Flavor violating Higgs signals in the Texturized Two-Higgs Doublet Model (THDM-Tx)

  • Flavor violating Higgs signals, such as the top FCNC decay t→ch0 and the LFV Higgs decay h0→τμ, have been studied at the LHC. These signals can arise within the general Two-Higgs Doublet Model (THDM), where each Higgs doublet couples to all fermion types through Yukawa matrices Y1f and Y2f. The Yukawa matrices can be assumed to have the same form or they could have different structures. In this paper we study the case when both Y1f and Y2f have completely different forms, but in such a way that they complement to produce a specific hermitian mass matrix. We find that for specific four-zero textures, the flavor violating Higgs couplings depend only on the free parameters tan β, γf and the fermion masses. We use the current bounds on the low energy processes to derive constraints on the heavy Higgs boson mass, tan β and γf. Then, we use these constraints to evaluate the LFV Higgs decays, which reach branching ratios that could be tested at the LHC.
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M. A. Arroyo-Ureña, J. Lorenzo Diaz-Cruz, Enrique Díaz and Javier A. Orduz-Ducuara. Flavor violating Higgs signals in the Texturized Two-Higgs Doublet Model (THDM-Tx)[J]. Chinese Physics C, 2016, 40(12): 123103. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/40/12/123103
M. A. Arroyo-Ureña, J. Lorenzo Diaz-Cruz, Enrique Díaz and Javier A. Orduz-Ducuara. Flavor violating Higgs signals in the Texturized Two-Higgs Doublet Model (THDM-Tx)[J]. Chinese Physics C, 2016, 40(12): 123103.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/40/12/123103 shu
Received: 2016-04-20
Revised: 2016-08-04
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Flavor violating Higgs signals in the Texturized Two-Higgs Doublet Model (THDM-Tx)

Abstract: Flavor violating Higgs signals, such as the top FCNC decay t→ch0 and the LFV Higgs decay h0→τμ, have been studied at the LHC. These signals can arise within the general Two-Higgs Doublet Model (THDM), where each Higgs doublet couples to all fermion types through Yukawa matrices Y1f and Y2f. The Yukawa matrices can be assumed to have the same form or they could have different structures. In this paper we study the case when both Y1f and Y2f have completely different forms, but in such a way that they complement to produce a specific hermitian mass matrix. We find that for specific four-zero textures, the flavor violating Higgs couplings depend only on the free parameters tan β, γf and the fermion masses. We use the current bounds on the low energy processes to derive constraints on the heavy Higgs boson mass, tan β and γf. Then, we use these constraints to evaluate the LFV Higgs decays, which reach branching ratios that could be tested at the LHC.


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