Exploring neutrino mass and mass hierarchy in the scenario of vacuum energy interacting with cold dark matter

  • We investigate the constraints on total neutrino mass in the scenario of vacuum energy interacting with cold dark matter. We focus on two typical interaction forms, i.e., Q=βHρc and Q=βHρ. To avoid the occurrence of large-scale instability in interacting dark energy cosmology, we adopt the parameterized post-Friedmann approach to calculate the perturbation evolution of dark energy. We employ observational data, including the Planck cosmic microwave background temperature and polarization data, baryon acoustic oscillation data, a JLA sample of type Ia supernovae observation, direct measurement of the Hubble constant, and redshift space distortion data. We find that, compared with those in the ∧CDM model, much looser constraints on ∑mν are obtained in the Q=βHρc model, whereas slightly tighter constraints are obtained in the Q=βHρ model. Consideration of the possible mass hierarchies of neutrinos reveals that the smallest upper limit of ∑mν appears in the degenerate hierarchy case. By comparing the values of χmin2, we find that the normal hierarchy case is favored over the inverted one. In particular, we find that the difference △χmin2 ≡ χIH; min2NH; min2 > 2 in the Q=βHρc model. In addition, we find that β=0 is consistent with the current observations in the Q=βHρc model, and β < 0 is favored at more than the 1σ level in the Q=βHρ model.
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Rui-Yun Guo, Jing-Fei Zhang and Xin Zhang. Exploring neutrino mass and mass hierarchy in the scenario of vacuum energy interacting with cold dark matter[J]. Chinese Physics C, 2018, 42(9): 095103. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/42/9/095103
Rui-Yun Guo, Jing-Fei Zhang and Xin Zhang. Exploring neutrino mass and mass hierarchy in the scenario of vacuum energy interacting with cold dark matter[J]. Chinese Physics C, 2018, 42(9): 095103.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/42/9/095103 shu
Received: 2018-03-30
Revised: 2018-06-15

    Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11522540, 11690021), the Top-Notch Young Talents Program of China and the Provincial Department of Education of Liaoning (L2012087)

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Exploring neutrino mass and mass hierarchy in the scenario of vacuum energy interacting with cold dark matter

    Corresponding author: Xin Zhang,
  • 1.  Department of Physics, College of Sciences, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China
  • 2. Department of Physics, College of Sciences, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China
  • 3. Center for High Energy Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100080, China
Fund Project:  Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11522540, 11690021), the Top-Notch Young Talents Program of China and the Provincial Department of Education of Liaoning (L2012087)

Abstract: We investigate the constraints on total neutrino mass in the scenario of vacuum energy interacting with cold dark matter. We focus on two typical interaction forms, i.e., Q=βHρc and Q=βHρ. To avoid the occurrence of large-scale instability in interacting dark energy cosmology, we adopt the parameterized post-Friedmann approach to calculate the perturbation evolution of dark energy. We employ observational data, including the Planck cosmic microwave background temperature and polarization data, baryon acoustic oscillation data, a JLA sample of type Ia supernovae observation, direct measurement of the Hubble constant, and redshift space distortion data. We find that, compared with those in the ∧CDM model, much looser constraints on ∑mν are obtained in the Q=βHρc model, whereas slightly tighter constraints are obtained in the Q=βHρ model. Consideration of the possible mass hierarchies of neutrinos reveals that the smallest upper limit of ∑mν appears in the degenerate hierarchy case. By comparing the values of χmin2, we find that the normal hierarchy case is favored over the inverted one. In particular, we find that the difference △χmin2 ≡ χIH; min2NH; min2 > 2 in the Q=βHρc model. In addition, we find that β=0 is consistent with the current observations in the Q=βHρc model, and β < 0 is favored at more than the 1σ level in the Q=βHρ model.


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