Nuclear structure and decay modes of Ra isotopes within an axially deformed relativistic mean field model

  • We examine the structural properties and half-life decay of Ra isotopes within the axially deformed Relativistic Mean-Field (RMF) theory with NL3 force parameters. We work out the binding energy (BE), RMS radii, two-neutron separation energies (S2n), and some other observables. The results are in good agreement with the finite-range droplet model (FRDM) and experimental results. Considering the possibility of neutron magic number, the α-decay and cluster decay half-lives of Ra isotopes are calculated systematically using the Q-values obtained from the RMF formalism. These decay half-life calculations are carried out by taking three different empirical formulae. The calculated decay half-lives are found to be highly sensitive to the choice of Q-values. Possible shell or sub-shell closures are found at daughter nuclei with N=128 and N=126 when alpha and 8Be, 12C, 18O respectively are emitted from Ra isotopes. Though the cluster radioactivity is affected by the shell closure of parent and daughter, a long half-life indicates the stability of the parent, and a small parent half-life indicates that the shell stability of the daughter against decay.
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Rashmirekha Swain, S. K. Patra and B. B. Sahu. Nuclear structure and decay modes of Ra isotopes within an axially deformed relativistic mean field model[J]. Chinese Physics C, 2018, 42(8): 084102. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/42/8/084102
Rashmirekha Swain, S. K. Patra and B. B. Sahu. Nuclear structure and decay modes of Ra isotopes within an axially deformed relativistic mean field model[J]. Chinese Physics C, 2018, 42(8): 084102.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/42/8/084102 shu
Received: 2018-04-22

    Supported by Project No. SR/FTP/PS-106/2013, SERB, DST, Govt. of India

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Nuclear structure and decay modes of Ra isotopes within an axially deformed relativistic mean field model

  • 1.  School of Applied Sciences, KⅡT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar-751024, Odisha, India
  • 2.  Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar-751005, India
Fund Project:  Supported by Project No. SR/FTP/PS-106/2013, SERB, DST, Govt. of India

Abstract: We examine the structural properties and half-life decay of Ra isotopes within the axially deformed Relativistic Mean-Field (RMF) theory with NL3 force parameters. We work out the binding energy (BE), RMS radii, two-neutron separation energies (S2n), and some other observables. The results are in good agreement with the finite-range droplet model (FRDM) and experimental results. Considering the possibility of neutron magic number, the α-decay and cluster decay half-lives of Ra isotopes are calculated systematically using the Q-values obtained from the RMF formalism. These decay half-life calculations are carried out by taking three different empirical formulae. The calculated decay half-lives are found to be highly sensitive to the choice of Q-values. Possible shell or sub-shell closures are found at daughter nuclei with N=128 and N=126 when alpha and 8Be, 12C, 18O respectively are emitted from Ra isotopes. Though the cluster radioactivity is affected by the shell closure of parent and daughter, a long half-life indicates the stability of the parent, and a small parent half-life indicates that the shell stability of the daughter against decay.


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