3.598 | |
36 | 925.387 | 924.758 | 3.644 | 3.646 | |
38 | 992.335 | 992.686 | 3.692 | 3.692 | |
40 | 1059.237 | 1059.236 | 3.733 | 3.733 | |
42 | 1137.216 | 1137.188 | 3.770 | 3.770 | |
44 | 1214.829 | 1214.734 | 3.805 | 3.805 | |
46 | 1292.080 | 1291.902 | 3.837 | 3.838 | |
48 | 1368.977 | 1368.722 | 3.867 | 3.869 | |
50 | 1445.527 | 1445.220 | 3.895 | 3.899 |