Dynamical interactions of dark energy and dark matter: Yang-Mills condensate and QCD axions

  • We analyze a model of cold axion dark matter weakly coupled with a dark gluon condensate, reproducing dark energy. We first review how to recover the dark energy behavior using the functional renormalization group approach, and ground our study in the properties of the effective Lagrangian, to be determined non-perturbatively. Then, within the context of GSM×SU(2)D×U(1)PQ, we consider Yang-Mills condensate (YMC) interactions with QCD axions. We predict a transfer of dark energy density into dark matter density, that can be tested in the next generation of experiments dedicated to dark energy measurements. We obtain new bounds on the interactions between the Yang-Mills condensate and axion dark matter from Planck data:the new physics interaction scale related to the axion/gluon condensate mixing is constrained to be higher than the 106 GeV energy scale.
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Andrea Addazi, Pietro Donà and Antonino Marcianò. Dynamical interactions of dark energy and dark matter: Yang-Mills condensate and QCD axions[J]. Chinese Physics C, 2018, 42(7): 075102. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/42/7/075102
Andrea Addazi, Pietro Donà and Antonino Marcianò. Dynamical interactions of dark energy and dark matter: Yang-Mills condensate and QCD axions[J]. Chinese Physics C, 2018, 42(7): 075102.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/42/7/075102 shu
Received: 2018-03-16

    Supported by the Shanghai Municipality (KBH1512299) and Fudan University (JJH1512105)

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Dynamical interactions of dark energy and dark matter: Yang-Mills condensate and QCD axions

  • 1.  Department of Physics &
Fund Project:  Supported by the Shanghai Municipality (KBH1512299) and Fudan University (JJH1512105)

Abstract: We analyze a model of cold axion dark matter weakly coupled with a dark gluon condensate, reproducing dark energy. We first review how to recover the dark energy behavior using the functional renormalization group approach, and ground our study in the properties of the effective Lagrangian, to be determined non-perturbatively. Then, within the context of GSM×SU(2)D×U(1)PQ, we consider Yang-Mills condensate (YMC) interactions with QCD axions. We predict a transfer of dark energy density into dark matter density, that can be tested in the next generation of experiments dedicated to dark energy measurements. We obtain new bounds on the interactions between the Yang-Mills condensate and axion dark matter from Planck data:the new physics interaction scale related to the axion/gluon condensate mixing is constrained to be higher than the 106 GeV energy scale.


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