Islands of stability and quasi-magic numbers for super-and ultra-heavy nuclei

  • In the framework of Strutinsky's approach, we calculated the shell and the residual pairing correction energies for 5569 even-even nuclei in the range 72≤Z≤282 and 96≤N≤540. Quasi-magic numbers and deformed islands of stability that reside in a range defined by Green's formula and the two-neutrons drip line are introduced. We present 36 quasi-magic proton and 53 quasi-magic neutron magic numbers that contribute to the formation of 133 deformed islands of stability along the N-Z space. The quasi-magic proton and neutron magic numbers volatile as the mass number increases and other magic numbers take over. Consequently, the deformed islands of stability fail to exhibit a pattern along the search space covered.
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M. Ismail, A. Y. Ellithi, A. Adel and Hisham Anwer. Islands of stability and quasi-magic numbers for super-and ultra-heavy nuclei[J]. Chinese Physics C, 2016, 40(12): 124102. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/40/12/124102
M. Ismail, A. Y. Ellithi, A. Adel and Hisham Anwer. Islands of stability and quasi-magic numbers for super-and ultra-heavy nuclei[J]. Chinese Physics C, 2016, 40(12): 124102.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/40/12/124102 shu
Received: 2016-07-12
Revised: 2016-09-07
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Islands of stability and quasi-magic numbers for super-and ultra-heavy nuclei

    Corresponding author: Hisham Anwer,
  • 1.  Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt
  • 2. Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt
  • 3. Physics Department, College of Science, Majmaah University, Al-Zulfi, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • 4. Physics Department, German University in Cairo, New Cairo City, Egypt

Abstract: In the framework of Strutinsky's approach, we calculated the shell and the residual pairing correction energies for 5569 even-even nuclei in the range 72≤Z≤282 and 96≤N≤540. Quasi-magic numbers and deformed islands of stability that reside in a range defined by Green's formula and the two-neutrons drip line are introduced. We present 36 quasi-magic proton and 53 quasi-magic neutron magic numbers that contribute to the formation of 133 deformed islands of stability along the N-Z space. The quasi-magic proton and neutron magic numbers volatile as the mass number increases and other magic numbers take over. Consequently, the deformed islands of stability fail to exhibit a pattern along the search space covered.


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