Doublet bands in 128La and systematic features of energy separationof doublet bands observed in the A~130 mass region
- Received Date: 2012-05-21
- Accepted Date: 1900-01-01
- Available Online: 2013-04-05
Abstract: High spin states of 128La have been studied through the fusion-evaporation reaction 118Sn(14N, 4n)128La at a beam energy of 69 MeV. A positive-parity side band with the same configuration as that of the yrast band has been identified. Moreover, it is noted that the energy separation ΔE(I)=E(I)side-E(I)yrast of all doublet bands reported in odd-odd nuclei in the A~130 mass region exhibit a staggering pattern systematically, and they stagger up at even-spin and stagger down at odd-spin.